Would you join the army if it meant you could lose your virginity to a comfort woman?

would you join the army if it meant you could lose your virginity to a comfort woman?

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Fuck you this isn't fucking funny.

>join the army
>lose your virginity to a comfort woman
What? Have your handlers forgotten to initiate the special internet blockers for you again?

gimme da korean pussi b0ss

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Yes, give jap and cool gun.

I would join the army if it meant I would be dying for something I believed in, not attacking some sand pit playing world police.

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It's too bad our military is co-opted by a shadow organization that uses it for shit that has aboslutely nothing to do with us.
Otherwise, I'd join but the way things are now, fuck that shit.

Im not signing away my life to die in some middle eastern shithole for mega billion dollar contractors and oil-barons in a pointless war.

If you join the army today you'll get pegged by a female DS

>join army
>get a stupid haircut and disillusionment with my country
4/10, might do again for money

of course I would, but I'm unable to join because of my psychical problems (got "E" on tests - unable to join army at all circumstances)

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I got chaptered from the US military for trying to commit suicide


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Was the real enemy... yourself?

They were voluntary prostitutes, Kim. Deal with it.

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If I were Japanese, why would I want a chink girl?

>when you study your ass off for asvab, ace it, train for max score PT test, but get disqualified at meps for having had eye surgery
Bitch, I can see fine now, what the fuck is your problem

does that go on your permanent record?

it doesn't surprise me that the folks did that shit. Trust them to have no concern for human life, fucking sociopathic zipper headed pricks.

Even still, I wouldn't want a comfort girl because you'd have to share her with 200 other guys. If such a thing existed I'd probably spend my "session" with her just hugging her and trying to comfort her because I do feel really bad for them.

I was meant to say gooks, not folks. I'm a white knight cuck phoneposter so suck my dick and my balls.

>If such a thing existed I'd probably spend my "session" with her just hugging her and trying to comfort her because I do feel really bad for them.

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why did you fucking tell them. Always lie...

the real enemy were the friends we made along the way