Has a girl ever sent you nudes?
AS IN she thought of you and got naked for YOUR pleasure, and not because she had pics saved from sending other guys.
Has a girl ever sent you nudes?
AS IN she thought of you and got naked for YOUR pleasure, and not because she had pics saved from sending other guys.
Most I got was my oneitis to do an ahegao face.
>be me
>send nudes to girl
>she screenshots
>get nudes back
>500 results
yes and she was married
I had an e-gf for 3 months. She'd tease me with pics while I was at work. We'd send pics and sex talk in the evening. She was a switch who would get off on the thought of making me cum as many times as possible, but she'd also be submissive and do poses I requested.
Best time of my life until she ghosted me on my birthday. Never met her in real life. Although she probably has bpd so it would've never worked out.
Once - from a woman I ERP'd with.
>has a girl ever send you nudes
I have never had a women send me any kind of romantic messages, much less nudes. So no.
constantly... some of which I got through showing my dick and sexting basically and some I got from larping... the best was a fucking video by a naked 10/10 in a bathtub, still jerk off to it today and I wasn't larping in that convo, so sad that she lived 200km away and I have a dumb schedule
Before anyone accuses me of chad get out ree, I'm a 28yo kv..
I girl I had added on Snapchat but have no idea who she is sent me a picture of her boobs once asking me to rate them. I figured she sent it to the wrong person and never replied. Plus they were bad boobs.
A bunch of them on discord and omegle
Still a virgin though
A girl hasn't looked in my general direction yet.
Post some in an original manner please
No, never
This post was made original by lootcrate (tm)
why do I get so upset and angry from pictures like this? I'm not even a virgin and this shit makes me mad
To OP question, yeah once she was insane but actually sent me a video of her masturbating with her face in it too, she has such big tits, shame she never wanted to meet me irl, I miss her
got pity nudes once from a girl I was mad crushing on
how the fuck do you niggas talk to girls AND get nudes off them?
didn't know there were so many normalfags here
From 4 or 5 different, good looking girls and taken specifically for me. I'm alone and miserable in the end though.
You still believe what you see written in here?
this girl is unironically disgusting.
yes i have gotten nudes before, i have had a few gfs unlike you brainlet virgins
I am and met the girl on a game years ago. We had chill conversations before she even told me she was a girl (so no attention whore about it). Added each other on fb, had a lot in common and she initiated the lewd stuff.
First girl I ever met who was glad to know I had no experience with women and thus no STD or anything.
Yes plenty, some from some girls I met online and a couple from my gf now.
Yeah I had an indonesian e gf for a while who sent me nudes all the time
Am I a radical, bad person if I think everybody who has ever used some stupid fucking snapchat filter like i OPs pic, should instantly be executed by a bullet to the back of the head?
Post pics or it never happened fag
Never had.
If you have, I'm not sure where you belong but it's certainly not on r9k.
Yes, four times.
Yea, but in the end I am still single, miserable and virgin
you act like that's not a big deal, i can't even get my oneitis to message me
They usually have plenty of nudes saved of their phone. It's pretty rare that they'll actually take the time to send you and just you nudes. Only difference is who gets to see them first.
One time a girl sent me a picture meant for her boyfriend (now husband) on Snapchat.
It wasn't a nude per se but it had an amorous air about it.
Stop ruining pure internet girls, losers
Yes, pic related.
I'm still sexting her, have been for a while. The bruises and marks are from me.
>implying I'd use IG/SC
pathetic normies
Had a few.
1 Korean girl sent me a picture of her butt and brown snatch.
1 Vietnamese girl sent me her tits when she was in New York visiting family.
1 Viet girl sent me a pic of her hairy vagina and brown nipple tits.
Yeah, pic related. Mommy milkies.
Can't say I ever have, can't say I ever tried.
You seem to know a number of Asian women, how'd you meet them?
Wow, that girl takes the idea of "milk cow" to a whole new level
>have Snapchat installed on phone for over 3 years
>never had a female added
How do you people do it
You don't know the half of it. I miss her.
Yes actually and quite a few actually most from online and quite a few from irl
Mostly through friends of friends. The korean girl i met playing maplestory.
>We had chill conversations before she even told me she was a girl (so no attention whore about it). Added each other on fb, had a lot in common and she initiated the lewd stuff.
Why did you fall for a BPD girl? This is a common pattern.
not nudes, just in underwear though.
the truth is, i never asked for them.
I've had sex with 17 girls and never gotten nudes. Guess I suck at that department.
One of many of some girl I knew from Kik years ago
Jesus Christ this board has truly devolved to normalshits being all over it.
It bothers me that normals feel no shame in whom they are
Your kind is the invading cancer, go back to your incel sites.
No. And it will never happen.
suck my dick dumb incel shit
I have never asked for nudes but several girls have still sent them. Many girls will do it without asking if they like you.
Yes, actually, but she was a megaperv who liked watching me masturbate. She liked to just sit naked and watch me do it, then she'd do it after I left the room. We did more vanilla shit too, but that was her favorite.
This is Jow Forums you fucking tard cockgoblin
no the last time I spoke to a girl was before smartphones were invented and it wasnt as common back then
The real bpd girls are good at hiding it until you're in too deep.
Protip: BPD just means you've fallen for a thot. It's not real, you're just a dumb loser.
This is Jow Forums not incels.me or whatever your current site is.
This is true, although for me she wasn't so much a thot, just an emotional manipulator. Never cucked me and was incredibly loyal, but also super clingy and hated whenever I did things outside of our relationship. I had anger issues at the time though, so the relationship was toxic for the both of us.
>Never cucked me and was incredibly loyal, but also super clingy and hated whenever I did things outside of our relationship.
How is any of that bad?
Nope, never. I guess it is better this way.
I was calling her fat user, for her body weight tits should be much bigger
Oh she's fat alright.
Fucking pig disgusting
Like I said, she allotted me no independence, didn't like my pursuits or goals, and could go from being the sweet girlfriend who makes sandwiches and plays vidya with you to an intolerable bitch, over the most minor things. One time I was puking up blood after a bad case of food poisoning and she refused to go to the hospital because she thought I would get over it and it would be wasteful to go. I almost lost my shit with her when it turned out to be a bad ulcer. Then she tried to turn it around on me and say I never took care of her when she was sick, even though I'd miss work or school to make her soup and get her juice and blankets and shit. That's just one example of the absolute craziness.
makes me so hard desu
why do nogs like fatties so much?
None of that matters if she doesn't cuck you or leave you though, it's just banter.
I dunno, but they're right on the money
I have 5.2k nudes of my gf and about 100 videos over the course of the past 5 years . Long distance relationship (see her every 2-3 months) and I have no friends so I just have her send nudes 3-5 times a week to stay entertained.
>t. BPD Brad
What kind of shit do you send each other? It sounds like it would get boring fast.
Not the same guy but clingy doesn't bother me if the girl has the same hobbies I do.
I know it's hard to believe user, but Jow Forums was not always the tfwnogf sadboi club.
>t. BPD Ben
>I have 5.2k nudes of my gf and about 100 videos over the course of the past 5 years .
Do you actually expect anyone to believe that?
I rarely send anything but she'll order outfits and bullshit. Lately I've been having her eat fatty food to make her tits bigger since she was 5'11 and 110 pounds. She sent from a b cup to an f cup at 140 pounds, not boring at all.
Post before/after pics or you're lying. You can black out her face.
The doctors told me if I didn't go to the ER I would've gone into septic shock within 48 hours lad. It would've killed me. There was also the time she got me to beat the shit out of her brother because she said he abused her, only to backpedal and say it "wasn't that bad" despite the fact that she wept when she first told me. Almost went to jail, but bullshitted my way out by claiming self defense.
You don't have to. Don't really care.
>she was 5'11 and 110 pounds. She sent from a b cup to an f cup at 140 pounds
lmfao okay champ
Of course, friendo. I have a flash drive full of pics and vids I've collected from chicks over the last 15 years.
Nobody can see the virgin goddess I deflowered, with or without face. I'm not finding another one of these on world of Warcraft ever again, not enough gold.
You don't understand dude. It sounds cute and stuff from a meme perspective, but when you actually are in it, she starts to gaslight you and make you question your own sanity. It's the fucking real life version of gone girl.
Yeah, but I'm ace so they were useless.
I'm in it right now, she's not bpd or anything she just likes my company and I enjoy hers. She gets along with my friends and Vidya night with her is fine because she's actually good at games.
grade A acehole right here
Well, you're either lucky as fuck, or you have a big storm of shit coming within the next year. For your sake I hope it's the former not the latter, obviously not all bpd girls are bad. My experience though was fucking awful. Just a heads up.
I unironically met my wife in Orgimmar in October of 2012. Fucked her for the first time on Christmas that year and moved in together that February. It can happen for you, bros.
Tell me how having someone who actually loves you and will not cheat on you or leave you is bad, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Don't forget to take your meds user-kun
Only if you answer me weeb.
My gf did very often a bit time after we got together but she drastically stopped and atm I can be happy if I get one picture per month. Well let's see if she is starting to do it more often. Really asking myself if I did something wrong.
I got some by chadfishing on tinder. But all of them from landwhales so I deleted them.
For some reason I could only attract fatsos even with a chad pic
Nah mang. I dont really know any girls.
She's fucking someone else, friendo.
She couldn't, she knows I'm fucked up enough I would start cutting myself again and completely go insane starting to hurt other people.
I had a 3-gf for like 5 months who'd send me some. She'd masturbate over the phone for me also while I told her what I wanted to do with her. It was great but she's sensitive and she ghosted me....it's a lot like this user
It's funny how BPD always has the exact same timeframe.
The girl I got them from was an extrovert who really wanted attention so she basically carried the relationship in the beginning until I could be a spaz and she would still send me nudes.
>believing women have empathy
She is fucking somebody else or at the very least, she is considering it. Cut your losses, and yes, pun intended.