To everyone on here who is depressed or anxious, to every lonely robot

To everyone on here who is depressed or anxious, to every lonely robot.

Go to the doctor and tell him about your anxiety/depression.

I feel fucking amazing for the first time in so long, Prozac has saved me, there is light, there is hope do it as soon as possible get help.

You won't regret it I promise. I feel so great and happy.

>T. Ex Agoraphobic

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Other urls found in this thread:

How to get placed in a mental ward 101
Yeah no thanks mr Sheckelberg

I'm already on anti-depressants user. Shit sucks even with them it's just more monotonous.

You will end up there if you don't get help.

I was lost inside my own head for so long, it was a horrible place, going over and over thoughts inside my head for weeks at a time.

I hope you find ones that work for you user, I can't stop smiling everything's just great.

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I'm comfy with my daruta chewables thank you very much

I know it looks silly.

But man. Is that ever a good moment to have.

>Be bipolar as fuck
>Spend every night crying and spazzing out on the brink of suicide/amazing euphoria
>Don't sleep for nights in a row, then sleep hours
>Everything was a massive big deal
>Have so much noise in my brain I couldn't think straight
>Brain feels like it's on fire

>Get put on Abilify
>Brain is quiet
>Brain is no longer on fire
>Can actually fall asleep
>Daily moods don't fly between suicide and euphoria
>Crazy delusions and ideas are less
>The voices are quieter and I can ignore them

Guys. I implore you to seek help. You ever been really, really, regretfully drunk? And then you wake up sober the next morning with a clear head? That's what medication feels like for me. Like someone put a fire out in my mind. Please seek help.

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Anti depressants either made me worse, did nothing, or kept me at a constant medium state where I was devoid of any sadness or happiness. The worst thing was that I never learned how to properly handle emotions since they were being numbed by medication.

I first went on those meds when I was 15, put on a ton of weight as a result, finally got off when I was 26. Best decision of my life. Psych meds in general are only good for a limited time, and even then people should be encouraged to try natural anti depressants like lifting and sunlight exposure first before ever taking those kinds of pills.

t. 29 year old boomer

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I already have been and Prozac doesn't help me at all.

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I'm glad your doing well user.

I take Prozac/Seroquel myself, I actually feel normal, life is great.

Interesting maybe you need a different med or an anti-psychotic, but I also agree about lifting and sunlight.

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medication hasn't 100% cured my depression, but it makes life MUCH more tolerable. lexapro pretty much deleted my lifelong anxiety after about a week.
I will say though, you should avoid effexor, the side effect profile is terrible and w/ds made me a psycho.

I feel like they ruined my life. I was started on ADHD meds when 4 or 5 and then my dumbass psycho liberal mom started getting the doctors to give me more and more shit over the years until I was a barely functioning mess of anxiety and depression. I didn't go off everything until I was 21 because it was all I had known my entire life. i truly believed I needed that garbage to function. I still have trouble, especially with depression, but at least now I have a job and dress myself properly.

No, because my stress is caused by my situation, its counter productive to just sit and take pills.

I've been through almost 10 medications in the past year. And, if anything, this whole treatment process has made everything much worse

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I'm in the process of maybe getting diagnosed with ADHD. I definitely feel like there's something off about me and adhd is the only thing that checks most of the boxes. All the symptoms matchup suspiciously well.

I would take medication if offered, but if it doesn't do anything then I would definitely not continue with them.

Some people they work well for. For me I fucking hated them. Only had mild anxiety but it leveled off my emotions so hardcore. Just felt kinda numb. Then I had trouble with my dick and that was a no go for me and gf. So I stopped them and did CBT. Now I'm great.

Different strokes for different folks desu

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I'm not mentally ill, I'm just a miserable sack of shit. Drugs don't fix that

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ive been on and off so many antidepressants I get a couple weeks in and the negative side effects always fuck with me. Your glowing post makes me think shouldnt give up on fighting it. Did you have a bad time with Prozac at first?

placebo effect. pills can't change reality, and they can't change the past.

>tfw have a best friend I spend 6-12 hours talking to daily on Discord
>every time he's not on Discord with me, either due to doing rl stuff or being burnt out (he's an introvert too) I think he secretly hates me and only uses me to pass time whilst his 'real' friends aren't available
>this isn't true but my mind won't stop thinking it

I feel so bad for you, because I've been in your shoes. When the crash comes, it will come hard, believe me.

i hope my trips signify he is my true and best friend and not confirms my anxiety riddled thoughts ;_;

will meds cure my loneliness? will meds find me love?

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Pills can in fact change reality, because reality is only what we perceive it to be. Don't take drugs to solve your problems user's please. I've been on the other side, and getting out is not simple.

Wait till the SSRIs fuck you over.

>pays to get addicted to pills that induce mania
>can't stop sucking Shekelberg's dick for the privilege

yeah, no thanks. last time i was on prozac i felt like i was going to kill someone. glad i got off that shit for good. took me a few months for the effects to reverse, and im glad cause at the rate i was going, i would've had my face plastered all over the news.

>Go to the doctor and tell him about your anxiety/depression. I feel fucking amazing for the first time in so long.
>thread is filled with wojak/pepe posters.
If you feel much better just because you talked to someone, means you are not mentally ill, just a lonely faggot.
No wonder why everybody hates you.

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>just ruin your brain signal receptors by sucking off the pharma jew
No thank you. It may fix it for a year or two, but it will be back and worse than ever.

Looks like you've finally got it all figured out, user. Nothing but smooth sailing from here on out.

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Anti-Depressants are concentrated doses of serotonin, user. Placebo's don't cause serotonin storm.


First of all, no they are not "concentrated doses of serotonin." Look up how they are actually supposed to work. Second of all, the large placebo effect in antidepressants is highly documented. If you had success on antidepressants, chances are you would also have had success on a sugar pill.

For the first few weeks yes, but now I have 0 side effects and I generally just feel great.

Maybe you need a higher dose.

youre probably just on a placebo high and judging by how you sound youve probably only started prozac within this week. wait until things start to go backwards again and you realize nothing was fixed at all. medications dont solve all your problems...

Been on them about 3 months now.

I mean just look at the studies that allowed the drug to get onto the market. Sure it's statistically significant, but on average you're going to get a lot of improvement from thinking you're taking an antidepressant when you're just taking a sugar pill.

here's the MADRS scale for your info.

You can go down 13 points on this just by thinking you're taking a drug.

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fish oil and vitamin D are probably the best anti depressants there are

also what antidepressants do is they trick you into thinking something external is going to help you. so you stress less about putting the burden on yourself thus in turn making you feel less depressed and more comforted because there's an illusion that something is taking care of you. works in the same way as religion/ prayer does.
also they don't work if your life is fucking shit in the first place.

user's let me tell you, the most effective anti depressant I ever used wasn't a pill, it was buying my own car. Truly changed my endless monotony of neetdom. I don't have any reason for a car other than driving to nowhere and washing it weekly, but I'm sure it beats any gf.

I got off the medicine because it wasnt working. The withdraw would be too severe if I wasnt extremely diligent in taking the meds. Fuck that, my brain must heal.

I want a car but the idea of having of sperging out when I go to the dealership/ person's house is not pleasant

>I can't stop smiling everything's just great.

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sums up antidepressants pretty well, desutbh

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It was the same for me tbqh. I got my parents to do everything such as the talking and money counting. But when I'm alone in the car and driving like a big boy with all the other road users it feels as if I've escaped robothood. I am doing what normal people do, driving. It's a great feeling.

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Taking meds was the worst decision I ever made. Made me into a zombie. So much wasted time, really glad I'm off them. I would rather die than take them again.

I agree. This was probably the biggest thing that improved my mood. Being a pathetic dude in his twenties who doesn't know how to drive is humiliating. I can't go back and fix things in high school, but at least I can drive now and no one will give me strange looks about not having a car.

pls respond ore:(

Are you guys being serious? Like, I have been seriously wanting to get on anti-depressants now for a few months, life is just getting really unbearable at this point. Spend nearly 24/7 in my room and will deny people to hang out with them because I am too anxious of seeming like a fucking idiot with nothing to say.

I'm not mentally ill but I take modafinil and phenibut and it's like being a superhero.

online friends aren't reaI friends

You have to remember that the side effects of antidepressants (and the lack thereof in sugar pills) leads to the activated placebo effect (or whatever it's called). Basically, in a double blind trial, somebody can tell whether or not they were given an antidepressant or a placebo (as they are required by law to be informed that one possibility has side effects, while the other doesn't). This early confirmation can further trigger the placebo effect and, in some cases, accounts for the difference between sugar pills and SSRIs.

why not? surely friendship is just spending time with someone, sharing your feelings, aspirations and other things? why can't this be online, especially in this age?

that's acquaintanceship

From my experience, and what I've read. It seems like SSRIs and SNRIs and other types of anti-depressants seem to either work wonders for the users, or absolutely fucking suck.

to me that is friendship.
acquaintanceship is someone you would talk to, or do things with, only out of being forced to - e.g I go out with friend, A, and acquaintance, B, tags along. I would say MOST online relationships are acquaintanceship, but I think a small amount can evolve into actual, close friendship.

someone who obsesses over a "friend" online and expects to talk to them so many hours a day is probably just mentally ill and very lonely, I feel bad for such a person :(

"i have nothing else to add or counter your points so i'm just going to call you names"
enjoy your life kiddo :)

I didn't mean to insult you, you too

If you don't want to be a drugged out Zombie the best antidepressants are sunlight and socialization
Talk to that cute girl at the register when you're getting groceries, just chill in the backyard and let the sun cook you for a few hours
It'll take time and at first it hurts but it works

They only work if there problem is internal.

90% of people are depressed due to external factors, mostly under their control, so the medication only dulls their senses at best.

For those of you who are depressed and thinking of getting on SSRIs, don't. Go to the gym and start working. Just like it was with me, your problem is the loneliness and lack of meaningful progression in your life.

What if I have a meaningful progression in my life? I am about to actually move out of my parents and go to college after 2 years and I feel as worse as ever. What do I do, user?

suck my fat depressed cock, noooooormie

i got on prozac last august, it was like a never ending party- until it ended. im fucking worse now than i was before

t. failed normie retard

I've been trying different pills and therapists for almost 20 years now.

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>meaningful progression
lol enjoy your debt and worthless accomplishment as degree inflation hits and niggers get affirmative action positions

Yeah I'm a failed normie, that's why laying in the sun doesn't make me feel happy like you. Don't think too hard there, sped, you might hurt your brain.

>I'm a depressed loser and I hate myself but my ego is still absolutely massive

fuck you nigger. its either college or get kicked out of my house and be homeless with no marketable skills at all.

Nigga you are trivializing my problem. I'm sorry you don't have a cure. Don't let YOUR massive fucking ego convince YOU that YOU know how to cure depression. You ain't shit, but a charlatan. Arm chair psychology isn't in vogue anymore, find a new ego boost.

oh, are mom and dad paying for it? that's great

>retarded loser with huge ego
>literally can't put his ego aside for a moment to discuss something
every time

You're on a website where people masturbate to animated child porn. You shouldn't be offended when someone suffering (just like you) uses you as a punching bag.
Just ignore them and close the thread, even if they're in the wrong. It's anonymous. You're the only one who cares about how you look here. Your mental health will thank you later for closing the thread and moving on.

Discuss what? That sunbathing doesn't cure depression? Go back to facebook, boomer. This isn't the world you grew up in. You destroyed that world, remember?

>prozac has saved me
Just do self improvement senpai. That's what got me out of the hole, along with a promise to never pity myself again. Even cut it into my arm as a reminder.

>Nigga you are trivializing my problem.

He should, because your problem is trivial.

It's funny - a lot of trash out there complain about what they call the "just world fallacy"...but talk to any "depwessed" user for ten minutes and you'll realize that they're weaklings who deserve to suffer, and that their angst is, in fact, an argument for the world being just.

Prozac made me feel aggressive and the other 9 ssri's all came with the excessive sweating side effect. If it wasnt for that id have stayed on them. The only one i tried that sort of worked for my anxiety was mirtazapine but that made me gain weight and gave me RLS and i was so fucking tired all the time all i wanted to do was sleep.

unequivocally based and redpilled

Try Buspirone. It is older, so it's not prescribed as much, but it is by far the safest anti-depressants, and it has very few, very mild side effects.
Phama companies would rather have you on the "latest and greatest" because they make more money off those.

>Discuss what? That sunbathing doesn't cure depression? Go back to facebook, boomer. This isn't the world you grew up in. You destroyed that world, remember?

You're absolutely right. Your depression is incurable and the world has been destroyed.

It's clear the only way out is for you to kill yourself.

Think of the release. Finally, to slip into nothingness. The big sleep. All of the pain slipping away.

It'd be easy. You could do it TONIGHT.

Well, good for you.
Pray it doesn't chemically castrate you like it did me.
You don't know what you have till it's gone.

My experience with taking prozac after 2 weeks.
>Acne outbreak
>complete loss of sexual interest
>complete loss of apetite
>general feeling of unwellness
>stomach pain
>shitting so much I was literally shitting blood.

It's been like 4 months and I haven't even recovered

>inb4 all those are unrelated, obviously just a placebo effect or some shit
I took another anti depressant and it didn't work at all but I had almost no side effects that I could directly say was from the anti depressants.

See, you assume that I just laid down and died. Well, spoiler alert, I haven't. I don't intend to either. I've accomplished a lot, in spite of my illness. Don't let your ego get in the way of empathy there sport. You ain't shit.

Do you feel like a big man? Does bullying on anime forums make you feel superior? Why are you spending your time doing this on a saturday night? Don't you have anything better to do?

ok can i have money to go

>See, you assume that I just laid down and died. Well, spoiler alert, I haven't. I don't intend to either. I've accomplished a lot, in spite of my illness.

But it didn't make a difference, did it? Nothing ever will. That weight will still be there. It never goes away.

There's no any of it. Better to just let go. It's going to win in the end any way. Nothing's ever going to help.

you seem manic.

I love this new psyop that tries to get r9k users to kill themselves. Very upstanding. I hope hell exists. It'd have a special place just for shits like you.

>Why are you spending your time doing this on a saturday night?

Because militant weaklings piss me off.

Their RAGE that anyone would dare SUGGEST that their problems might be solvable.


OK, so then please die. If it's hopeless and if anyone who suggests that it might not be is an evil boomer, why not just eat a bullet?

And livestream it, please.

Curing it is hopeless, but powering through it isn't. How am I a militant weakling for not sucking big pharma's fat cock? I hope you have more to your life than just this, otherwise that'd just be depressing ;^)

funny, that picture is exactly how I felt after I stopped taking zoloft

Does anyone have any experience taking dopamine agonists for depression.
Think i'll ask for something like pramipexole next time.
I've heard it also reverses SSRI induced sexual dysfunction.

Sometimes I think r9k is purely evil, but then there are anons like you that give me hope that some of us actually care for each other, at least a tiny bit.

Man, it's real fucking rough these days. I swear to god, there's some obsessive group of "incel hunters" who think that this is some big bad "incel hivemind" (it's not, mind you) and try to get us to kill ourselves with their epic bullying. Stay strong my man, real robots look out for eachother.

Explain why the latency for effect is consistent with the known mechanism of action for SSRIs.

>tfw I've started having crippling anxiety attacks where I literally cannot think straight for over an hour
>Just obsessive spiralling thoughts that I can't stop
>Last night this hit me over something really stupid while a friend was over
>She found me in my room huddled under my desk with my jacket over my head

I'm very lucky that she also has panic attacks and understands. I was extremely embarrassed and I still am. I'm also angry at myself for being such a mess. How can an adult like me seriously get to that state over something so miniscule and stupid. The thing that I worried about for an hour straight turned out fine

I started a medicine then the prescription ran out, and I think it helped. I think I felt better while I was on it. I got a new 2 month prescription but I don't think it has kicked in yet. I was off the meds for almost a month. I really hope they help. I feel so helpless when this happens. I almost killed myself over an anxiety attack this year that lasted for like 2 hours and ended with me parked on the side of a bridge and getting put in a psych ward for a few days

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doctor put me on paxil which made me extremely nauseous and feeling starved at the same time, i also couldn't sleep for shit and it made my anxiety worse.

now he wants to put me on cymbalta. i honestly don't care what these drugs do to me at this point since that's all doctors want to do about mental illness

Hey anons, try fixing up your diets before going on pills, if you eat a fucked up diet it can really mess you up.

Why the fuck were you on them for 10 YEARS???
I always thought these things were short term use so you could get into therapy/solve your issues without wanting to die.