Burger edition
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that was a weird as movie
something totally different from what I've expected
I thought the same after watching The Sixth Sense.
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what were you expecting?
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some illuminati shit like from Alex Jones' Bohemian Grove documentary
>Sixth Sense
good song
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Good morning.
Cool nickname, bro.
Which movie did you watch?
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i thought that was part of it. been a while since i watched.
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That's not what it's about? I've never seen it.
what kind of face does she make when she _doesn't_ like something?
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a little part and I thought whole movie was about it
it was pretty shocking
illuminati are involved but they are like in the background
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Oh. How boring.
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it wasn't boring but yeah it was kinda disappointing
still good movie
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They are the illuminati after all. Maybe it was to be expected.
burger of korea
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Not an airport edition for dutchingus flight?
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kpop dogs are usually so lame
if your dog is smaller than a cat you should euthanize it
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Before I get to preoccupied, goodnight and rest easy.
Attached: 23167124_1924970577764442_6171217222317375488_n irene.webm (640x644, 1.01M)
Is dutchingu comming home?
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Yeah, I think it's just about time, anyway. Good night
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no but i am
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Shoudn't you be asleep? It's normie day tomorrow
pls no
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no, he's still successfully evading the INS
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Good night.
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all krauts took Urlaubs and there's no one to give us new tasks and since we finished all work this Wednesday I have free day tomorrow
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no bully, small dogs are good boys too
convenient. are you getting drunk to celebrate that?
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I have no respect for small dogs, sorry
I got baked like 6 hours ago
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Delicious koreaburger.
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cute hair
is dungchee big enough for you?
that sounds gay
anyway his size is good but his face is disgusting
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what the hell he's mega cute
>his face is disgusting
not cool. apologize.
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he looks like a caricature of a dog
just look at this
real dogs don't look like that
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not every dog can be a seolhyun or dong. the jimins and chanmis among them need love too.
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reminds me of arin here
bye dog bully
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apologize to Arin
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Apologize to Seulgi
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Bae is just so pretty.
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do you have the 잘자 slug webm?
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Time for bed. Good night.
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Sleep tight
I have to word this one (no pedo)
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sleep well
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Time to go back to focusing.
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>stuck between two people both like 10cm taller than me
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Thanks, But I just landed
Your head would fit in one of those guy's hands
Good luck getting out of the airport.
Thanks, I might actually need that. Hoping my luggage shows up soon
You probably travel by overhead compartment anyways
i need an entire row to myself because i'm so big
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All suitcases came within the first minute
Thanks norway
T. Weird Al
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You're welcome.
Literally me
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Shit I wasn't here
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Wasted digits
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actually this is me
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>Literally me
Ha, now I can make that fat joke I was saving up
I found the only bridge that can carry you
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How long were you going to save that?
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Had it in the back of my head for almost a month now
Thought of you when I saw it, wanted to wait till I had an opportunity
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That's some very premeditated bullying.
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I can't be funny effortlessly like you
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I think you're overestimating my abilities.
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finally back in a place with good internet
life can stop being on pause
t. yourself underestimater
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What do you think about new Gfriend?
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glad you made it back
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i like it. i haven't actually had the time or internet to listen to the full album though, so i'll get back to you about that
i wouldn't want to disappoint you by dying
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looking forward to your opinion
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speaking of looking forward to, do we know the date for the AOA comeback?
you got potential kid
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