Be me right now

>be me right now
>18 years old
>very smart and advanced
>more competent than probably 99% of adults

How does it feel knowing there's a good chance I'm smarter than you?

Attached: tAVlk8L.jpg (1600x900, 90K)

>be 18
>think I'm better than everyone
>nothing to show for it
u sure you're not 15? you should have grown out of that phase by 16 latest

Prove it in an entirely original way then.

Ha, I remember thinking that at 18.

Attached: 1540884520859.png (225x282, 98K)

fpbp (originilinoli)

I don't have to prove anything. I just know I'm smarter and more capable than the average 25 - 30 year old. People who think I'm a kid are dumb.

Give yourself a few years and see if you still feel that way, youngfag. But in the mean time fuck off back to your rick and morty faggotry

Don't skip taking your antimanics.

wait until you're 25-30 and you're not as smart anymore because you've gotten old

until then, you're free to feel better than people because you did well in high school.

I know you're smarter than me. I don't really know the multiplecainction of the top of my head. I was in special education all of my life.

If you can't prove it then I think we can all agree that you're probably retarded.

i second this motion, and as such we can confirm beyond reasonable doubt that op is underageb& and bad bait

What's there to prove? First of all, there's no difference between an 18 year old and anyone older.

Also, I have a very good stand-up comedy set that always kills whenever I perform it. I formulate it using my intelligence.

well, if that is true then it will help you a lot in life.
Hope you success

>he doesn't know what happens when you age
>being this delusional
nice b8 kiddo

Name the 3 amino-enzymes

100% accurate description of OP:
>age 14-20
>white american male
>slightly above average IQ
>only got laid 0-2x in high school, by luck
>really good grades, either loved or despised by teachers
>watches anime
>below average facial features
>either lefty or alt right
>supportive parents, likely middle class or upper middle
>only child
>coddled by parents and told how smart he is all the time
>no elderly figures in family
>parents had him when young, so probably have not experienced age related mental decline
>plays vidya a lot
>uses reddit and discord

>I'm very smart and advanced
>I do part time stand up comedy
>I'm more competent then most adults
>doesn't have a job, a house, any savings
ok retard

>either or
>either or
this reads like a horoscope

much wow, very software, no available updates
>be edgy millenial
>has the Dunning-Krugers
>thinks being smart trumps over wisdom, real world experience and professionalism
>spend time on four chins

This is cringe and repetitive, Sen

>OP does well in HS and recently gets into college

Oh boy wait till you see your competition at top universities