>here's your country in 2050 brah
Here's your country in 2050 brah
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Looks like shit brah
>50% nigger + anything = Le 56% Face
lol you're an Amerimutt
Mida las creaturas
I don't live in California/the south/ New York so...
I remember when I was the token minority Mexican kid at my elementary school. Then I found out a few weeks ago that three quarters of the school is hispanic and also teaches dual language (Spanish as the other language of course).
Same thing happened to our neighborhood. We were the first hispanic family to move into an old white people neighborhood in '04. Now there's work trucks everywhere and always some fool blasting Norteno music from his beat up F-150.
Revolutionary shit though.
Truly a dying nation
>blacks are getting more and more white
I'm fine with this
why is that a problem though. if you feel that strongly connected to your race you probably don't have much else to live for.
>says the insecure retard who has a connection to his species
I don't. I'm an antinatalist.
I don't understand being connected to a group that is not your immediate family and friends.
>so insecure and unsuccessful you have to 'connect' with family and friends
why exactly am i supposed to care
White people arent interested in dating blacks and consider mixed Hispanics whites.
There is something deep and primordial in me that makes me hate these fucking half breeds. Darker white children with dark hair. That's where I draw the line. Not these fucking niglets that are the same color from their hair to their toes.
there are more or less, attractive people of every race but these horrible halfbreed abominations are all fucking disgusting. just date within your own race jesus fucking christ
I'm not even saying that, Mexicans can mix with whites, Mex and Asians, Pacific islander and blacks, but white and black make deformed fucking children.
slavery was a huge mistake, prove me wrong
Mexican-Americano here
Where should i go to start 3 child familly with the white woman?
>Here's your planet in 2100 brah
Slavery wasn't a mistake. Now, freeing the slaves... THAT was a mistake.
There are WAAAAAY more mexicans than blacks though. Blacks are way over represented here.
God I wish. We need to lose like 5 billion people minimum. What is the point of all of these fucking retards shitting in rivers and blocking the roads? I think that anything over 1 billion people is completely pointless. I'm looking at you China and India.
if we never had slavery we wouldn't have nearly as many niggers in America as we do today. just imagine a U.S.A. virtually free of niggers
Do people really care about race that much? I don't really see the benefit of it but then again I work in retail so I see human scum from all walks of life coming into the shops.
The Age of Malthusian Industrialism is going to become a reality.
feels bad knowing the Aryan is dying out. When I go outside (currently live in Texas) it already looks like fucking Brazil, 1/3 spics, 1/3 negros, and 1/3 disgusting fat white trash. I hate this fucking state.
I live in Houston
I know that feel bro.jpg
This city is getting crowded of all those fucking welfare leechers and lazy spics from central america and venezuela