>2008 was 10 years ago
Are you happy with how you spent the last 10 years?
2008 was 10 years ago
Most of it has essentially been on rails, so I suppose I can't complain.
>Last ten years
>last 7 months
Not exactly. 10 years ago I was a 16 year old beta that was bullied all the time in highschool. I had a serious case of
>tfw no gf
Then, but I didn't have a community like this one to talk about it. It took me a year to get the balls to ask one girl out, and I got rejected. From there I spent all my time in a dark room watching anime. 10 years later and I'm still doing the same thing, but at least I can support myself to an okayish degree.
>I didn't die when I was like 10
fucking kill me bros
>Got a meme degree.
>Got a job.
Doin' alright for now. If you were to ask me 10 years ago where I would be I would have no answer.
not in the slightest, i feel like i've wasted my teenage years and early twenties
I know a bit about physics and math. Not much, but at least it's better than playing video games and watching anime nonstop.
Anyone else nostalgia hard watching 2000s anime? I feel it especially when they show Windows XP being used.
That's age 12 and a half to present so pretty shit
>Emotional problems in middle school
>grades 7 to 9 in a fucking reform school
>age 13 I'm thrown in jail for 3 days
>age 14 can't stop huffing spraypaint because I hate my life
>finally run away from home, spend 5 hours walking to the next town and realize I have nowhere to go
Later teen years were less eventful
Well, i was 10. So growing up and having my teen years with an abusive alcoholic parent made me really depressed, so no, not at all. I just hope to finish college and make my own life so i can finally have a year which i can remember as a happy year
2008... Probably the year I should have given up to be honest
my stats look good. I got:
>a college degree
>well paying job that I love
>big and modern apartment
But I'm still alone. More than I was 10 years ago. And it's probably not going to change anymore.
I went from being a suicidal high school freshman living with an alcoholic to living by myself and making a pretty good income after getting my degree considering how many other 25 year olds are broke as shit. Still a KHV though lol
There were a lot of things that happened outside of my control during the first four years since I was still in high school, so I don't know if I'm necessarily unhappy about them so much as "well, what can you do". What I have now is better than being broke or dead, so I guess I'm happy
It all should have ended in 2008. With each passing year, I regret not dying earlier. 2008 to now is just a blur, stuff that came out in 2008 still feels like it's recent and it all just blends together. It's like everything from 2008 to now is a fake reality, and it's really still 2006 and this is all some coma dream. Nothing feels real anymore.
The first 4 years were good, but with older age comes the stresses of life and now had to face what my parents call 'reality' but I call 'social enslavement'
At least you can survive on your own user. That's something to be proud of.
i had some shit years and some good ones
I'd go through all the shit ones again, and even more, if I would still be on track to meet my best friend. last 8 months have been the best of my life so far since I met him :)
When I look back I should be.
I see some health issues in my future putting a damper on some long time plans but can't have it all.
10 years ago I didn't see myself making it to 30 so baby steps.
Life is basically on rails dude. Who you meet, opportunities generated, skills earned that snowball you into a position.
You look back on it, and there's just action and reaction. You can't act stupid in the moment.
a mix of good and shit times. with the shit usually outweighing the good times
>>Are you happy with how you spent the last 10 years?
not particularly. but I have a hard time fathoming I would have been able to avoid the fuck-ups I made, knowing what I knew at the time. Shit, even if future me would have come back in time and said "don't do that" I probably would have made a lot of the same mistakes.
I was a child ten years ago. If I must be honest, that shit was almost pure cringe, but I would go back and do it over again.
Is it fucked up to off yourself the day before Christmas?
Should I wait until Dec 26?
>Are you happy with how you spent the last 10 years?
No. 2008-09 was amazing, 10-12 was okay, 13+ has been horrible with only extremely brief periods of fleeting happiness.
Try doing it on new years
Everyone here knows you're not going to do anything
I've been stagnating in stasis for over a decade. Communication, genetics, social media, it's too much, I don't want to NEET forever in my room but I don't see what else is out there that I can realistically achieve
I was 8 and had more hope and excitement for life. Parents didn't fight often and i had at least 1 friend.
I dont understand people who want to go bacl. I don't want to be dumber or relive the past at all. I just want a good future and present
Finished my degree and having a job already but my life seems to be unfair to people who are trying. Skindeads and gang member drunkards are getting all the girlfriends while all I'm left is 4x scopes on PUBG. 8 months of being a hiki really made my life into a drastic question. My last 10 years are not that bad but for some reason I don't find meaning to my life.
Yes. The artstyles that were prominent during this specific decade bring me incredible feels even though I've only gotten into anime past 2012
Nope, wish I was dead.
Basically this. Got into a car crash in 15. Wish I had died.
Not really. All my potential, hopes, and dreams ended up not working out. I have little hope left and can no longer wonder. It also doesn't help the world has exponentially gone further and further to shit each year. I was 14 in 2008 and got to watch the world go from making sense to full face-fuck clown world and everyone looks at me like I'm crazy for declaring the world's gone insane.
>From there I spent all my time in a dark room watching anime.
Found your problem user, you're supposed to read manga, don't waste your time with mediocre anime.
I'm happy you're okish though, keep it up