Just went christmas shopping (this is in the UK) white women with half black kids literally EVERYWHERE...

Just went christmas shopping (this is in the UK) white women with half black kids literally EVERYWHERE. This was a small local shopping complex with no more than 50 stores/shops and i saw at least 35 white women with black kids during a 40 min trip.

>it's only a very very tiny segment of the female population that burns the coal

What the fuck are you talking about?

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stop spreading racemixing propaganda, jew

Just look at that third picture, that's EL GOBLINO incarnated.

if they wanna race mix, its their right. mulattos are definitely cooler than full blacks, but ill be here weeping for the loss of beauty that only being fully White can bring.

>Just went christmas shopping (this is in the UK) white women with half black kids literally EVERYWHERE.
Jigaboo's OUT
Sosij roles IN
Simple as.

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>stop spreading racemixing propaganda, jew
If only you could tell the jews to stop

It's interesting to me how a high number of women I've seen with blacks have usually been blonde haired. There was a black guy who I saw around my area a while ago who usually had a blonde girl on his arm. And back in my home town I remember the first black guy kid in the area had a blonde following him around a couple days later. It's weird.

Yep, I see tons and tons of blonde and lighter haired women with dark blacks, some brunettes too but way more blondes

Why do you care so much? Are you under the delusion that if black men weren't in the mix then all these white women would be fucking you instead? That is the only explanation for why you would be so frustrated about this

Women who make bad desicions engage in last minute shopping, water is a liquid. More news at eleven.

>ignoring all the white women with white kids

I'm not frustrated about it. I'm saying that on Jow Forums usually from stormfags we regularly read "oh the white women fucking black men are in a tiny minority", "It's a small percentage that do it and they are fat and ugly"

Yet every time i go outside i see tons of white women with black kids even in a small local area.

How then can it be that only a few are doing it? It must be a larger percentage of white women "burning the coal" then we are told

>(this is in the UK)


>I'm saying that on Jow Forums usually from stormfags we regularly read...
Wait so let me get this straight, you're surprised that someone said something on Jow Forums that turned out to not be true??

Probably because you were actively looking for them because (like every poltard) BMWF is your fetish.

they dye their hair retard

>having kids with blacks

is like you want to be a single mother with no future and no sexual market value.

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This, this, and so much fucking this desu

This thread would be better on /b/ or Jow Forums


How much sexual abuse does a white woman have to go through to let this thing cum in her?

Women with half black kids are so common in the UK it's actually unbelievable.


UK needs to deport all niggers & nigger lovers cause UK is losing their identity

>Women with half black kids are so common in the UK it's actually unbelievable.


threadly reminder white males are literally worthless

Only if you're a beta. If you're a Chad, you worth more than a nigger

>threadly reminder white males are literally worthless

I know, spank me pls

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user the whole women barely burn coal thing is more descriptive of the US. The uk has a class based system and so working class white Women bascislly behave like niggers anyway so they dont mind having black babies at all. In the UK, the Black Carribbean population is actually decreasing because of deaths, this is because they race mixed so much they didnt replace themselves and created shitloads of mixed race children. Coalburning is far far more common in the UK than US. Its not even close.

You guys need to do something about it. Eventually, the blacks will turn your country into ghetto 3rd world slums----learn from the lessons of Latin countries like Brazil & Puerto Rico. All this coalburning can't be good for your country.

Its a good thing for Manlets. In other European counties white people are the only ethnicity and create taller children. I wish here in Eastern Europe some Manlet blacks would rape everyone so I could stop seeing so many 6'tall women and 2 m tall men. It's becoming too much. I feel like its a good thing for places like Sweden too.

>white boys
>being relevant in 2019

pick one

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I live in the US. Coalburners are still tiny in numbers since they are usually ugly as sin or thots with daddy issues. Most white women perfer white men, & the ones who don't are insane.

>not the good kind
>mother is a brown southeast asian, dad is a white passing spic
>come out as a brown chinky eyed piece of fucking shit
>it's the most embarrassing thing in the world to go out with either of my parents
I'm planning on killing myself by New Years anyway. I'm literally a living meme and the butt of internet humour. Sorry that I made this world a little more filthy and disgusting.

c-can I pick both?

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Clearly women cannot be trusted in making good decision. 9/10 bets the whore in the pic will become a single mom or get killed at the hand of her pet buck

There's only one solution to the race mixing problem, & we all know what it is.....

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Instead of directing that hate towards yourself channel it to the culprits that lead to your circumstance. Destroy western supremacy young hapa man like you were meant to and bring about the Yellow dawn.

She's right. Basically anything mixed with nigger is going to create ugly mixbreeds

what part of the uk? what is milton keynes like?

user the uk is different society. Ive been to both places and Im glad to say the taboo seems to be stopping Coalburning going as rampant in the US as the UK

No, thot hating is relevant to this board
Race traitors are the biggest thots.

>only whores and ugly fat wimeen are coalburners dey lose der sexual market value and sheeiit
This is the shittiest cope I've seen in a long time, I live in the UK and I can confirm what OP is saying however the black population here isn't that bad so class doesn't really matter considering I've seen it go up and down in interracial relationships however it's only Carribbeans, it seems other ethnic groups would kill their child for even thinking about dating a white person let alone having any sexual activity with them.

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Castrating all unattractive white men, that should solve the problem.

Based british women knowing their place and breeding with men of superior genes instead of bong feminists.

It's not propaganda, just reality. British women are slaves to BBC

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I don't favor racemixing but as long it's a stable enviroment for the kid to grow up and become a good citizen, but we all know it doesn't work that way.

dude, i've lived in England for many years and I hardly ever saw a black person.

And no one will care about your tears

>Jamacans wants independence
>Brits say no
>Jamacans abd Scotts ask again during Brexit
>Brits say no
>Brits somehow mad Jamacans are fucking Yurop giro's and Scotts are talking shit about Israel on the behalf of the UK

Lmao, Gib fucking freedom

Haha I def agree

Like you? Minus the single mother part?

Serves Britain right for all the destabilization and problems they caused towards colored ppl's countries and just being overall assholes, i pray more indian and african migrants enter the UK and impregnate white women

I don't get the appeal of dating fucking niggers. Do these girls do it to piss off their dads or to appease SJW faggotry?


Leftist groups repeatedly post these threads to push their agenda and demoralise normal people, remember the images posted are cherrypicked by a small group of insecure, political extremists who have grown more desperate since Trump got elected and shown the world how weak and ineffective they really are.

Scotland never asked for independance, socialist scum asked for deunification so they could have further ties with Europe.

The SNP have never sought independance and the Scottish people know this which is why they voted to remain with the UK.

OP is being a little dramatic, but he's not far from the truth. The numbers are way up on what they were a few years ago.

i rarely see coalburners here. mainly when i go to the dollar store. most are fat nd ugly of course. just recently some woman asked me to help her look for her phone at the parking lot. i was glad to help... til her nig kid showed up. i went quiet and left. ew
as another user said they all dye their hair. i dont know why but coalburners always dye their hair. the obvious ones dye their hair a stupid color like green, purple or blue. but blonds are a thing too.
im hispanic and often see hispanic women with dyed blond hair as very slutty. they also have nig kids. theyre crazy and change their appearance out of insecurity

Who are you replying to?

Keep your racist garbage out of here.

>damage control

sorry honey the secret's out. it's funny all this white male alarmism only makes them look even more fragile. white dicklets always lose lmao. even trump is on his way out.

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Is it me, or does that kid not look like the average mixed/mulatto baby? Usually it's really obvious to me, maybe it's just the stupid filter she has on. His hair doesn't look that curly.

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Who is this Jew sage you speak of?

speaking of... my mulatto crush is dating a white girl.
its so common to see this type of pairing, especially in California, its even more common than wmaf.
t. asian fembot

Well, its begun. The slave class interbreeds, destroying any sense of racial heritage or unity, allowing the upper class to bend their minds and hearts to their will. Well done jews, well done, HOWEVER.

i get what you're saying mate but i hope you realise that sometimes these are posted by right wingers aswell, to rile people up

the 84 average iq uprising is upon us