Statistically most robots are almost certainly either ghosting, friendzoning...

Statistically most robots are almost certainly either ghosting, friendzoning, or leading on at least one female that they do not want to settle for. Really makes you think.

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Where did you get these statistics from sempai

Telling lies?
No, papa

Statistically, I will date any of them. Please gib fembot.

you can't settle for a girl you have to book a flight to visit.

there are exceptions, but don't count on it.

Statistically, I haven't socialized with a female peer in 15 years.

Statistically, I don't talk with any females because they don't talk to me, so I can't lead them on in any way

I ghosted a girl but she wasn't a "femcel" or anything.

You have to talk with one to begin with
0 female friends
>leading on

I knew a girl with that exact same body type who was self conscious and considered herself stout and ugly and man-shaped. I teased her relentlessly about it

I will spell this out for you, showing women no attention until you are in person is how they get wet. They need to be after you, I spent years going after girls and getting no where

I don't know any girls to ghost or friendzone so my dick

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I rarely go anywhere outside of work, and I already got rejected by a co-worker. The women at parties I go to are so far out of my league I couldn't see them with a telescope. Take your statistics and shove them up your ass.

sauce it you fucking nigger

>Where did you get these statistics from sempai
It's one of those stupid "mirroring" posts where women take a thing that they do and switch genders in an attempt to make a point.

I got ghosted by every girl I talk to. And I don't know how to not appear like I just want to be a simple friend because I'm socially inept.

I'm not talking to any of you, I'm not paying for any of you, and I never ever will.

statistically post the source motherfucker

It doesn't matter what you do and how you talk to them. They go through the same cycles:

>feel immense need to socialize
>find someone to latch onto and pretend to have strong feelings for and lead him on
>get bored after a while, usually a few months
>sabotage the relationship, burn bridges and stay alone for a short while
>find a new favorite person, repeat

It's just BPD.

Easy, just don't be fat.

IDK man, would you want to date someone who thought murder is ok?

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Op the fucking sauce

It depends on what kind of people.

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You overestimate the amount of social interaction we get.

>Statistically most robots are almost certainly either ghosting, friendzoning, or leading on at least one female that they do not want to settle for.

To make sure that I don't accidentally ghost, friendzone, or lead on anyone, I simply don't speak to women I'm not attracted to.

Problem solved.

Here's a stats for you:
The median penis size on Jow Forums is 6 inches. Yes, this is in fact a board of dicklets.

here's a stat for you: on average guys add 2 inches to their dick online

9 inches masterrace here

I barely leave my house so there's zero chance in that
I haven't had a single friend in over 17 years
>leading on
see the previous two above
>don't want to settle
I don't give two shits what a girl looks like, I simply want someone that shares my morals and values. You know what that leaves me left with? Less than 0.0265% of the women in the entire US.

>tfw I'm really 9.5x7 then

I don't know if I believe this. I've been using the internet for years now and my dick never got any bigger.

There is a girl at my college that I friendzoned. We tried talking for awhile but we don't have any similar interests. She got high almost each day which bothered me because she constantly laughed at everything. One time, She told a story about how She got into a car accident and just laughed the whole way through. She hated reading books and watching anime. She was also a "feminist"

I feel slightly bad for friendzoning her but there's no point in being in a relationship that neither of us would enjoy. I also should've known it wouldnt work out since she approached me first.

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Last girl I talked to ghosted me.

All of my female friends are married to my friends. I wish they would stop liking me so much so I could kill myself already.

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Orly? I dont even have female friends anymore. I dont interact with girls.

>Last girl I talked to ghosted me.

anyone have sauce on this yet. please give a man some sauce. just a little sauce, that's all he asks.

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I am friendzoning one yes. She is 15 years older than me and weighs at least 200 pounds more than I do. She has told me time and time again that she would be interested in me but I would rather be alone than be with her.

Can I get her instead? I'm probably her age and I like fat women.

Well statistically I have the biggest penis on Jow Forums and every women in the world wants my dick. Don't ask me where I got these statistics though.

that requires one to have female friends. or just friends in general

Posts like this really kind of start to make me want to go full Elliot Rodger mode. At least I'd have some fan girls after death after all was said and done.

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The only girls I know are acquaintances at best, I'm pretty much invisible to them. I don't think I've texted one since I was in high school.

This doesn't make any fucking sense. I don't even talk to women.

That's completely false if you're talking about every robot on this board, but actually kind of true in my case. I'm a senior in high school, and only two girls ever talk to me. I want to date girl one, and I rather dislike girl two.

>girl one almost never talks to anyone, and usually only talks to other girls when she actually does talk to people
>almost never initiates conversation with anyone
>have had at least one class (Japanese) with her every year since freshman year, and only remember her talking to guys maybe four or five times
>she's easily the best non-Japanese speaker in the class, but sometimes gets too nervous to answer questions, and it's really cute
>we never spoke to each other until this year, but she seems to enjoy our conversations
>actually initiates conversations with me, something I haven't ever seen her do
>would probably be scored a 3/10 by the average person, but I think she's cute in her own way

>girl two is probably a 6/10
>also fairly antisocial, but not to the same extent as girl one
>always initiates conversations with me when we talk. I never start conversations with her
>almost exclusively talks to men
>almost all her friends
>punches me in the arm a lot
>pat my head once
>mentioned to me that she had D cups, but the smallest possible band size, "so shopping was really hard"
she might sound perfect, but she ignores me whenever any other male is nearby and talks to them instead, so I'm thinking she's just desperate for male attention. I dislike being used as a self-esteem boost, so I never start conversations with her anymore and usually give her bland, non-committal replies when she talks to me.

what If I told you that I don't actually talk to people.
>referring to girls as females

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Girl one is doing the exact same thing as girl two, only she does it on the internet instead.

She's overweight and 3/10. I highly doubt it.

At your age I'd have been orbiting her 24/7. I mean obviously she's the right choice, but I'm just telling you she'll break your heart anyway.

I don't orbit her at all. I actually haven't talked to her in a couple days, and won't be able to for the next two weeks because of winter break. I doubt she'll cheat or anything if I date her, though. She doesn't seem like that kind of person at all. If anything, my biggest worry is that if I ask her out, she'll assume it's some sort of cruel joke and get mad. That's what I would do in her situation, so I wouldn't really blame her, but it still feels bad to think about that possibility.

>he still thinks there are women who are "beneath" him
Yeah you're not going to get far with that attitude.

I don't think she's beneath me. I care very much about her. How did you come to that conclusion?

Well, you're assuming that she has no men interested in her, which every woman does, that she's so socially retarded and pathetic that she'd think another guy interested in her is just a prank, and so on. You're also thinking her thoughts for her like she's not even a real person, and dwelling on it like a creepy predatory weirdo (obviously we know that's not the case, but that's how she would see it).

>Well, you're assuming that she has no men interested in her, which every woman does
I don't see any men talking to her
>that she's so socially retarded and pathetic that she'd think another guy interested in her is just a prank
I would do the same thing if a girl asked me out, and I'm even more social than she is, so I'm assuming she'd do the same.
>You're also thinking her thoughts for her like she's not even a real person
I'm just trying to figure out how she would respond to being asked out so I can act accordingly to reduce awkwardness and hurt for both of us
>dwelling on it like a creepy predatory weirdo
I'm dwelling on it because it's important to me, not because I'm predatory. I'll give you the weird part, though.
>obviously we know that's not the case, but that's how she would see it
Thank you for including this part, user. It shows that you're not trying to be condescending and rude, but merely presenting another viewpoint- one that I hadn't previously considered. I'm going to try to make sure I don't come across as creepy when I ask her out now that you've brought this to my attention.

Huh, I guess you're right. I mean, I tried with her but she's way too stressful and clingy. Always getting worked up if I forget to text back and stressing over that annoying friend of hers. I'm not here for 24/7 attention and emotional support, holy hell.

found the source lads

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>female that they do not want to settle for.
Where does this settle meme come from. Either you're attracted to someone or you're not. It's not like you can force yourself to like a girl you're not attracted to.
Are there really people so desperate they'd force themselves into a relationship that's doomed to fail just to avoid being alone?

Is that thing human? Pretty gnarly.

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