How do healthy white anons manage to become robots...

How do healthy white anons manage to become robots? It should be literally impossible for healthy and white anons to become robots when it comes to interaction/relationships. How bad do you actually have to fuck up?

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>don't fit in with other kids
>don't develop socially
>don't have large family for nepotism bonus
These things aren't dependent on race, bait senpai

Theres also things like a fucked up and degenerated family that can turn you into a robot

Don't date through jr/sr high. Get loneliness taken advantage of by roasties at ever turn. It breaks a person.

>druggie parents
>moved around schools
>never made stable friends
>spent all my time playing vidya
>smart enough to never have to work at normal school - too lazy and with bad habits when I actually have to do real work to keep up.
>household constantly in turmoil with domestic violence and arguments
Sure, theyre just excuses but Im going to stick with them.

Having a fucked up family is an acceptable reason for becoming a robot.

Yeah, but its not healthy because it usually damages the development of a child. I'm talking about anons who are robots despite being healthy and having a good family.

People chose to destroy me for no reason. I am a normal person,who did normal people things but people actively do all they can to fuck with me. I don't know why,but it happens.

you subhumans orbit our women and make them intolerable, htf are you robots

I have assburger syndrome.

>being white is a super-power

ur a retard kid

Have you never seen this?

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OP don't listen to this user, it is a superpower.

I was raised by a single mom who was a total feminist. Up until I was 22 or 23 I literally believed it was sexist to call a woman attractive. I stood no chance. She still has the nerve to believe I'll find someone eventually. All I have to choose from are fat girls and the mentally ill.

But all the Earth's women orbit you, if any race can't be robots it must be whites

>How do healthy white anons manage to become robots?
im too shy to make a move even if a qt girl is being so fucking obvious in her attraction for me and i know she is

holy shit that sounds awful i probably would've killed her

>tiny pink 5 inch dick
>socially awkward
>2/10 at best

That's how. Especially because women prefer black men now.

This. Add on hobbies that other people don't care about like you do and you've got a recipe for misery.

I've been hanging out with a cute girl I work with though at lunch, and I don't think I've scared her away yet. She's really neat and doesn't seem to mind I'm kind of spergy.

Wish me luck, bros. I just want to be not alone.

Really. Shitty. Parents. Physical and emotional abuse will ruin anyone.

I'm pulling for you, fren. You don't deserve to be unhappy.

Yeah, she also drugged me up with all sorts of anxiety and depression meds. Started with ADHD meds when I was four and then just piled on from there. I didn't even know until like 5 years ago it was possible for me to live without it. Kinda hope she dies painfully tbqh.

Whites are the most robot-prone race along with asians.

I'm mentally ill looll

This is 100% true considering whites are natural lone wolf types and the culture war currently going on definitely isn't helping ethier.

>be white manlet
>don't even get the main physical advantage of being white

Asians are ultimate robots
Good luck fren
Totally cucked by your mom user.

>Whites are the most robot-prone race

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Looks like you didn't provide an argument. Did you just forget to post it along with your photo?

Yeah, well I broke her spirit right back, so whatever. I'm her only child and she's gone absolutely batshit without me around.

I still send my stepdad my Amazon wishlist so she can spend hundreds on me and not get anything back.

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Psychologically abusive upper class parents who will give you anything except their time and who shame you for sharing your feelings.

No argument is needed for such a false statement.

Does it even need to be said? Whites are literally the most beloved and worshiped race on the planet. I can't comprehend suffering for longer than a few minutes as a member of the white race.

>abusive upper class parents who
> mfw poor and neglected
Fuck off user I rather be rich.

>social outcast
>one redeeming quality is that i give head

Nice bait op, now get the fuck off my board.

>one redeeming quality is that i give head
That alone should lift you from being a robot, fuck off.

rejection and blame, that's everything there is to that

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I was born a manlet and I'm an outcast with no social skills whatsoever.

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user I suggest you go to Asia ok

I should be literally impossible for white people do become robots in general.
Look I know whites feel like they are being persecuted at the moment, but when it comes to dating, no one has it easier.

Man I would be so happy if I got attention from any women at all, yet whites get desired be literally every race. And they are usually above average height and have above average dicks. Shit is not fair at all.

Wh*tes cant fail at life since they are wh*te, they just cannot feel any misery since they are the owners of thw world, you all should be grateful of what you have, just imagine the life of a non wh*te person living in a third world shithole, trully dreadful indeed

I could find you multiple youtube videos of girls saying why they prefer white or Asian men.

Find me some where girls they like Indian men. I'll wait.

I've unironically been to Thailand and Japan. 2 weeks each. Nearest I got to getting laid was with a really drunk Thai chick that ended up throwing up and going home from how fucking drunk she was.

You're mistaking robot with failed normalnigger. I can make "friends" and relationships just fine, I just have no desire to.

Suburbia is a virgin factory.

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This is just identity political rhetoric with no substance. You deny the particular circumstances of an individual and because they're white it must be their own fault. Intellectual midget.

when you live in a mostly white country it doesn't matter, tiers within tiers

Maybe stop worshiping whites or stop believing everything you read on the internet
>Admitting defeat

Literally white bois btfo from being robots

>You deny the particular circumstances of an individual and because they're white it must be their own fault. Intellectual midget
You can say the same for any other race, but you will still have people who deny the circumstances. Look at Jow Forums and their argument with blacks/spics

>You deny the particular circumstances of an individual and because they're white it must be their own fault
well yeah, you are fucking up on easy mode