Besides saving the white race why should i have kids ?
Besides saving the white race why should i have kids ?
High quality sexdoll
No real reason besides placating judgemental normies.
Personally I'm on the no kids direction. 18 years of responsibilities? No thanks!
so them can join me in the communist revolution
Outside of a legit paternal want for yourself, continuingyour family line and saving the white race is the only reason. If you dont instinctively want to be a father and you obviously dont care about the white race you probably shouldn't
Because the "vidya" and anime will get boring after five years. When you're eighty and alone nothing could be more depressing
There's no reason. Subjected a life to this world is a horrid thing to do at this point
The way things are today, it's more like 40 years of responsibility.. Or at leat until you die. Look at all these man children.
None, any fulfillment that can be gained by it has been bastardized, being a father is a joke now.
Kids are cute and cuddly and it feels nice to be nice to them and teach them stuff.
test orignalih jaskjdakgd
I'm not a NEET. I have a full time job.
>Implying your kids won't just throw your old 80 year old ass into a nursing home
There is no real reason to have kids desu. Most pregnancies are done by accident
You want to contribute to this shitty excuse of a civilization don't you? Who will stand with you at your bedside in your final moments instead of be miles from you slaving away for schlomo, resenting their existence, if not your children? Surely they won't hate you for bringing this upon them and leave you with late stage dementia and incontinence in a McNursingHome?
be a teacher then, not a welfare queen who wants an excuse to watch the new live action disney movies.
One of the only real sources of meaning in life. For-filling your biological and cultural responsibility.
>implying i will live to be 80
I plan on necking myself the day i retire. After blowing away all my savings on coke and hookers of course
>to drive civilization further into hell by forcing your countries' debt onto your own offspring instead of letting some other idiots' kids pay for it
Only way to have any hope at fixing civilisation is through yourself and your children.
The truth is that it was easier to live your life as a total illiterate fucking retard up until around the 70s.
Fix civilization first, teaching new people how to do shit everyone else knows how to do is not top priority here. Make the world a place worth raising kids in, and get your head out of your own asshole.
Or you raise your children so they do not become manchildren.
They'll be 35 still living with you in your favela because it's the only way they can get water that's not tainted.
I think we should recognize that men do need to be raised and women need to be controlled. If you don't raise a guy becomes nothing, if you don't raise a girl she ruins everything.
Wow your kids can thank you for teaching them how to write a check, for money they won't have. Thanks "dad" for busting a nut, what would the world be without breedfags?
Oh yeah, paradise.
Don't say that about those poor men getting forced to pay for internet strippers, they have no agency
To overthrow the industrial system.
>204. Revolutionaries should have as many children as they can. There is strong scientific evidence that social attitudes are to a significant extent inherited. No one suggests that a social attitude is a direct outcome of a person's genetic constitution, but it appears that personality traits are partly inherited and that certain personality traits tend, within the context of our society, to make a person more likely to hold this or that social attitude. Objections to these findings have been raised, but the objections are feeble and seem to be ideologically motivated. In any event, no one denies that children tend on the average to hold social attitudes similar to those of their parents. From our point of view it doesn't matter all that much whether the attitudes are passed on genetically or through childhood training. In either case they ARE passed on.
>205. The trouble is that many of the people who are inclined to rebel against the industrial system are also concerned about the population problems, hence they are apt to have few or no children. In this way they may be handing the world over to the sort of people who support or at least accept the industrial system. To insure the strength of the next generation of revolutionaries the present generation should reproduce itself abundantly. In doing so they will be worsening the population problem only slightly. And the important problem is to get rid of the industrial system, because once the industrial system is gone the world's population necessarily will decrease (see paragraph 167); whereas, if the industrial system survives, it will continue developing new techniques of food production that may enable the world's population to keep increasing almost indefinitely.
Why would I want to do that? Being a teacher seems hard and you'd have to enforce discipline.
Being a teacher for 10 months a year from dawn to 3pm teaching kids how to fucking read is "hard" but raising a kid is easy? Why because they just veg out in front of a tablet while you virtue signal for breeders on Jow Forums?
I'd love to teach children how to read, but as a teacher it's probably mostly going to be black kids, and you can't hug or spoil them in schools.
But that's the thing. Not many people know the values that made western civilisation great. Instilling them with these values and attitudes is what you can do to improve civilisation.