"nothing" doesn't exist

> "nothing" doesn't exist.
>Which means there is something after death.

Prove me wrong atheists. Protip: You can't.

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> "nothing" doesn't exist.
Then why doesn't sound travel in space, you stoned loser?

I don't want to waste my time becoming another casualty of society.

I am really afraid that death is just an eternal psychedelic trip.

Everything in the observable universe follows a repeating cycle, the suffering of life is for ever.

>imagine having logic this bad
The fact that "nothing doesn't exist" doesn't mean that everything conceivable exists, or that there's a continuity to everything necessarily. When you die, you'd just stop existing lol.
I hope you're trolling.

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after death the material that made up your body continues to exist yes. it doesn't disappear from existence. your mind stops existing, but not your brain. your mind is a process and that process can stop.

You can't perceive anything without an ego. With no brain there is no evidence that an ego can exist, and if it disperses like some magical fairy dust then you're clearly going to become a part of many things and buddhism makes more since than christfaggotry, of which you prolly are a kike worshiper and retarded to think you're immortal. Stop taking yourself so seriously. If the soul is just energy then you die constantly just to move forward in time and there have been many of you already, and they will never come again unless time goes backwards.

Its reincarnation. I think death is like birth. You don't remember and your soul keeps coming back into a world of constant suffering with no end.

I plan to anhero 2-10 years from now but reincarnation is very annoying. We truly are born to suffer.

>i kno everything guys
>praise me

start practicing now

>this was never suggested
im not surprised kek

m-maybe we will all be reincarnated as chads...

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"you", your mind, is not separate from your body. It's your brain. What is after death is decay. Your mind isn't transposed anywhere

"Every beginning has an end and every end has a beginning" - OP

You just got owned.

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You are unironicalIy right

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yal just need to read some basic kant

There is only one way to find out. Op needs to an hero, come back from the dead and tell us. If he doesn't come back then nothing exists after death.

You're immortal as long as you procreate. Your DNA is you.

vacuum is a different type of matter

You're nothing, faggot.

Check mate

No, it isn't. Vacuum isn't matter.