Two innocent girls get brutally murdered

>two innocent girls get brutally murdered
>incels rejoice and spread video
>multiple threads celebrating the murderers and praising islamic terrorism

Incels, you are sick and disgusting human beings. You all deserve to rot in hell. You are all violent murderous psychopaths.

>b-b-b-but not all incels

Yes, all incels. Not a single moderate incel has shown up and said "this is wrong, I'm an incel but I condemn this." Not one. Instead, any posters who did not cheer for the brutal murders was ridiculed. Remember this, incels. You've brought this upon yourself. You are rightfully called murderous evil violent psychopaths by the mass media.

And if you were not one of those cheering, stop calling yourself an incel. You are a volcel. You do not belong to the incel movement.

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Other urls found in this thread:

this is some of the finest lure ive seen this side of the atlantic

>whores do whore shit
>get killed by dune coons
>fat fags on the internet spread the fire video around
>roasties screech
This whole thing has been pretty entertaining to watch desu

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lmao roasties got toasties
sluts deserved every last moment of agony

I like how everyone on this board likes to flex about their supposed iq yet they continue to respond to shit bait threads like this

>Implying we're all incels
Normie detected, get off our board

>post says incels are shit people
>incels reply by being shit people

lol at the white knights here going "d-don't blame the naive girls! blame the propaganda!!"

So I shouldn't blame roasties who let shitskins and niggers go balls deep in them because they were "brainwashed" into doing so lmao fuck off

It brings me great pleasure and joy to see how assblasted you are about you roasties getting what you deserve. Never forget YOU are to blame for those girls being murdered, you preach tolerance and love for all well now you can clearly see what that will get you. All roasties and whores must and will hang. Inshallah

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What do you expect. Women treat us the same way. It is just karma bouncing back at them.

what video are we talking about here, I'm very interested

Women can smell the hatred radiating off these incels from a mile away. Incels can not accept reality. If they could, they probably wouldn't be incels. Ironically they claim to see the "truth" about women and society. It's pitiful. I hope one day they wake up. If they don't, then honestly they're better off dead, for everyone's sake.

>Celebrating jihad and praising the terroristas

Get a load of this cuck. We hate them. We are only showing everyone the kind of people they are defending

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this is wrong, I'm an incel but I condemn this

>brainwashed girls go to shithole full of demons
>mentally ill egalitarians blame white men somehow

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More like

>girls go to popular tourist destination considered safe
>mentally ill incels blame white women somehow

Lol, I'd feel safer in a dark alleyway in Detroit

They beheaded one of the girls and took it on video.

>They went to a safe part of the shithole! They have gates to keep the violent animals out, they only let the docile animals in!

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what I don't understand is they praise the murder but at the very same time they spout racist shit about how all Muslims need to be genocided. I think incels just want everyone to suffer and die

You are an American so it's quite understandable you do not know the difference between Morocco and Iraq.

>didn't kill anybody
>incels are murderous psychopaths
>killed everybody
>muslims are peaceful

Elliot didn't kill anyone?

Elliot wasn't an incel, he was a failed normalfag.

It's an Islamic theocracy, why the fuck would it ever be safe? You can be arrested for breaking Sharia even in the UAE. Whoever called it safe should be put on trial for endangerment.

Aren't all incels failed normalfags? They looksmaxx to try to be more like normies

If it's an unsafe islamic theocracy why do over 10 million tourists visit it each year?

>It's an Islamic theocracy
IDK about that m8, not to take away from your point that it's full of crazy sand niggers.

>Aren't all incels failed normalfags?
No. Go back to reddirt.

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because it has a beach, it's cheap and it's close to europe. Africa sucks balls and even morocco is full of crazy sand monkeys.

I wish I could have burst in and singlehandedly killed the filthy terrrorists and then one of the girls (preferably the prettiest one) would have fallen in love with me...but things like that never happen

>muslims who committed the murder are duh gud bois
>incels that post about it are BAH BOIS UHHGG UWU

I see you've never been on any incel forums, only a small percent of them are hideous

they're both ugly as sin

>incel forums
What like shitty anime forums on invisionfree? What are "incel forums?"

Calling yourself and incel doesn't make you an incel, you retard.

>incels rejoice and spread video
>>multiple threads celebrating the murderers and praising islamic terrorism
Based fuk roasties they deserv it

Why do over 60 million people visit China each year despite it being an authoritarian police state that's currently putting ethnic minorities into camps, heavily polices what its citizens are allowed to know, and kills peaceful protesters with tanks?

? Literally the biggest gathering place for incels. lmao

It unironically does. Not all ugly people are incels retard, leave the house for once

>praises brown apes from every shithole country
>wants them in europe
>"they're doctors and engineers"
>encouraging and accepting posts towards them on facebook
>goes to sandnigger country and thinks everything will be fine
>the same sandniggers she wants in europe play football with her head

Every piece of shit that wants them in our countries should go there and get killed by those niggers. Also there still are cucks like you who defend this. Kys

>multiple threads celebrating the murderers and praising islamic terrorism

There was one thread... And normies were the ones getting butthurt and replying.

>thousands of men get beheaded every year
>nobody cares
>2 white women die and normies lose their shit

>be white bitches
>go to brown country that gets a fuckton of white tourists
>brown men approach white bitches for sex
>white bitches reject brown men
>brown men accustomed to easy white sluts take rejection as a personal insult
>white bitches probably also personally insulted brown men with their white bitch ways
>white bitches get decaped
>no sympathy for whites, especially white bitches
>maybe stay in your own white country and not get chopped. Maybe (but probably not for long with all the brown men you welcome in

lurk more before you try to greentext you fucking reddit tourist

Thats just what gamers do man, rise up and hang out.

this """"greentext"""" gave me cancer

>angry white bitches detected

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Are you even reading what people are saying?

dont make me use 2% of my power

>Not all ugly people are incels
He never said they were

Get the fuck off our board Zoomer, you can't greentext for shit.

If it had been two white men the result would have been the same. Everyone horrified and angry at the terrorists, except incels who would be praising the terrorists and say "chads got btfo lol".

Good one

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Nobody is praising the terrorists incels are not a religious group of people. If anything they are pointing out the stupidity of their own actions.

Are you going to eat those?

I'm not an incel I just want to die.

They are stupid at pointing out the "stupidity of their actions", because it's not like those girls did anything stupid (that we know of), that was supposed to be a safe area, and it is a safe country. American incels just think that Morocco is the same as Iraq.

>muslim country

two white girls going hiking in Africa what could possibly go wrong?

>t. butthurt Moroccan

i mean i don't call myself an incel because that's cringe and bluepilled, but
"this is wrong, I condemn this."

Sure, there are a few. Why so angry?

i wish redditors would leave

I don't rejoice, I just don't care.

Why would any incel care about women, people who are disgusted about our existence?

>Yes, all incels. Not a single moderate incel has shown up and said "this is wrong, I'm an incel but I condemn this."
I agree with you OP, yesterday I attempted an appeal to their humanity in each of the threads constantly started but they all work themselves into a frenzy of hate and gang watch and cheer a brutal killing. Not one shred of empathy for another human being. Instead they laugh and it makes me sick that not only do they applaud the men that did this but they encourage other men to join.

This isn't a religious thing or race thing or geography thing but some mutation in the brain of males that dream to force fuck every female on the planet and kill her. Its a cancer that is trying to end humanity. I pray they are unable to reproduce, even forcibly, and the mutants die.

NO. You are no different than the terrorist that did this and in fact you encourage their behavior by telling the world they are justified in doing this. You lack any empathy.

>the symptom is the problem

What is the symptom and what is the problem?

Even before the cancer that is incels invaded, Jow Forums did have edgy woman hate threads and glorifying Elliot and others who killed roasties. But this is truly a new low. These murders were particularly brutal and gruesome, of two innocent girls who should have been safe, and incels are posting these gore videos all over and laughing.

You people are disgusting.

Wait, I've been gone awhile. Where is said video?

It keeps getting posted on the threads, try the thread about this that is now autosaging.

I found it on /gif. I must say, that was a little hard to watch. Most men in beheading videos remain surprisingly silent, but her moaning...

Now imagine what kind of person would masturbate to that. Incels truly are sick beings.

>If it's an unsafe islamic theocracy why do over 10 million tourists visit it each year?

Because the government does realize the amount of revenue that comes from tourism, and tries to keep a semblance of order in the touristy cities like Casablanca.

Everywhere else? It's anyone's game.

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Statistics show you wrong. America is far more dangerous for example.

>I pray they are unable to reproduce, even forcibly, and the mutants die.
why are normies so bassackwards?