>every single commercial is about making women feel better mentally and physically
>even things that can be applied to men
>only mentioning men when its in a negative light
>men are disposable, women are unique and irreplaceable
>say the slightest negative thing about women
>you are an incel bitter virgin mysoginst violent men
>openly say disgusting discriminatory shit about men, even on media
>you go gurl! What wn inspiring young women, so brave
>lol why are men so bitter and resentful towards women?

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Other urls found in this thread:


When you've been at the top of the game for so long, any attempt to encroach on your dominance as a gender feels like losing. It's okay to admit that, lay off the victimhood. It's not losing to admit that helping women find an equal foothold in society should be done for the benefit of everyone. Just stop acting like an idiot and shut up.

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>equal foothold in society should be done for the benefit of everyone.
How is shitting on men going to benefit either of us?

>shitting on men
It's the fact you think any social change at all which is going to dethrown men is shitting on us. Show's we still have a long way to go.
I'd be interested to see how many adverts you've seen to form this opinion. I'd be interested to see what types of adverts they are, who made them, what area of the world you're in and the target demographics of those adverts. Listen to yourself anyway, you're crying about fucking adverts, and like, women feel like shit everyday for the shit they have to deal with still. Jesus christ you're so weak spirited it's really quite laughable.

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Hey roast.
See the problem is you fucking maggots with cunts have been cruising pretty smoothly for the last couple decades and now when everything is in order for western women and your only problem is guys trying to get with you, you decide, as always, to stir shit up and dramatize everything.
You can't just live comfortably in your towers of ivory having everything in life handed to you on silver platters, you have to shit on every fucking male because a hundred years ago some men were cruel and actually harmful towards women.

Kill yourself.

But it's the fact you think some work rights or voting is cruising smoothly, I'm a guy and a pretty liberal one at that. But you guys act like everythign is smooth sailing for everyone, when really we have barely even scratched the surface of social change, for ANY group. Guys in domestic abuse cases are still fucked over royally and family courts in general. Women are still royally fucked in representation in media, and job roles and positions ect. Like theres still a lot of work to do. And even if it WERE true that women get everything handed to them, which is really fucking out of touch with reality but i'll let you have that, it still wouldn't portray a truely fairer or equal society. Just shut up and stop acting like an edgy faggot and grow up.

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good commercials

>It's the fact you think any social change at all which is going to dethrown men is shitting on us
I didnt say that I said we should be striving to treat each other as equal as possible. In your eyes: Women make fun of men? Deal with it you weakling you're a MAN. A man makes fun of a women?: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU BIGGOTED SEXIST. Also lol at calling me a weak male you are the definition of a beta whiteknight

Again it's just pointless conjecture. You're making these broad general assesments on fuck knows what, because you watch same pragerU videos.

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I'm basing that off that what YOU said. Which is the same line of thinking every other bluepilled cuck and feminist has.You said yourself:
>lay off the victimhood
>Listen to yourself anyway, you're crying
IE men deserved to be treated like shit

>just s-shut up and stop exposing our hypocrisy and geberal shitty behaviour

I find it hard to believe you are a man

I love it when dumbfucks like you show up so I can destroy your white knight ass
>men are on top cause statistically they work the hardest and longest
>women want to be on top by doing nothing but playing victim
>women got where they are today by playing victim
>Women are giving equal footing now, its just you want women to be better
>You people act like idiots and never shut up, thats why we are fed up with you

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you type like a girl or single mom raised faggot who is pro-female no matter what.
you know like a white knight queer that only exists to defend females even when wrong.

>The west has the most progress out of anything in the world
>still not enough progress for you
>ignore third world shit holes where women get stoned for being raped
>Women do get representation in the media and in the last 7 years thats all it has been
>still not enough for you unless its all the women in positions of power with men working like slaves
>Women do get most shit handed to them
>Calling us edgy when you try and portray whaman as being the eternal victim as if its some future Dystopia in Saudi Arabia

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Who cares about women or white knights anymore, let them have each other we have sexbots coming

Haha lole who r u quotingn
Idk I just think your barrier for being treated like shit is really odd to me. But ok.
>men are on top cause statistically they work the hardest and longest
ye but the the entire idea is you're supposed to ask fucking WHY do men work harder. WHY do blacks commit more crime, WHY are some people shit but not others. You faggots never go any deeper than the raw numbers, but you're supposed to go deeper, ask why some people are more prone to be fucked in society, a lot of the time you'll find it's shitty attitudes within groups, poor ass enviromental factors ect. If theres a mindset that women work less hard, lets fucking change that shit. Let's ask why and do everything we can to raise people up. These broad ass assessments based on crowder videos do nothing but a diservice to society. YOU are the one acting like an idiot spewing shit everywhere, and that is why we are fed up with you.

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>you've been at the top of the game for so long
I have not been, nor has anyone on the board.

As little as any young murican female today has been given to marriage for an old fart, or any nignog living today has been sold for africa.
Funny how the same faggots are quick to claim that your forefathers accomplishments (that they profit from too) are not yours, but their sins should be yours to shoulder.

I know those things look amazing. That harmony vid I saw awhile ago on youtube looks great. and male and female ones exist so feminists cant say shit (they still will try to ban them but fail)

i want all animefags off my board immediately

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you are waking up from the gender matrix be careful normies do not take kindly to misogynists aka sentient males.

>women feel like shit everyday for the shit they have to deal with


...and race mixing

No. Go cry about it somewhere else.

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I don't care about what you have or haven't been, and pointing to a board of statistical outliars who call themselves robots, outside and seperate to the norm, or nomies, isn't doing anything to your point.

I've noticed a lot of movies coming out lately make men out to be psychopath murderers. Why is it that movies never have evil female protoganists going around killing people? ITS always men really gets my noggin' a joggin

Wow it's almost like men statistically commit more crime, or that men on average are more likely and DO commit more pshycopathic murder sprees.

hmm, care to back up those claims from a credible source?

>You are the one spewing shit all over r9k, a sad little containment board for undesirable men! Were fed up!!

How about you leave then? If you hate the content here so much jusr leave, you'll be better off.

We can't quit. We can't evade social media, commercials, the news, the papers, the fucking women pride marches on our streets, or the women around us becoming radicalized and misandrist without even feeling bad about it.

The only thing left for men who can't cope is death. Get this into your entitled fucking head.

That is rich coming from a whiner who does not have any point.

Ok faggot. I will tell you the reality you see and I will tell you the reality I see.

Me: Men work harder cause its driven into us while women want a more relaxed job and can even grow unhappy from working to hard and long. Of course some exceptions apply but this is the general

You: Oh no misogynistic men keep women down and out telling them they can't do anything. Women need to be empowered and be given gibs to go into STEM even though most women go into gender studys just to complain

Me: Blacks commit more crimes cause of a combination of Low IQ, genetics and being surrounded by crime often being unable and unwilling to find a real proper job.
You: Dem racists keeping them down and its cause they are always surrounded by crime cause whitey put them there. Please ignore its blacks that fuck over other blacks with crime and never mind blacks can rise above this and get their life together, its always the white mans fault. (its funny cause in a way you are right, its politicians who give them welfare so they keep voting in the same politicians that do nothing else for them. Why work towards jobs when you can get gibmethats now)

Its you people who never look deeper. Always so self righteous and sure. You never take into account people can have exterior motives and dress it up as being good. Most of the suffering in the world is caused by people trying to be good but either fucking it up or cause they are just being used as a pawn for somebody greater.

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You're the entitled one, thinking that you're being encroached upon and oppressed when other groups try and take away your power. If you think this is being treated like shit, then my god you are entitled, you have no idea what being treated like shit is and you don't even know it. That's how cushy your life is.

funny how animefags always project their emotions and perceptions on to you

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have you also noticed that any stronk female character is always a grade A bitch also? Cause being rude is the only way to show you are in charge.

And thats why talking to you people is useless. You never see it from the other side, you think you are right all the time. You shut us out and project problems onto us that you really have. You can not accept another truth exists so you shut it out.

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>can rise above this and get their life together
It's funny because you're probably the type of person to exclude every enviromental factor that goes into making a criminal, but then say that the liberal leftist agenda is so powerful that just the act of suggesting blacks are victims of whitey will DESTROY any chances of blacks sorting themselves. Also when has saying "just be better lol" ever fucking worked? If saying you're fucked and need gibs works to destroy entire communities, how will saying pull up your boots do anything to solve things?
I can't even argue with this. Good job dude I hate women now, god damn niggers and women keep taking my gibs lole

don't worry
in a few years they're all gonna be replaced with customizable androids

That proves you are looking to start shit. I also said its cause blacks are also surrounded by crime and are also unable to find jobs while being rewarded for not doing much cause they get welfare money. And its not just a leftist agenda, its both left and right that are responsible for this. Makes you feel good right? Being part of some rebellion like in your star wars trying to start shit? I had enough of this.

Who cares if they worship women? Adopt one of the inevitably abandoned kids and form a family that way. Complaining about retards is what makes them famous.
>oh yeah look at that
You're being an emotional puppet OP. Quit being a fag and just work through the problem.

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We want equal rights that doesn't make us power hungry or entitled

Learn how to reply to posts newfaggot.

If women were equal, they would empower themselves.

>until less than 200 years ago your options in life as a woman were basically do whatever men in your life tell you to or be ostracized from society, beaten, or hung for supposed witchcraft
>even once you get some social equality you're still seen as inferior at doing many of the things men traditionally do
>really only in the past 40 years do people's social attitudes shift towards looking at women as equals on a society-wide level
>TV sitcoms and commercials portray dads as comical oafs
>Wahhh I am being personally victimized