As per usual, I'm the odd one out

Just found out that my only "friend" set up a guy from our social circle with a girl from his SO's social circle. He also said that he could potentially set up two other guys from our circle. But not me of course. He didn't say anything about me, even though he's well aware of my predicament.

God, I'm so lonely. I want off this ride.

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You're better off alone than with a friend like that desu

This board has truly gone to shit. I would probably get more responses if I larped as a """"fembot"""".

No offense, but you're probably pretty fukt if your friend doesn't want to set you up. Such is the way it goes for us, I guess.

Its probably because he doesn't know anyone that'd be attracted to you

>He didn't say anything about me, even though he's well aware of my predicament.

It's actually probably worse than that. He probably TRIED to set you up, but his girlfriend and her friends vetoed the idea because you're so disgusting.

There's only so much you can expect a bro to be able to do. The only mystery here is whether the gf was polite about it during the discussion, or whether she got actively angry that your friend even *suggested* that one of her friends might date you.

>even though he's well aware of my predicament.

Have you indicated out loud to this person that you'd like to be dating and would like his help with it?

He prob knows you are a homosexual if you are lonely go on Grindr and fuck a sissy off of there

You should try to suck him off and see if that will persuade him to set you up with a BF

Do you cross dress and wear cute panties? You might be able to get a robot bf?

Shut the fuck up you mentally deranged faggots. Shut up

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You said you are lonely your only option is to get a robot sissy bf seeing how you can't get a GF

My only option is to beat the fuck out of you

Or fuck a sissies boiholes instead of fucking your hand and being a virgin

Or curb stomping your fag face into the concrete

I think in the relationship you would become the sissy and be the bottom

I'd never let you touch me you demented neckbeard

Most hostile people like you are closet homes lol you like boiclits don't you?

Picture the conversation your friend had with his gf

>Tee hee is your friend Brad still single tee hee
>Why yes, yes he is. He was talking to some girl but I think he's still single
>My friend Lacey thinks Tony is tres hot tee hee. We should set them up tee hee!
>Cool baby that's a good idea
>And your other two friends, Braddington and Tyrone - we should set THEM up, too, and then we can all hang out
>Yeah OK. How about my friend user?
>Lengthier silence
>Gf frowns, her mouth gets very small
>Sudden explosion -
>What the FUCK, do you think any girl I'd be friends with would be desperate enough to date user?
>Well, I just figured since we were on the subject
>OH NO WE WEREN'T ON THE SUBJECT. How could you think that? You're so fucking mean - thinking that one of my friends would date user. You're basically insulting all my friends even just asking.

That's a cleaned up version. The unvarnished truth would probably hurt your feelings.

No you would be to busy swallowing my cum like a good little sissy

IoI you think I'm reading your retarded autist fantasy? hahah

You probably cant even get hard or see your own dick you fat fuck

lol you're a virgin aren't you?

I can't see my dick when it's shoved deep in your sinful boihole

go back to your cheetos and anime figures, we're done here

I'm an average guy, currently attending med school. I'm not some obese NEET slob. Hell, the guy my friend set up was literally made out to be ugly as sin by his SO, not once, but twice, and not in a joking manner (now I don't like calling people "ugly", but he is definitely below average). The girl he's now dating was supposedly pretty desperate herself. So I don't think the problem lies in me. However, lately I have been chiming in on their discussions rather rarely (we have a group chat).

Not my problem he can't figure it out on his own. I've dropped enough hints already.

Lmao why do you want to know details about his dick you faggot

just reminding him he's an incompetent autist who could never act out his fantasies

This is pure fantasy, way too confrontational for any actual female to leap into like that. The actual conversation would just have her saying "I don't think he's a good fit for anyone" or a similar dodge and then that would be the end of it.

Which is again assuming he even brought it up, which he probably didn't because OP probably didn't specifically ask for help, he just thought that the guy is "aware of my situation" and hoped that he would notice OP's needs and solve them without any prompting.

It's a common avoidant problem, that hoping that someone will notice you're suffering. "If they really cared they would notice." Nope, even people who care about you can't read your mind, you have to go out and articulate your wants.

I can dress you like my figuriines if you ask me nicely, I prefer you say pretty please first.

Remember when this shithole wasn't full of normies? Oh no my group of friends didn't get me a gf guess I'll die.

>I've dropped enough hints already.

What're you, a teenage girl? Men do not get hints. Your friend is a man. You need to tell him clearly to his face what you want. You won't even get anywhere with any women he does provide if you're unable to be assertive with them, they'll just use you for your resources and never give anything back.

I'm not telling you to turn into uber-chad, but you have to at least defend your own corner and be active in chasing what you want. Nobody else can do it for you.

>It's a common avoidant problem, that hoping that someone will notice you're suffering. "If they really cared they would notice." Nope, even people who care about you can't read your mind, you have to go out and articulate your wants.

I get what you're trying to say, but I definitely don't agree. Every single person in the social circle of every dateless loser is totally aware of it, and alternates between pitying them for it and mocking them for it behind their back. Social observation is what normies do. It's what makes them normies.

I'm willing to believe they "don't know" that he wouldn't freak out if someone tried to set him up. I'm totally unwilling to believe they don't know he's a dateless loser who agonizes about it. Fucking normies figure that out about motherfucking *neighbors, acquaintances, and coworkers*, merely by endless speculation an gossip - let alone their actual friends.

You read it, liar.

And it's burning you up.

lol you wasted your time, no one cares what you have to say

Our circle consists entirely of dateless losers. I don't think there's any need to explain my situation to him, we've already had similar conversations before.

>W-w-why won't my f-f-f-riend set me up, t-t-t-oo?

Was that greentext short enough for you to read, sport?

>Our circle consists entirely of dateless losers. I don't think there's any need to explain my situation to him, we've already had similar conversations before.

Apparently not, since your friend has a gf, and he got another one of your friends a gf, and now he's getting two other friends of yours gfs. And that, right?

na, still too long to bother with considering the autistic who wrote it

>na, still too long to bother with considering the autistic who wrote it

I'm not angry that you're lashing out at me, sport. I'm sure that's just your pain talking.

>God, I'm so lonely. I want off this ride.


>h-heh nothing personal s-sport

yea you totally wrecked me bro xD

Just a word of warning that average isn't good(enough), especially for women. That being said provided you aren't deluding yourself that's probably not the issue.

You might just be an ass or your friend just wanted to set the others up more than you. Every friend group has social order and every has their favorite friends, you don't want to get too frustrated just because he set em up before you.

A good approach here is to observe and then ask for advice if the other guys get gf's and it all goes well. Say something like
>hey X and Z are doing pretty well together and I was looking to get back into dating you might helping me out
or something like that

My friend got his gf a few months ago and only through the help of a former classmate of his. Before that he was going through a long dry spell.

The other guy literally just started dating this girl.

There are also two other guys, besides the ones he said he could potentially set up, whom he didn't mention (dunno why). They're dateless losers too.

Holy fuck how's it feel to get owned you retard hahaha

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I'm comforting myself with the thought of OP's looming suicide.

He'll get there eventually. He may not own a gun yet, but he will.

It's never going to get any better, OP. You'll always be the odd one out. No one is ever going to care, or help you. In fact, everyone you know is laughing at you.

It would be better if you just ended it. Then all of this will just go away.

t. asshurt because he's an autist who got owned by an autist

Never change Jow Forums

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I can tell you are just OP pretending to be someone else. Feel free to shop out all the (you)s in a screencap. We all know you are better off being a cockslave and you simply can not accept that. ;)

Enjoy your gay hentai and mountain dew ;)

"champ,i know times are hard,and that no girl seems to ride your boat with you, but i too was once like you, kept hitting on any cute girls in my class and only your mother accepted to go to the prom with me,that is how i meet her. If i can,you can too Champ,just gotta change your hair,wear some fancy clothes and a good cologne,and all the girls will want you."

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Enjoy crippling loneliness. One day you will realize I am right, babe. ;)

Well OP have you tried giving your friend a firm handshake and asking for a gf?

Enjoy mom's house ;)

OP here. I'm not the guy you're responding to, you mong.

t-thanks, Dad

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>t. asshurt because he's an autist who got owned by an autist

Objectively, by post content, I owned OP.

He's trying to brazen it out by pretending the facts are other than what they are. And honestly, from a certain point of view it's admirable that he can be that based.

Too bad he can't do that with women. It's too bad that the only place he can assert himself is here. If he could control his emotions this well in real life, maybe he wouldn't be a dateless loser posting suicide Wojak and getting ready to off himself.

>Objectively, by post content, I owned

Imagine being this autistic

I must have cut deep, how does it feel to know that even your closest friend can't find a woman for you? You are truly better off finding a man to satisfy instead. I know a few guys who are into bratty sluts like you. ;)

I think it's time to give the internet a break for today champ, werent you and your tard handler going for zero tantrums today?

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Mmm keep talking like that while I pound your ass sweetie.

stfu you deranged manchild homo

So bratty, I love it. Keep going while I think about how your boihole feels.

my god, gay virgins are the worst

No such thing, hon. A man knows what a man needs. With grindr, even the most autistic fag can get some. ;)

>With grindr, even the most autistic fag can get some. ;)

except you

You really must have thought you were clever with that one. I love the sass don't stop.

not really, it's just so easy to talk down and insult you

Only gets me harder baby. I want to go deep inside you while you desperately try to sling insults at me.

You sound like the receiver honestly, you little beta faggot

I can do both but I love me a powerbottom.

just post contact already so I can rail your ass or fuck off

jokes on you I was only pretending to be gay how does it feel to be a faggot get rekt son

>teehee silly boiz ;)

lol kys autist

No you are very clearly homosexual

Utterly and originally BTFO

>heh mom, I got another one

Give me the (you)s

All of them.

I don't want to encourage you, I know you and your handler are working very hard


Two can play that game, I live for the responses, the (you)s are merely bonus

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keep talking while I pound your arse hole

Why don't you get a fembot (MALE) gf (bf)?

You're the incel one out. Keep being a sissy faggot

na I'm good, kys

>waaaah why don't some other guys give me my designated gf waaaah
god, I'd punch you in your whiny, omega face so hard. kill yourself, you pathetic excuse for a man

>these are our future doctors
lol, I hope I'll never step foot on the same continent you'll operate on, or better yet, I hope I'll be dead by then

Has he tried to hook you up with any males yet?

Thank you for your input.

What does being a doctor have to do with being a mentally ill, lonely virgin?

Fuck off.

Serious question though are you bisexual?

So angry you need a sissy to suck your boiveries dry


Nah, I'll pass.

Ok so you would do the sucking then?

You should delete your thread this thread is literally gayer then the sissy containment thread christ

>89 posts
>15 posters
This thread is fucking worse than the fag general.

So I'm not allowed to vent even on r9k? Should I just keep it all in until I snap (again)?

That's because r9k is dead. Normalvermin, """"fembots""""", gays and traps are the only ones left on this board.

That or fuck a twink from all these fag posters

This thread is AIDS

Sick of all the gay pushers words like "boiveries" what and the fuck "boiperiod"

Maybe you should reevaluate yourself when even Jow Forums doesn't empathize with your problems.

see Nothing to reevaluate on my part.

>med school student with steady circle of friends

And you call me the norman.

*failing med student with a few acquaintances

I really don't consider them friends at this point. Just people I occasionally hang out with, usually every few months or so.

Other than that, when I'm not attending lectures or practicals, I rot in my room. Rarely do I have a reason to go out. The loneliness has almost completely demotivated me.

Focus on your studies then, you know what you signed up for when you chose the shitty doctor life instead of the based Nurse Practicioner life