Your crush

Describe your irl crush that you have at school, at work, or maybe a girl in your neighborhood. I'll start with my crush. Im a senior in HS btw. I call her "loli girl" as i dont know her name yet, and she has many "loli" qualities.

>around 4'10-5'1"
>only has one friend
>super qt face
>big eyes, small nose/mouth
>flat chest and has qt round butt
>sits very cutely
>greets her one friend in Japanese in the morning
>super qt soft loli-like voice.

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>having a "crush"

I was just like you, back in my last year of school there was a really shy freshmen girl I was obsessed with.

This girl is pretty shy too. What else was she like user? Describe her.

What's wrong with having a crush? If you think someone is qt and you think about them a lot then what should you call it?

>Talented artist, but does conservative things like duck paintings, not degenerate art
>Like me, a starving artist
>Raven hair, ice blue eyes, pale skin, 5'3" 100 pounds
>Smart as hell, witty, and genuinely nice to me for some reason (probably our mutual love affair with Francis Picabia).
>Never get the chance to see her outside of a work environment
>She was thrilled for me and gave me a high-five when I saw her yesterday and told her about the 4 new commissions I received
>Have twice offered, in a professional artist-to-artist manner, to either give her a tour of my shop or let her use my metal/welding gear if she wants to
>She's never taken me up on it

You know that thing where if someone likes you, they inadvertently mirror you when you go to scratch your nose or whatever when you do? She does that around me all the time.

She has my number (I showed her my new business card design once and she said she loved it and asked to keep it, knowing fully well it was an expensive card... $3 each). I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

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Ask her out on a date, like a movie or something. I'm not quite sure what kind of date- I'm posting on r9k, after all- but I think it would be a good idea, and I bet you could find more advice online.

LMAO I thought I was desperate but holy shit at least I don't take nose scratching as a sign that a girl is into me holy shit

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In my head I called her Tomoko because to me she resembled the character
>Unkempt, greasy faced
>after lunch she would go sit alone in a hall, she didn't like it when i would talk to her
>she was a cross country runner but despite that she would walk with an awkward pace
>when I talked to her she would give one word responses with an unusual tone
>she had black hair down to her chin but not in any particular style

I really miss her, it's been 4 and a half years since I left school but she was the last person I had feeling for.

>loves music and drawing
>talented and trained pianist
>younger than me
>beautiful and smart with great personality
>shy and nervous around people
>most likable person ever met
i want to spend my life with her but it's impossible

I don't shit where I drink. You don't ask a bartender out unless you're a fucking cunt. In the ethics and morals and standards and protocols for where I live, I have taken it to the limit of what is socially acceptable. There's an exhibit at our local modern art museum we were talking about last night and I stopped short of asking her if she wanted to go with me in hopes she would make the request.

You're retarded if you don't realize "Mirroring" is a sign some in interested in you.

Mate you're a pedophile

>identical twin
>is about as tall as me (5'7")
>cute glasses
>great body
>very kind, in fact i think she's a bit too pure for me
>has hinted that she likes me? maybe?
big problem is that she's a coworker and today was the last day i'll ever see her at work since i'm quitting

story of my fucking life, i always tell myself that i'll confess to my crush and i never do it and it's always too late

I'm 18 and she's 14. We're both in high school. There's really nothing weird about it. Also I'm stunted mentally because I never had friends, gf or sex.

I think I would only depress my self further if I thought about that.

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crushes are for cucks who are too beta and pussy to ask them out on a date or move on and watch by the sidelines

She might actually be 15. As I don't know her exact age but I know she is a freshman. Also I just turned 18 a few days ago and have had a crush on her throughout the year.

Eh, this was freshman year high school and I'm out of college, but eh.. fuck it
>Brown hair and eyes
>Literally nicest beard I've ever seen in my life
>Half Levant
>Absolute dork that loved Tobuscus
>Always flustered in the presence of girls
>Embarrassed and blushed easily in general
>Talked incesantly about his love of aerospace
I have no idea where he is or what happened to him, but I'm pretty sure I fucked up any chances I had. RIP.

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I've talked about this coworker several times here, and I don't even have that big of a crush on her. She's just cute, and she seems to like having me around, and I'd like to get my dick wet.

>big, expressive eyes
>tan, usually a lot of makeup (she works at Sephora along with working at my theater)
>dirty blonde hair, streaks of regular blonde in there
>hardly any tits
>nice butt

I've been back and forth on whether or not the vibes she's been giving off are friendly or sexual in nature. She stands next to me in group conversations, leans up against me when I show some dumb meme, keeps me actively involved. A couple days ago she said this to me:
>"You're one of my favorites now, don't screw it up"
And ever since I've been bringing this up and telling people about it because I plain have no fucking clue what reaction she's trying to elicit.

>spic but white skin
>qt, she's not hot but not ugly
>big tits and thicc
>shy, socially autistic
>Loli voice, likes anime

>maybe around 5'4"-ish
>a little overweight
>almost never talks to anyone, talks to me on occasion
>really good at Japanese (we've had that class together since freshman year and we're seniors now) but gets too nervous to answer questions in class
>likes vidya and anime
>cute in her own way

Senior in college or high school? Originally.

14 and 18 is fucking weird, it's. only acceptable to have a. 2 year gap in high school

High school. I'm not sure what to say to make this comment original, but I guess I have to add something. Tell me about your crush, user. What's she like?

I would put some credence into it. I've found myself unconsciously mirroring girls I talk to, and vice versa.

My question is, does that extend to when you're not immediately in her vicinity? I heard the girl I have a thing for was copying my (quite frankly autistic and embarrassing) habit of effecting an accent and seeing if anyone notices while working.

Im the OP. And my crush is cute! She sits very cutely like pic related and is very sweet and kind. She doesn't speak much either and has a very soft and quiet voice. Sadly I am in zero classes with her and really only see her in the morning and right before she leaves.

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I don't think cutely is a word, but I see what you mean. You should try to talk to her, maybe. I'm not sure how you'd go about doing it, but I bet some user would be wiling to give you advice. If thet doesn't work, you could just ask Google. Google-sensei knows all.

>hes a grade above me
>super duper tall
>smokes a lot
>kind of ugly/under average in appearance but i like it

>brown hair, slightly above shoulder length
>about 3-4 inches shorter than me
>face = 10.5/10, my heart almost explodes everytime I see her
>soft voice
>doesn't know I like her. She barely knows that I even exist.

>around 5'6
>pink face always
>always on this nightcore stream
>friends with moi
>doesnt have too many friends

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fucking robots say they can never get anyone but its because they just go for stacy

Damn. Why can't you be with her?

You're not completely wrong, but not all robots go for Stacy, Hell, a lot of robots just go for normalfag girls who aren't Stacy but are still out of their league.

Cutely is a word. And I probably will never talk to her. Girls dont find me attractive and really I'd have no chance to talk to her.

You can talk to her without immediately making moves on her. You may have a super low chance of success if you talk to her, but if you avoid her, your chance of success will be zero. I guess she might be creeped out if a senior approached her, since she's only 14, but that just means you need to be careful. It doesn't mean you should admit defeat altogether. Also, I just searched it, and it turns out cutely is a word. Learn something new every day, I guess.

user mind telling me what state you're in, originally ofc

>greets her one friend in Japanese in the morning

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Show up to wherever you used to work and ask her. No loss if she says no, don't work with her anymore

A state in the south. Orginally of course.

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I was depressed as shit when I met my girlfriend 2 years ago but i think i had the closes to real feelings i will ever get with her.
>Kind of austistic
>did well at school but pretty stupid and fun with the right prompts
>daddy complex
>from what I can tell she loves me and doesn't want to live without me
>Jow Forums as they come
>pretty much just agrees with me
>only in contact with me and her close family

I remember meeting her for the walk to 6th form just under 2 years ago and sharing our first kiss in the rain. We had both stayed up all night talking and i told her I loved her when we met that morning.
I was harsh enough with her to stop her from doing typical emo shit while still comforting her.

Over the last 3 months i've been feeling less and less attracted to her to the point I don't want to fuck anymore.
She has noticed and blames herself but really it's all me. I hate myself for it
A few weeks ago I saw my crush from highschool around uni and started thinking of her and considering talking to her.
Now i'm dreading christmas with my own girlfriend. I dont feel particually strongly either way so I don't even want to leave

is this what its like when the spark is gone? fuck

i'm still working there but my last day is this friday

might be kinda creepy to show up just for that too, isn't it?

divide your age and add 7. if her age is lower it's a no go

maybe she's also stifled by your retarded made up rules

Normalfag fuck off. There's nothing wrong with an 18 year old liking a 14 year old. Especially if it's just a crush.

Idk man. Check em.

Fuck you you little shit, get the fuck off this board while you still can you dumb little cunt, you cannot be a robot if you're younger than 30 retard