Is anyone here unironically a racist?
Is anyone here unironically a racist?
No you have to be a genuine asshole to be racist, we're all frens here don't like it fuck off.
Unironically yes.
I think non-whites are subhuman and evil, and fundamentally lack empathy, decency, and altruism. Look at how every white civilisation in history had little to no crime, and was extremely advanced and technologically innovative. White men literally invented and created everything. White civilisations are clean, safe, beautiful, advanced, etcetera. East Asian countries are comparable to whites, but their lack of empathy and humanity still makes them inferior.
The fact that third worlders are all brown and happen to be the most violent, barbaric, savage, inhuman and primitive, repugnant people is reason enough to purge all non-whites from the world. Brown "people" have nothing to show for themselves, and they do a good job at killing each other off anyway.
Non-whites were a mistake.
based frenposter
racism is stupid
Ya. mudskins are soulless
No, i just know races tend to conspire with each other to make whitey look bad
> lack of empathy in humanity in East Asians
doesn't this meme get old at all
>every white civilisation in history had little to no crime
The whole of your post was stupid but I'm just gonna stop at this, what the fuck? Are you retarded or do you just browse Jow Forums everyday?
>evolution is true is somehow contradicted by the proposition that there is equality between categories made before the advent of phylogenetics
>little to no crime
Except for all the Classic Wars, the Vikings, the War of the Roses, the European theatres of the world wars, the 100 Years War, the War of Spanish Succession....
>extremely advanced
Dude Russia was literally peasant farmers until communism dragged them kicking and screaming and gulagging into an industrial economy.
>technologically innovative
>literally spent the Middle Ages screaming at cats because they thought it was their mother in law
>lacking empathy
>what are buddhist priests who literally starved and mummified themselves in some of the most horrific demonstrations of aeseticism because they thought it would cure the sick
>created and invented literally everything
[citation needed] and I think you mean "British people and Italians invented most shit", but you don't seem to be advocating the fundamental inhumanity of Porkchops or Krauts.
Replace "races" with "the left" and you're right.
Holy shit, the salty shitskins are coming out in full fucking force today. God this is entertaining.
> God this is entertaining.
Fuck that shit. Robots don't do race. Iraqi robot bro, if you're reading this, I'd have roped a long time ago if it wasn't for you
only against white """""males"""""
Are you retarded? Answer the questions you made the stupid points.
Why would he? He's baiting for replies, if anything he will reply and deliberately avoid your points.
>complains about lack of empathy in Asians
>literally has no empathy for any race other than his own
>and fundamentally lack empathy, decency, and altruism.
This much at least is factually true.
These are originally great
He's baiting, you a fren or not? Anser quik buddy
Why is it white supremacists:
>aren't white
>know nothing about white history
> "wite ppl dindu nuffin"
>"what about those wars"
>"you're a shitskin"
I'm actually 99.9 percent white with more Neanderthal variants than people that used this genetic testing program. Stay mad though.
This too.
There is this fat ugly paki lass at my uni who literally has a scent trail of stink because she never fucking washes. I could smell it from 10 metres away.
I cannot stand poos for the life of me. I have met one decent pajeet in my life.
Why would I feel empathy for soulless gross barbaric animals? Non-whites have no empathy themselves. You're disgusting fucking parasites who leech off of White people and exploit their altruism. Non-whites are a blight on humanity. A plague in this world. An error in the universe. Go get cannibalised in your brown nigger shithole homeland or something.
Yes of course, not being racist is literally going against science.
Kinda, but I don't really hate anyone or believe in "white genocide" or whatever.
Yes. Genetics are paramount in determining one's biology. There is no arguing that. It is the reason elks look like elks, and humans look like humans. There are vast and important difference between different types of human, and some are more similar than others. Some are objectively better at certain things. Europeans happen to be objectively better at the most important things, the most valuable and the most noble things. And the problem is not that we are different, but that it is such a hugely vast difference between us. Not between specific individuals of various races, but between the races AS A WHOLE. This is the key part that leftists and the sort don't understand. In order to make meaningful decisions on the topic, you have to look at the group as a whole, how they behave and what they achieve. And when you look at Africans and other brown "people," if you feel anything other than despair you are not fully sentient. It is abysmal. It is hellishly bad, and there are billions of them.
It was like I was playing the Witcher 3 or some shit. I knew it was her before I even rounded the corner.
Yes I am a Racist. now educate me please.
>2.3% southern European
>0.4% Italian
This was pretty funny. Don't listen to this faggot he's baiting for replies which you can tell because it's made up of stereotypes and bullshit.
You'd be dead with a bunch of Asians teaching you how to make a gun, on your bike lad.
I try not to be, unfortunately racebaiters don't meet me half way.
i bet you unironically watch anime too
You realise there are other Southern Europeans, right? Sorry you can't into geography.
I know that I was just pointing out all the Southern European bits due to the continuous joke they're non-white. It was a joke buddy it's why I laughed.
I'm southern European (hurr shitskin) and live in a western European country and I fucking hate shitskins and niggers because the majority of encounters with them on the streets just proves me right about my prejudice.
Oh, sorry. Poe's Law. Least I'm not Argentinian.
wn but no i don't think i am
Depends on what you mean by the word, son't see myself in that light but others do
I like some White people and some East Asians. Only those that are geeky / NEET / spiritual. I think unironically that everyone else is an NPC.
>I'm Southern European
Er. You realise you are also a shitskin, right? South Europeans are non-white and you have sandnigger DNA.
The Jews brainwashed blacks and browns to act in barbaric ways to make all races hate eachother. Hate for other races is not natural, and blacks and browns acting in hateful barbaric ways is also not natural of them.
The thing about racists is that they literally just want things to be good. They are honest people who value goodness. It isn't that they are hateful, or hate other races. No more than a doctor "hates" a virus or a disease. He just thinks it's better if you cure it and the patient feels well again.
The problem with Africans and other browns is that they are objectively bad. Everything they are involved in, is or turns bad. There aren't really any exceptions to this, if you account for the whole group in any one place. There is no and has never been a successful black society. They can't function in our modern white societies either, and are extremely harmful to the well-being of real people. I genuinely don't see what is controversial about this. If there were an axe-murderer going around raping your family with a knife, would you defend his right to exist? Or would you want him removed somehow, and for things to be good again?
they were literally eating each other before a jew ever set foot in their lands
>Hate for other races is not natural
you serious nigger?
>blacks and browns acting in hateful barbaric ways is also not natural of them.
made me chuckle
>racists don't hate
>they just want to exterminate things
I do thing the virus analogy is accurate because fascists are preoccupied with the infection of the body politic. Still, you're not doing them any favours.
>"they're not impassioned lunatics!"
>"They're just cold and unfeeling and driven by a cold, clinical desire to exterminate."
Which is what literally every bit of modern discourse on the Holocaust said. Nuremberg Defence, essentially.
Considering how our modern definitions of race had to be invented, yeah. Vikings attacking Lidisfarne didn't see their fellow whites as buddies or racial allies. The notion a Greek would consider a Slav a peer is hilarious.
Yes. I lived around non-whites my entire life and know how they truly are, no propaganda can change my mind. Reality is the greatest red pill ever, you'll find out soon enough.
>Reality is the greatest red pill
I've been to shitty areas of Glasgow, north Yorkshire and I lived in a council block (modern day slum to you). Everyone in those areas are pretty much white and their behaviour was disgusting but I know that's probably due to upbringing and area because no one acts like that in muswell hill where the million pound houses are, reality just taught me everyone is shit when they're poor and redpills are gay what fucking faggot came up with that?
t. paki
fuck off faggot
even the poorest whites are more civilised and respectable than the richest blacks.
Yeah, you can travel to any poor village, you will not be assaulted, and you will not see groups of whiteys hanging out at the street corner talking shit. That poster definitely is a paki.
No I'm not a paki plus I don't even live around those areas nor do I fucking live in Birmingham or "Bermengam"
>even the poorest whites are more civilised and respectable than the richest blacks.
Oh yes because look at how great West Virginia is compared to Windsor hills in California, this was based off a quick search which shows your wrong.
>Yeah, you can travel to any poor village, you will not be assaulted, and you will not see groups of whiteys hanging out at the street corner talking shit.
Yeah you actually can, you actually sound like a shitskin who tried to start some shit there.
t. Never been to West Yorkshire
That's a fucking lie mate I've been there and it was absolute shithole basically Birmingham with less big buildings, I think it even got the red on the UK crime map for rape, burglary and arson. Fucking Northern fags.
I live in a pretty homogeneous country, so I don't know. I mean I've never been racist, ironically or not, and have had friend who are and I always thought they were full of shit, but recent years and friends' experiences abroad (and some of my own with foreigners) have made me think that if I was around other groups of people for an extended period of time I might become one as well.
I mean not based on skin color, I could come to hate other white ethnicities too (looking at Greeks here specifically at the moment).
I mean all this without counting gypsies of course, they are not human.
Yeah, but I don't let it interfere with my life.
What? Are you telling me that vegans are also against blacks? If so I like them now
>being a newfag
Just stop
Its pretty hard to not be racist when you're constantly having race drilled into your brain by preachy snowflakes on social media. Also, I've never met a chink who wasn't just a complete fucking asshole.
>Vikings attacking Lidisfarne didn't see their fellow whites as buddies or racial allies
are you implying sub saharan african tribes or native american tribes treated eachother with compassion before evil whitey came?
>evolution is true
>all the races are the same
is different than
>evolution is true
>people should all be treated with the same dignity and treated the same under the law
based and frenpilled
>Jow Forumsshit unoriginally
Yes. I don't actually hate other races though. I just think that there are inherent differences in behavioral tenancies that make coexistance of multiple different races difficult. They must either mix to create a homogeneous society for the good of the nation, or split into different nations. I view it as related to Jung's idea of the collective unconscious. There are certain physical structures within the brain that influence our mental behaviors. Instincts are I believe a good example of this, since we don;t learn our instincts. Things affected most are strategies of reproduction and of resource accumulation. Do you lean towards monogamy/polygamy and is it from the side of the female, male, or both, Do you strive for large number of offspring that largely raise themselves, or do you strive for a more limited number which are raised with greater care. Do you work hard for the resources you need and adapt your strategy based on cyclical conditions like a northerner (Eurasia) or are you more inclined to seek out resource-rich territory to control and obtain resources from.
Of course these behaviors are not forced on us by our bodies, but there is an ingrained calling for us to act in one of these ways and it takes effort and constant vigilance to break out of our nature.
oi wut you said about the norff m8?
>Using a Jow Forums meme to try and attack people you think might be Jow Forums
>Didn't even include an argument
>being an npc unoriginally
Of course. These peoples knowledge of history begins and ends at 'white man bad'.
Absolutely nothing wrong with that yknow
I live in Brazil. I'm not racist but everytime i see someone doing some shit in public it's always a fucking pardo/mulatto/mestizo. Most niggers act like normal people where i live, but the mixed motherfuckers seem like a whole different animal.
Yes because I like whites more, however I'm not a supremacist
These dudes got their adresses doxxed, lost their jobs and were harassed in real life by antifa gangs and after all of that some of them are now being put into prison all because of their political opinions. Could you say the same of BLM, antifa or Jewish activist groups?
Only to a genetic and sociological extent. I don't hate any races but I believe they act differently due to a variety of factors.
>some of them are now being put into prison all because of their political opinions.
after having friends hospitalized by random niggers suckerpunching them for no reason, niggers running wild destroying everything in sight for no reason. Yes, I am vehemently racist. But only against blacks, they're clearly subhuman and I don't see how anyone can think otherwise.
Their mothers were just a fetish for their dads, what do you expect
You do realize that white people are the least empathetic race right? How do you think white civilizations came to be? Merciless exploitation of poor and underdeveloped countries. White people have committed the biggest atrocities of all time. Even now you continue to threaten world piece and exploit corrupt countries that people have no control over.
>these 4 guys were charged specifically because there are videos of them kicking and punching other people
thanks for the link, if anyone's curious the actual court documents laying out the case against these people is embedded on the page. guess it's illegal to punch and kick people.
They were attacked by one guy who ran at them with a baseball bat. What were they supposed to do? Talk him out of it?
Those were jews, not "whites"
You don't draw the line at "whites" with fucking Rome.
You fuckers literally eat dogs and record videos of you stepping on kittens. Hundreds of liveleaks can be found of chinese drivers running people over and then driving away. Chinks truly have no souls
No, every race is just as merciless and unempathetic as whites, we just invented technology earlier than the other races and did what we did.
If nig nogs in Africa had the technology to sail all over the world with guns, they would have done the same thing, look at what de zulu people did about 10 yrs before colonisation started... They killed off (and sometimes converted a few women and children) about 29 tribes around southern Africa. Merciless killing,thets how they themselves described it. Look at japan and the rape of Nanjing. Look at the Mayans, killing all men from other tribes because they were stronger. Every civilization who has the chance to rape, murder and pillage, wil do so. We, white europea s were the first ones to stop doing so, hence we created civilised society.
all four of them were attacked? and that one guy with the baseball bat was the only person they kicked and punched and it was all self defense?
yes and national socialist too, r9k is going to shit with all these butthurt niggers and kikes sperging around
yes. racism is in our monkey nature and it's stupid to pretend it's a made up thing.
Yep. I think black people are whiny entitled assholes that want a free pass for being criminals because muh institutional racism.
to an extent but ya'll kebabs are fine
Yes I dislike non whites quite a bit. But I fucking hate Black people, if I could get away with it id restart the KKK and start lynching them again. I really really fucking despise them with every fibre of my being I just want them to suffer horrendously. Other non whites should just stay away from me and we cool.
"Racism" is hatred and oppression of a people based on their genetics. I don't hate anyone, I just recognize genetic differences and advocate segregation.
Penguins should live at the south pole, not the desert. Orangutans should live in the jungle, not in Wales. Kangaroos should live in Australia, not Sibera.
I believe in basic, repeatable and practically rock solid science that says that there are racial differences between each race.
According to science-denying leftists, that makes me a racist...but it's ironic because they tend to have low IQ's anyways lol.
Also I think each race should live among their own kind and that "diversity" is a failure.
Correct. Europeans in Europe, Africans in Africa, Jews in the oven.
you're being unempathetic, but anyway idk man the whole world has been at war and committing savagery for the past couple millenia different races and people were affected differently and adapted differently. there's no wrong way to live if it suits your needs. let's sit back and see what happens. we seem to be assimilating 'fine enough" but it's not up to us though unless we revolt to start something, there is a hierarchy and they want all races to assimilate. I enjoy the biodiversity of separate races but oh well what am I gonna do
I am, being african. It really does a number on my self-esteem knowing my people have not really amounted to much, and instead of most of us noticing this and trying to work harder, we just cry and whine and destroy the nice things other races have made and let us use. I try not to focus on it as much anymore but subconsciously it's always there and inhibits me from forming healthy relationships, especially with other blacks. Even my family I am distant from due to the many problems they plagued themselves with culturally that still has a deep effect with how they raised me
>loving your own people and wishing them well is "unempathetic"
You know, the sad thing is that there are people who really fall for this kike shit. "What?! You don't want to give me the blood of your first-born child?!?!? YOU RACIST!!! ANTI-SEMITE!!!!!!!!!"
Kill yourself.
Subhuman criminal races can't defend against this.
It depends how you define racism really. If racism means recognition of differences in the mean for various traits between races, then yes I am racist. If racism is the desire to deny people their humanity and their rights on the basis of their race, then no.
>there's no wrong way to live if it suits your needs
Absolutely lol @ moral relativist cuckolds
Yes I am, and it only gets stronger as time goes by.
I'm not racist as much as certain races fit into demographics I dislike. Welfare state has ruined too many countries. One race started the trend more predominantly than others.
you're not being empathic to easy Asian culture for believing they're unempathetic you're not one of them and don't know what they do or why they do it. you've never actually lived or been there and think you know who how they are just for one
What if I think the law should be the same for everyone but different people have different behavior and different culture make people make different choice? Ultimately, it mean some people are better adapted to civil live than others, and can be called more worthy than others, but must still live by the same law than anyone else.