How do you robots feel about cigarettes? I personally enjoy them and find it kind of comforting

how do you robots feel about cigarettes? I personally enjoy them and find it kind of comforting

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Smoking make your lungs black. You're literally turning yourself into a nig

Pretty enjoyable ngl

Agreed user, Nigs aswell cigs are bad.

Stupid expensive addiction
Feel like shit every time

Bought some ciggys the other night, was randomly craving one, but they didn't have the camel softpack, so I went with camel filter reds... Fuck me they are fucking disgusting. Can't even take a puff or two without wanting to puke.

american spirits yellow or blue pack cigs are comfy

I like smoking. Everyone's like "user! that's killing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


They are a staple

Smoke cheapo filtered cigars, great I'm gonna shave off the worst 15 years of my life.

>how do you robots feel about cigarettes? I personally enjoy them and find it kind of comforting
I never smoked, I don't like smell.

sounds like you need to stick to smoking cock

For the most part I'm neutral on smoking, it depends on why you're doing it. I've met smokers from all walks of life, from mothers who take good care of their children to single 30-something men who bully teenagers at their McJob. I personally don't smoke because it's godawful for your health and highly addictive, but I don't necessarily look down on smokers. If you think you're making some sort of statement by being a smoker I hope you get cancer in all your organs, in order of least to most fatal.

100% of smokers (except ultra trashy ones) want to quit eventually.

When much younger I didn't really care much about them and smokers didn't bother. But as of late they make me so fucking angry and smokers make me rage on the inside. If I'm risking my health I'll accept it only from my causes, not from some external faggot that is too weak willed that he has to pay hundreds of bucks monthly to give himself cancer and shit because he is unable to regulate his emotions like a normal human bean. Fucktards.

Once in a while. Most things are only bad for you because of chronic usage. I don't eat copious amounts of sugar everyday.

Juul is pretty nice if only because of how much nicotine you can inhale in a short amount of time.

Really, I just smoke crack. It gives you a high and keeps you awake. Probably will cut your lifespan down more than normal cigarettes, but whatever

Rolled tobacco is vastly superior to pre-made cigarettes. Fight me if you disagree you gays because you are wrong, you Amerifaggots don't know what you are missing.

Did you promise me you were going to cut down?

couldn't live without cigs and alcohol tbqh

I have never been a smoker but I think about it daily at this point. I wont let myself do it because of how bad it is for you but I want to so bad. I vaped heavily for a few years but have quit for multiple reasons. If you are going to smoke, make sure it is good tobacco with no chemicals or anything. best option is to buy pipe tobacco to roll yourself.

The negatives far outweigh the benefits. Waste of time, money, health for barely any effect. I do agree they are comfy though

smoking looks cool, smells like shit though and will make your breath smell bad too