I'm an INFP black femanon.
Ask me anything, I bet you and I relate more than you'd think. :)
I'm an INFP black femanon
tits or gtfo in an original manner
Do you like fumos?
Hey man, what do you think about the battle of narva?
I think you know I'm not going to show you titties.
What's that, user?
I'm a enfp nigger normalfag
What's the difference between meme sexualities like infp and enfp?
do you have a youtube channel cause most do
Certain brand of plushies, mostly known for their Touhou plushies.
Just one question, are you fat?
ENTP here
Fuck Niggers and fuck jannies
Have you ever taken a liking to something ugly or disgusting? I'm INFP too and I kinda like things like that.
I don't know what life is like as an enfp. Probably awesome.
Being an INFP means being completely useless. Too sensitive to function. Too absentminded. Not goal oriented. Other people making you want to kill yourself, but being unable to live alone because you need others to exist (i.e. being unwilling to move out from your mom's house because you can't survive without someone to fry your tendies, do your laundry and tell you you're special). INFP is truly a curse.
No, I'm very private.
That plushie actually looks pretty nice. I try to avoid stuffed animals because I start treating them like they're real people.
I like beautiful things. I will try at least one beautiful thing in something/someone. But I suppose I have disgusting habits though.
Hello where can I find someone like you to talk to and ask you to be my gf
They've kinda become a slight obsession of mine. Actually just preordered 5 of them.
INTP here
Based fuck niggers fuck roasties and fuck jannies
i always get infp but by the time i turned 18 i realized that whole archetype is mad fucking gay
its cute on a girl though
I relate to everything but the goals. I have goals but accomplishing them is hard as fuck. Also going to work at a typical hourly wage jump is life ruining for me.
Probably the internet. I'm already dating a robot, though
Are you a /toy/ collector as well?
INFP is mad fucking gay, even if you're a girl. 2% chance of being one, with zero redeemable skills in 2018.
I have goals, but I'm really shortsighted and tend to let everything die when I get depressed (which is daily.)
Arnie or Stallone?
yes but how did your robot bf find you, I'm lonely and want someone to relate to
ooga booga bix nood we wuz infp an sheeeit
>I bet you and I relate more than you'd think
no bitsh i bet we aint. i bet yous and mes dont do got anyfing in comon sides we aint virginz but i bet yous done did and do suck a lot more dicks and ride a lot more niggas than ive fucked pussys
I'm infj does this mean we clash
He was thrown at me by his mother who didn't think it was healthy for a 26 year old man to stay inside all day. It wasn't. Most days, I honestly think he has autism.
ayy blood lemme holla at ya bichass. da only muhhfuggin dick I succ is my whitebfs, and he happy than a mf to know dat he nutted in sum tight virgin std chocolate pussy. dat pink dicc is the only dicc that ever been inside, do u believe the same about ur becky cheerleader likely fucked by da gang. doubt it my nig
Nah, you're alright. It's INTP's that are annoying cancer to INFP's.
why do niggers tounge my anus?
What is your IQ if you know?
I don't know. Probably low average. Not because I'm black, but because I have an alarmingly poor memory and it makes it hard to do things without repetition. Also because I am a woman.
I have a few nendoroids and other figures, but it's mostly plushies for me.
>black femanon
Why are you here? Are you as miserable as I am? Surely browsing r9k cannot be an enjoyable endeavor.
And then I would fuck you, my sweet.
Fuck off attention whoring nigger
I'm also a INFP black grill and I think it's objectively one of the worst difficulty settings 2bqh.
I've been here for over 10 years, user. I can tell you stories about this site from when you were 8.
show dic and vagene
It's literally torture. Everyone thinks you're going to be a Stacy and they're extra mean to you, not knowing that every negative interaction, even the accidental ones, live in your head for years. When they realize I'm a nervous wreck, then they just treat me like I'm retarded. I don't even know how to be different, despite this.
What's it like being a black female?
Do you consider yourselves to be the alpha females?
How do you feel about intersectional feminism?
Do you agree with progressive identity politics?
Are you tall?
What does a white guy need to do to get a black gf?
will you be my are gf?
should i put cinnamon in my christmas pretzels or just leave them plain?
I'm an INTP white male and one of my main internet niqqas is a infp blaqq female. In fact I thought you might be her until I read more of your posts.
Fembots are
-disproportionately non-white (black females are the most disproportionately represented demographics here)
-if white, are disproportionately mentally ill (every single white fembot I have ever spoken to had BPD or some other major mental condition)
-disproportionately INFP, while robots are mostly INTP/INTJ
Not OP but also an infp negress and I'm on track to becoming a sorceress in ~2.5 years.
What do you resident nigras think of your race and their behavior?
Being an INFP black guy is infinitely worse.
source: me
What makes your interpersonal and romantic aspirations so difficult to fulfill?
Have you had no hope in your endeavours?
being an F in general as a male is cringe and bluepilled. Being an I is suffering for either gender because all of society is controlled by the eternal E.
the INFP black girl I know unironically met her boyfriend on Jow Forums but he never comes to this board because he's too normie for this shit.
INTP reporting in, what are your favorite drugs?
Post Face. You can blur out eyes.
Have you seen Black Rock Shooter? That image describes Mato pretty well, from what I can remember.
>It's INTP's that are annoying cancer to INFP's.
Does this apply the other way around as well? I usually score INTP on those personality tests, and I don't think I generally get annoyed by INFP personalities.
> What's it like being a black female?
It's OK. Depends on your circle. Since this is anonymous, I'll just go ahead and say it: I prefer to be friends with lightskinned/mixed/CONFIDENT ATTRACTIVE dark-skinned girls. White people are annoying, black people are annoying. Everyone just expects you to be some stereotype one way or another and you have to prove your worth to people who are essentially trash like yourself.
> Do you consider yourselves to be the alpha females?
No, see above. People try to put me in check thinking that I am an alpha and then just feel pity when they see I'm the complete opposite of a threat.
> How do you feel about intersectional feminism?
I agree with it. However, there are a subsection of woke black feminists that annoy the ever loving fucking shit out of me. I hate them as much as I hate the cultural marxism crowd.
> Do you agree with progressive identity politics?
Somewhat, but not really. Diversity is good, representation matters, but pandering is stupid as hell and I can spot pandering a mile away. Also, some people have different experiences in life, so it's dishonest when people act like one scenario couldn't be ever rooted in reality because of their personal politics.
> Are you tall?
I'm average height for a woman. Short women irritate me.
>What does a white guy need to do to get a black gf?
Quick way is to dress like an alternative/hipster kid. Just that alone is enough to get pussy desu.
There's extremists in every race. I don't like militant WOKE types, and I definitely don't like coons or black apologists.
What happened? I was on my way to sorceress before I met my boyfriend. It demystified sex for me a lot once I started having it.
4 2 0 b l a z e i t
Fuck off back to Tumblr you whore
What is it about white people that you find annoying?
Most of the annoying people I know are white, but I don't know of any unifying trait we all share that would be irksome.
White people are annoying in relation to black people. White people simply can't have the same friendship with a black person the way they would with a white person. Too culturally different, and race will always play a factor.
Black people are have their own problems as it relates to class and skin color as well.
I'm white and I don't give a fuck as long as you have interests and can hold a conversation.
Do you hate yourself? Im a black man and I love black women but Ive found many alt black women hate themselves and date white boys
Nobody understands tits or gtfo anymore. This is an anonymous image board. Nobody cares about your fucking vagina. If you want to advertise that you're a woman to try and get the same benefits from that that you do in real life, you better show us your tits you fucking dumb whore
WMBF is pushed almost as hard as BMWF. Get used to black girls dating white guys. Not sure why the Jews are doing this.
>He was thrown at me by his mother who didn't think it was healthy for a 26 year old man to stay inside all day.
I'm honestly curious how the fuck that worked out.
E niggers have no place on this board. This place is for I's only. Fuck off to some normgroid board on 4channel.
nigger attention whore
still waiting for reply...
INTJ here
Double based fuck niggers fuck roasties fuck jannies and fuck hiroshimoot
The I stands for incel
yup incels are a-okay here but normalscum isn't go fuck off now okay sweetie?
>Nah, you're alright. It's INTP's that are annoying cancer to INFP's.
Don't worry, you're annoying cancer to us too.
I hate myself, but that's because of anxiety reasons. I'm okay with being black.
Niggas been responding to women here posts since the beginning of time. Niggas have also been complaining about this as well. Are you a newfag?
He was nice. I just needed someone to be nice to me for a change. The only downside is sometimes it's like dating a literal child. Right now, his sheets haven't been washed in over a month and he just looks so shabby. But he's sweet.
I don't know bro. Maybe they like pink buttholes, idk.
> be INTP
> think that the world is the problem and I'm just too logical for this world
> can't be arsed to use the oven for tendies
> actually can't figure out how to use the oven
> depends on normies and yet hates them for being stupid
> still looks down on INFP
Again, cancer.
>I'm an annoying whore but hey that's life
Haha kill yourself worthless cunt
Haha, nice. Pretty accurate. My turn:
>be INFP
>was once hospitalized for blunt force emotional trauma after being told they're not special
>knows 100 ways to make themselves cry but not a single way to see the bright side of a situation
>"every minute someone doesn't respond to my messages means they hate me that much more"
>has never known responsibility in their lives
>if self-loathing were an olympic sport they would take home the gold every time
Why isn't reddit giving you the attention you're so desperate for?
I'm an INFP white user.
Ask me anything, I bet you and I relate more than you'd think. :)
Boohoo who fucking cares
OP, where are you? It's not nice to stop replying to people before your thread gets archived. Or at least that's what I assume to be the case whenever I make a thread, and I'm guessing someone that's INFP probably feels the same way.
Are you what could be considered a SJW?
On the one hand I hate how being ENTP makes me look like an asshole in every situation, but on the other hand I love how I can use it as an excuse for being an asshole whenever I feel like it. It's a strange contradiction.
MTBI is just zodiac signs but evolved. None of this shit actually means anything and I have no idea why it's caught on to identify yourself as what you got on an internet test.
This. Only reason I took the stupid free online test was because women love that kind of corny shit and it makes it easier to get laid desu.