Kicked out/homeless

fucked up big time boys. I dropped out of university and now my parents are kicking me out. No money, nowhere to go. What do?

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under a bridge. Then get a job at a McDonald

search for a job, it doesn't matter what job because you are against the ropes now
Once you secure it start looking for somewhere to rent, pick what you can afford and hope for the best

Take up fishing if you can so you can at least potentially have some food if you live near water. Try to find edible plants as well if you can. Probably best to avoid shelters since I remember reading how awful they tend to be. If you live near a coastal city or state you can probably take showers using those beach showers do so at night though and probably can't pull off a full show just a light one.

how the fuck would he clean and cook the fish??

Gut it with a knife
Start a fire
cook fish over fire
>or eat it raw like a barbarian

Cooking could probably be done with those camping stoves or just a trash fire couldn't it? Or if you live near those shitty apartment complexes you may be able to pull off using those shitty grills they have in the ground possibly.

>>or eat it raw

you want him to get f*cking sick!?

move somewhere warm, live in a van. get a job

Go on Grindr and find someone to fuck (get topped) and crash at their place it's only your boiholes OP

Could get a McJob but it can take a long time. Plus no address or way to clean myself and change clothes.
No water and it's winter, everything is frozen.

If you are a sissy you can find a DOM to stay at but they will abuse your boipussy

Your posts aren't amusing in the sIightest

Getting laid is better then being homeless

I would let you stay at my place but your going to be sucking my cock and swallowing my cum

KYS in revenge

t. virgin autists

Wander through the Mexico desert, find some oil and become an oil tycoon.

>'s only your boiholes
This will also give him aids or some other stds, which may be difficult to deal with while being homeless

Looking like the best solution now. Fuck Jow Forums isn't what it used to be, maybe I'll try Jow Forums

dont expect us to wipe your ass for you you fucking faggot

Terrible advice. Do you think it's some survivalist movie?

Once you secure a little cash, get a gym membership. It's cheap, and it'll hook you up with a daily shower. Good luck out there friendo. I hope the weather is kind.

It's not terrible if you plan in advanced. Neets should know their future and plan accordingly failure to do so is entirely on you.

use your parents address if not you can always jump from the bridge

Find a gay dude on Grindr to live you might have to suck him off

Shut the fuck up you gay autist

Can't you talk to your parents or something about returning to college? Why did you quit?

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Fishing and forging in an urban polluted environment is stupid bro

university is soul-draining but pretty easy, unless you have a good reason you should just go back.

Yeah, it's not wiping his ass. This place is literally just garbage and there's nothing that can be done about it.

You or your parents op. You need to dominate them now. Beat up your dad

become hobo

listen to Nowhere2go by earl sweatshirt. it won't help your situation but it'll be cathartic

underaged cunt detected

if i was in your situation here is what i would do
>go to a local 24 hour retailer
>live in the bathrooms
>free water
>microwave stolen food too
>beg outside and pretend to be salvation army guy

>dropped out of university
You're such a fucking loser moron faggot, OP.
He deserves it.
>it's winter
Ha. Maybe you should claim minority status and apply for NEETbux.
>beg outside and pretend to be salvation army guy
This is also a viable idea if you can find the shit to do so.

Maybe you should just kill yourself, OP.

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chill at libraries

Join the military ASAP.

>I dropped out of university and now my parents are kicking me out

just be yourself

This may be OP's last shot at a useful life.

your kinda unneedlessly being an asshole, user

Get a job, faggot. Part of growing up.