Explain to me your opinions, definitions, and details on what the bluepill, redpill, and blackpill are in detail...

explain to me your opinions, definitions, and details on what the bluepill, redpill, and blackpill are in detail. genuinely interested in what you robots have to say.

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They're bite-sized, myopic viewpoints, for people who just want the world laid out for them by people who are probably dumber than they are.

And they have no nutritional value whatsoever.

nice npc reply
see you wanna be based and redpilled
never ever be cringe and bluepilled
blackpill is too big for you to swallow so you should definitely just let your whore of a gf do it while you watch and cry with a hardon

>blackpill is too big for you to swallow

Not all of us enjoy sucking dick as much as you do, shitknuckle.

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Absolutely and originally based and blackpilled.

Ignore that guy.

He's probably an NPC

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enjoy every inch of that blackpill you freakin enpeesees

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bluepill is bad
redpill is "truth" (frequently used to support statements that aren't true)
blackpill is incel
hate women women bad grr. why? because women bad and do bad grr.
blame anyone who isn't me
hate trannies and niggers because ???

Listen here boyo.

I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in pop culture theory, and I know my memes inside and out. I even wrote a book and made a whole bunch of money of it, while mining everybody elses content.

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Blackpill is recognition of reality. It is recognition of acceptance of female hypergamy with little to nothing that can be done about it personally unless you have good looks.

yeah that's what i said, incel.

They're stupid, broad, narrow-minded compartmentalizations of human behavior that retard deviants who spend too much time on the internet love espousing because they're too autistic to understand normal human behavior or the complex scope of it.

stfu before i reprogram you asimov's cuck

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Woah now!

No need to make this personnel. Not all of us can be retarded fuccbois like you, user.

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theyre all a fucking retarded meme that lets dumbshits indulge in their superiority complex

I don't have to be hari seldon to see you're about to run into a world of trouble, kiddo.

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jesus, did you break out the thesaurus for this post, try putting the fedora down before you type stupid shit like this.

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IF we're following the metaphor that The Matrix has constructed:
>blue pill
The blue pill is what you currently believe and are content with. "Taking" the blue pill is going back to the status quo, and denying the very existence of the red pill altogether. It's not just simply continuing to live in the world you've already known your whole life, but denying that there is a world you haven't known as well.

>the red pill
the red pill is a new world view that contradicts the preconceptions of your previous world view, often to the detriment of your immediate pleasure or contentedness, one you'd be apprehensive to accept. The reason that the red pill metaphor has been co-opted by the right wing in American politics is because the left wing is disproportionately present in the day to day life of people. Education leans left, entertainment leans left, law at a local level often leans left, even politics themselves innately lean left because the best and brightest on the right go into the free market rather than politics itself, so the A team of the left goes into political battle with the B team of the right since the right's A team is busy engaging in the market.

The red pill metaphor is strong among the American right wing because the left's stronger presence makes it the default. You can hardly ever turn a right winger to the left by introducing them to left wing talking points, because they've been inundated with them their entire lives. But you may convert a left winger to the right because there's dramatically fewer outlets of right wing advocacy in their lives, they may often confront the right wing's talking points for the first time in their lives.

The fact the colours line up with the parties is a nice coincidence.

Blackpill and other "pills" is just torturing the metaphor to represent literally any ideology.

>hacks ur brain
haha wtf it's all just 1 line of code this is too easy
>highlights entire line and replaces it with normiecore v7.0
sorry bro

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>t. cringed and bluepilled cuck-soibois

memes for brainlets, linguistic containers that give them easy worldviews to abide by in lieu of critical thinking, can also be used to conveniently dismiss opposing viewpoints. basically just reddit buzzwords

so what you're saying is you're bluepilled as fuck right now
cause that's all i've gathered out of that post

what the hell have you done to me?

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stop trying to overload your normie brain and just watch this video youtube.com/watch?v=xoxhDk-hwuo

Redpill: believing in Jow Forums doctrine, pretty much the opposite of the redpill in the matrix since you have to make sure you pretend facts that make you uncomfortable don't count/exists

Bluepill: Jow Forums equivalent to downvoting

Blackpill: when you just give up and assume a fatalistic state

now why do you gotta come in here and ruin everyone's fun

umm sweety just take a shower and be a decent human being then love will find you when you least expect it teehee!

bro just be confident, hold frame, pass shit tests, cold approach, and spin plates bro. women want men not boys.

Looks are the primary factor in female attraction; stop pretending women are so mysterious. If you're attractive then keep true female nature in mind and put yourself out there. Otherwise stop coping and LDAR.

Being a traditional pussy chasing simp desperate to unleash his seed because that's all he can achieve.
Realizing woman are literal snakes in the grass who influence most mens actions towards fighting to win her love through manual labor and entertainment
nothings worth it, all memories good or bad are lost upon death, only men feel love but 80+% are allowing woman to mentally dominate them. Every child is just born to eventually die and struggle before hand, equality doesn't exist and reality will never be perfect or even worth it and we will be trapped in our small galaxy never being able to travel faster than light as the universe isolates it's pockets of material even more.

the blackpill was started by a video by eggman.
this guy used to come on Jow Forums years back with a tripcode and post pictures of himself. when people said his head looked weird he raged and robots took to calling him eggman. eventually he got mad at this board and raged about it in vid related.
he has a girlfriend and a normal life now but it's still nostalgic to watch him smoke and rant about what what used to be our board's shitty culture.

Overly coddling and myopic worldview
Like the adult equivalent tooth fairy or santa claus
Makes the dangerous assumption that people are fundamentally good
Results in things like morrocon beheading

Misogynistic, dehumanises women and treats them as objects for sexual conquest
Good for manipulating female sexual desire but ultimately counterproductive for healthy long term relationships which are more fulfilling

Exposes you to the depth of human brutality and cruelty. Life is nothing but suffering, we are all playing a game rigged against us whether we like it or not
Puts you into deep despair or gives you drive to fight your way out of this shit

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speaking in normal meaning of redpill (hard to swallow truth, not joos = bad) the blackpill would be the ultimate redpill

Bluepill is the way things seem. Redpill is the way things are. Blackpill is the way things will be.

and I forgot to say this with eggman. Jow Forums was shitty then but it hasn't gotten any better. new people just come to this board now and complain about different things so we don't hear about eggman so much but I still know that dude was cool.
and if Jow Forums stopped being shitty it would be terrible and nobody would even lurk.

nietzsche is redpill
schopie is blackpill
religion is bluepill

the bluepill is blisfull un-awerenes, a animal state of mind and feeling of being in the right, redpil is knowing you are in the right yet not knowing how to explain or spread it properly,. The blackpill knows the true meaning of red pill and knows that a large portion of humanity wil always stay in the same mindset,

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Bluepill: Blissful yet ignoring of the faults in human nature.
Blackpill: Nihilistic to the point of total unhealthiness. Recognizes the faults of society such as the Redpill but takes it to a hopeless extreme.
Redpill: Understanding the nature of humanity and utilizing it to your full potential by exploiting female behavior and opinion, which is justified given women's actions toward men in courts and in the dating scene.

What is "based"?
I don't get the term.
Based on what?

dont get it
i thought redpill meant the community of autists who come up with all this shit to try and game women to have sex with them

>nietzsche is redpill
>schopie is blackpill

why would u say schopie is more hard to swallow than nietzche? what ideas r u referring to

its a slang term meaning cool / swag / guy who does whatever the fuck he wants in a positive way / whatever kids call it

in general, the pills describe the way you think about the world or society
the blue pill is just going along with the "politically correct" mainstream
the red pill means going against the current, seeing today's world as "degenerate" and wishing to correct it
the black pill is also thinking that today's society is degenerate, but realizing the game was rigged from the start and just giving up
they are fine as quick general terms but not something you should take blindly or even seriously.

Anyone who use "pill" terminology is either a fucking idiot or under 25.
Fact is, the world is not fare. Deal with it or try your best to improve whatever ways you can to get what you want.

Based newfag
Can't mute me

WHere is this image? I swear I've seen it before...

To me black pill is hopeless realization that there is nothing you can do to fix anything.
You have to be red pulled first.
I know might toss use it in regards to women but, that's pretty much a gay cult. They wholesale a half truth. Yeah women these days are whores.
But joining a counter movement is gay.
You wanna forget whores and focus on self improvement? Good for you, do that but you don't have to join any group for self improvement.

>strong in american right-wing
Lol, Jow Forums is small and has done fuck-all to murican right-wing.
Protip, both parties are right-wing jew cum guzzling swindlers.

>some people did bad things so now completely unrelated people deserve to be exploited

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pretty boy swag