Is getting fit really the only way to be attractive to women? I feel like I'm still gonna look weird because of my face, you can't really change your bone structure.
Is getting fit really the only way to be attractive to women? I feel like I'm still gonna look weird because of my face...
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if your bone structure was a problem you wouldn't exist in the first place.
just give up. that's what you did physically, so now do it psychologically. if you don't see ugly men getting girlfriends, or if your standards are too high, nothing will help you
>if you don't see ugly men getting girlfriends
I actually don't
>if your standards are too high
not at all, not even fat women want to talk to me
If you loose fat in your face your bones will automatically become more defined.
Ever seen a person doing cocaine for a couple months? Look at hour their face structure changes completely (sometimes for the better).
Also there are countless examples on the internet that show you guys bettering their jawline to look more masculine.
Better definition doesn't make your jaw bigger though. If you're skinny and your face looks like shit bodybuilding isn't going to fix it
Get a haircut and contacts (or glasses that compliment your face). Will work wonders!
Stop chasing 7/10 - 10/10 woman.
The ones that would like you are prob. not out on the streets or disco much.
Have confidence in yourself, don`t try to be someone else.
Don`t deflect your own insecurities on them by degrading them (you obviously don`t have the natural extreme confidence/assholenes some women are drawn to)
Normies consider 5/10 ugly and don't understand why you're mentioning it if you're below 5/10 because you're supposed to just go away
>Stop chasing 7/10 - 10/10 woman.
We don't do this ffs
you can skip to 10:20 to see the result, if you can't change your jawline then explain how this guy did it without surgery.
Beards are your friend, my friend
t. Dan Bilzerian
God no. Being confident, tall and handsome will give you an edge on anyone who's only draw is abs.
Of course nothing will work without confidence and being able to hold a conversation.
>i actually don't
life is over for you bro. you have severe brain damage.
Losing bodyfat increases bone visibility which is always good. It doesn't change bone size, or shape however.
A lot of fat guys lose weight and suddenly discover they were hiding a big jaw under layers of fat.
If youre skinny with a shit jaw it won't change anything
just get a really low body %. being jacked doesn't matter as long as your model skinny.
just get a really low bodyfat%**
I never see ugly guys with girls either, because is true
this guys attractive because he's a popular musician more than because of his looks imo
No, you just become a Jow Forums autist.
That being said I feel better now than I've ever been.
Your body looks great! Don`t give up!
When I got to know my bf i was not really impressed with him at first.
He is a total nerd (I love the nerdy part) plays league csgo and BF5 all day, he has no motivation to work out (is super thin),yes he was also a virgin, and has a normal job.
I gave him a chance because he was the nicest guy i have ever met and he was great to talk to,after half a year I fell in love with him!
The only thing that really stood in our way were his lies about his "Exes" which he did not have and his lies about having had sex befor!!!!!
After he came clear everything became perfect :)
Don`t lose hope be yourself! And don`t be too needy (it makes women afraid). Don`t lie to make yourself look better!
I wish you all the best and don`t listen to all those downers!
A real girl!
Ps: (impressive physique)/(no your face does not look bad its the hair and glasses)
nah X is/was very good looking
this guy gets it. aesthetic = skinny. PERIOD. you are lookmaxxed just being spooky skeleton mode, thats it. lifting is a waste of time if you want to look better
if you have large bones and a good skull bones then you will be exceptionally good looking. if you are uggo or small framed you will still look better than anything else you can do
being skinny is always the most aesthetic choice, just that simple. this guy looks better than any muscular guy because he has a LARGE FRAME AND FACE. muscles are a joke, looks are genetics
No shit they dont see ugly guys with girlfriends because they go outside once per week MAX. I see ugly ass dudes with above average girls all day because I work in a mall. Sitting in your basement all day refreshing the catalog isn't gonna make a woman magically appear
Getting fit is the only way to get a varbie gf
I work 50+ hours a week and I never see ugly guys with girls ever. In shape guys with fat girls though, those are everywhere
yikes. muscles girls are disgusting
girls peak at 14. skinny + youth = aesthetics
lifting and the rest of that shit is cope, thats all it is. males look best when they have frame, face, youth and hair, thats it. muscles girls are nasty af
for looks its large thick bones, being skinny, hair and face. thats it
Not to say it's as hopeless as they say for ugly guys... I know a bald asian manlet who is always joking about his tiny dick and he's married.
marriage is for cucks, LOL. especially in 2018. wtf all girls are whores and fuck around and do slutty shit, and marry the beta cucklord when they are used up hags
in their youth they fuck the alpha chad, the socially dominant bully, the good looking dude, the sports players, the alpha male, then when they are ugly old hags with no sexual market value they "mature" and "change" and tell you "im not like that anymore ;_;" and marry some sad cuck
i may be a 28 virgin but id easily rather die a virgin than marry some used up hag. honestly 2018 is just peak degeneracy, we dont have religious values, females are all whores. i dont care, even if i was good looking, i just want to watch the world burn and not participate in it
god is cruel and life is suffering. thats why i cant wait for ai to kill us all
and one last thing before i go. most of looks is FACE
FACE MOTHERFUCKER FACE. millimeters make models. just that simple
this is for males and for females. its just that its exceptionally rare for a male to be model tier in looks. thank you god, you have quite a delectable taste in prolonging our suffering
Maybe he's a cuck, but he's got a lot of positive energy and two sons that look like him, I like to joke that I don't know if his kid looks just like him or if he looks like a baby.
lol that dude got a 10/10 gf
he'd look even better with a buzzcut and different/no glasses
it's unfair how fast girls blow up on anavar
in just a couple of months they make the kind of gains that guys lift for years to achieve
>may be a 28 virgin but id easily rather die a virgin than marry some used up hag
Mad respect bro, this is why we always say incels are better than blue pilled betas. They and their female handlers will try to degrate you for not sticking your penis in a hole and moving it back and forth . But in reality you still have your dignity and sex is meaningless and has no value.
We expept for my shoulders, I can blow up like that with just sarms. You must just not know how to eat or lift right. Or your genetics suck.
It gives them pumpkin delts
I would say face and style are more important. You don't really look that buff clothes on unless you roid, and if you are naked in a presence of woman then you have already won. Not saying you shouldn't lift tho.
this. x was quite handsome. nohomo.
>say women have no religious values
>bitch about god
Sounds like you are a boot kicker yourself. Abandon your superstitions and find a purpose in life.
i have a lot of pics of ugly guys with gfs of varying hotness if you want them (this girl is the ugliest).
marry me then, i'm a 24 year old virgin BUT WATCH OUT because i am fat.
>tfw grill has your goal body
I want to kill myself
mirin delts but wtf how? is this even achievable for a natty male?
you have to talk to girls not the other way around
good luck trying to do that without being a sperg though
She's obviously on steroids and probably has more testosterone than everyone itt.
based and skinnypilled. what diet are you working with to maintain your low bodyfat %?
holy fucking yuck
Women don't care. As long as you're not fat/skinny fat, they don't give a fuck.
not really, if you look like a skeleton you're gonna be even less attractive than a fat dude, no girl wants to be with a dude that can be knocked down by a small wind blow
Wrong. Skeletons have good bone structure typically.
Then why are most male models skinny nowadays? Every teenage heartthrob is some effeminate twink. I think you're living in the past, 30 year old boomer.
this dude is tall and has a decent face, he's skinny and pale but doesn't look very unhealthy like I do, it's definitely his bone structure
because they are teenage girls, lmao, they grow up and want masculine/tall dude to protect them
short and skinny = the most unattractive a man can be
Imagine unironically being a skeleposter
i'd crucify y'all without a second thought
t. skellie
i see ugly fat dudes with decent girls 100 times more often than i see the opposite. fat girls dating "in shape" guys happens with rare fetishists and trailer parks
most attractive girls would rather fuck pic related than some dusty meathead.
based and iceagepilled
women don't care that much about looks.
to an extend.
I guarantee you that guy works out, he just does mostly cardio and only some strength training.
>Is getting fit really the only way to be attractive to women?
Depends on the woman. it's one of those things that is generally good but isn't always what a specific woman likes. Some women prefer skinny or chubby men. I'd say if you have bad looks, getting really fit isn't going to make you look good, it's going to make you look kind of silly.
I'd focus on less material kinds of self improvement, like career advancement, developing skills and talents, or getting better at socializing with women.
just do some cardio and starve yourself its that easy
image on the right is fake. It's a drawing.
Leave this shit on fit, those dumb asses fell for it too
Shame he was a manlet. RIP.
why do you keep posting picture of handsome unrealistic men?
personality does make a difference sure.
its more like a turn off for most women since it's a symbol of self restraint and having virtues something which females can't into. Thots only want more money or fame. They'd rather go out with a slob or someone who is pure evil, for fucks sakes they aren't even attracted to the physical appearance of men.
>The ones that would like you are prob. not out on the streets or disco much.
where are they?
Pic related honestly is not bad at all. Strong jaw and chiseled jawline probably. He should get the surgery which fixes his eyes. And a new haircut too and he would be a solid 8-9/10. Also it's psychologicallly proven that confidence is what females look for and pic related has plenty probably. And some proper hygiene and you won't be a virgin.
get contacts and a better haircut, trust me a friend mine basicaly became chad thanks to this
It's better than being a fat ass isn't it?
Being fit will give you more confidence in all areas of life, eating healthy will improve your mental capacity.
Stop being lazy i say.
in the chinese cartoons
You can do it too robots, just take the first step
It's not that it's the only way to be attractive to women, it's just that on women's list of "What's attractive to me;" pretty much every single list is gonna have Jow Forums on it.
thsts all you really need to do tbqh
Getting rich and overall being higher in the social hierarchy is problably the best way,but being fit is always good and also it won't make you extremely attractive,fit ugly cunt > fat ugly cunt