Come chat with me, im without people to speak to and depressed.
I will respond to all of you.
I am just haveing a light drink
Come chat with me, im without people to speak to and depressed.
I will respond to all of you.
I am just haveing a light drink
Why dont you go to some discord server?
>nice dubs OP
Have you accepted our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ?
holy guacamole how is that original
because dumb brits need to throw a u into everything
Computer messed up. I'm a buy an add motherboard cpu and gpu to find what's the problem. Either way my shit is out dated by 5 years now
I'm not OP, but Discord is proprietary autism, with a quadruple serving of the autism.
Just toning my mind and body as I rise to my mantle of dominion over this world. Slavery did the ancient world wonders, lets make civilization great again!
I also have a ticket I got to pay for driving without a license and running a red light
No dice for you fag
Mentally ill tier. You Poltards need psychiatric help
No, it was a lefty shill trying to false flag as me
Could be worse like my shit is atleast outdated by 10 to 15 years..
My stupid mom puts rice in new containers so now there's no directions for how much water or time is needed to cook it. I'm going in blind, but I can already tell today's anime experience is ruined.
Found packet in trash, used too much water, all is lost.
Man user, all I do is just drop a random amount of water on and just leave it for 10-12 mins. Is it really better if you follow the instructions?
I mean, you don't want your rice to be overcooked do you?
because I like you guys more Mentally ill tier.
dude im so mentally ill I cant work, your on R9K fuck head
dude you add like up to thumb in water or soemthing google it, rice easy to cook even I did it and im retarded.
post a pic desu
Nah, the direction of humanity will be focused. I'll ensure the species' survival.
In my case i follow a 1/3 or a 1/4 ratio like for every cup of rice you add three or four cups of water but i don't know in your case since i guess maybe it depends on the rice too ?
I would add a punch of salt then wait until water fully evaporates, leave it to cool off and then add a can of tuna and mayo to it and mix it well and it tastes really good.
I really love rice and it tastes great with practically anything.
I wish all the threads were as interesting as this conversation !
how old are you OP? org
Hey OP, how are you doing? Have you gotten your posters laminated? Are you drinking wine as usual?
Feeling a bit down today. Ended up thinking about stuff from the past that I'd really like to ignore. I'm trying to get some study done to get my head off that stuff.
im 25 and piss in bottles and live in a dark room and drink my life away.
I should kill myself but in the midst of darkness there is this small light I am compelled to be around as if I am a moth.
>Have you gotten your posters laminated?
they are at the place but my mum was paying for half to get done and my dad the other half but my dad backed out as he is a dick.
he told me he wouldnt care if I killed myself in an email this week and my mum told me to KMS this month kek
>Are you drinking wine as usual?
im drinking vodka and OJ, I lost a bottleo f alcohol while drunk today, while I was black out smashed I actually went outside.
Tried buy alcohol and got refused, im lucky I didnt get arrested, I had a huge knife
>pic related
and another knife on me, I planned to rob some abosor something IFDK I cant remember the day.
>Ended up thinking about stuff from the past that I'd really like to ignore.
like what user, tell me
>I'm trying to get some study done
study, dont become me....please dont become me a loser who cant crawl out of his hole
pic related.....
its a large butcher steak knife and I had it fall out of my pants a few times while walking at the shopping place.
fuck im such a fuck head when drunk, I get a blood lust for abos
>he told me he wouldnt care if I killed myself in an email this week and my mum told me to KMS this month kek
Oh fuck, that's rough. But by the
I assume you're kinda used to it, right?
Aren't you on NEETbux? Because, in that case, can't you pay for the lamination with your money? Hard not sounding rude while writing these things but I swear it's not my intention, sorry.
>im drinking vodka and OJ
Not really what I expected from a "light drink". Vodka and juice is pretty nice.
>Tried buy alcohol and got refused, im lucky I didnt get arrested, I had a huge knife and another knife on me, I planned to rob some abosor something IFDK I cant remember the day.
Damn, that was a close call. You'd be in jail by now if something went wrong. Why the hate for abos? Do you hate them only when drunk?
>like what user, tell me
Like, people I thought were my friends during high school just ended up being acquaintances that interacted with me only to get something back. I really wish I could stop thinking of them like that, but when I feel down I can't help but think of them as people who exploited my niceness and curse myself for being too nice.
>Oh fuck, that's rough
i never respond to my father
im used to be shitted on by life and yes I could pay for it but my mum suggested she might, she owes me like 10's of K BTW
I didnt want fucking anything from my dad
>Not really what I expected from a "light drink".
im smashed, I lost my bottle of whisky unless I drank it, tempted to wake mum up and ask her.... its 2am
>. Why the hate for abos?
they ran through my house and robbed me making(tipping me over the edge) into being a hikikomori.
> friends during high school just ended up being acquaintances
tahts life bro
>exploited my niceness and curse myself for being too nice.
now I feel like shit as taht is all I do
I want to prone bone megumin.
Why did your dad get involved to begin with. What an asshole. What are you going to do with the posters now? Pay the part of money your dad didn't pay?
>im smashed, I lost my bottle of whisky unless I drank it, tempted to wake mum up and ask her.... its 2am
Fuck dude, get some sleep before you do something stupid. I mean after reading
>they ran through my house and robbed me making(tipping me over the edge) into being a hikikomori.
those guys who robbed you probably deserve a stabbing, but it's not worth going to jail for.
>now I feel like shit as taht is all I do
I hope that at least you don't pretend to be friends with those you exploit for five or more years.
my dads a dick head.
ill just pay, I expected nothjing from him anyway.
id wake up mum and ask for benzos and then mention whisky maybe, im just sick of it all.
>I hope that at least you don't pretend to be friends with those you exploit for five or more years.
I have 2 friends, I tell everyone else I dont like them.
i dont ever EVER hurt people I love
If your bored you should go on Grindr and drain your boiveries into a sissys boipucci
Please dont start drinking OP, it fucks with your brain and leaves you almost retarded.
>ill just pay, I expected nothjing from him anyway.
Yeah, it's probably the best option.
>id wake up mum and ask for benzos and then mention whisky maybe, im just sick of it all.
Aren't you wasted enough? Come on man, let her sleep and get the whiskey another time. You're gonna get wasted tomorrow anyway, aren't you?
>I have 2 friends, I tell everyone else I dont like them.
>i dont ever EVER hurt people I love
Glad that at least you have friends. Why do you say to others that you don't like them?
fuck off fag shill
im so big brain that drinking barely does fuck all
>Aren't you wasted enough? Come on man, let her sleep and get the whiskey another time. You're gonna get wasted tomorrow anyway, aren't you?
she said she dont know where my bottle is, ill get pills later.
I hada small bottle of gin im drinking and I may get benzos off her so I can get black out fucked up.
>Why do you say to others that you don't like them?
because im very honest, I dont care for anyone in my discord servcers.
I obsess over the two ppl I like though.
A bit confused by what you say about your friends, but he important thing is that you do care about them.
Preparing dinner rn so I'll have to turn off.
See you around OP
Nothing wrong with pounding a sissys boiholes way better then fucking your hand
How am I a shill when almost all of r9k wants to cum in a sissy or traps boipussy
If there were one thing you could have changed, what would it be?
bump cos im op kek
At what point does the penis become feminine or boiclits
when it looks like a pinky
its always gay dude
I played runescape for a week, died to jad a couple times, got killed in the wild trying to get an imbued god cape, and now I'm tired of that game and bored again.
why cant it go back to how it used to be
Ok 6.5x6 to 5.5x6 is a feminine penis anything under 5.5x6 is a boiclit anything larger then 6.5x6 is an actual cock also under 6ft is a manlet go transition already
I will fuck every anime poster in the ass, and I don't even like anal
you have been warned