Is being 24 yrs old too old for first job? I'm also getting my license this year

Is being 24 yrs old too old for first job? I'm also getting my license this year
lay it on me guys. Am I fucked?

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Just lie on your resume, no one is gonna check if its an entry level job.

are you still virgin?
i'm 20 yrs old and i'm goin on the same road...

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but I'll have to work with teenagers that will mock me and laugh at me
>look at the loser who never worked until he was in his mid 20s
I can't bear that daily. Might as well get the rope

I'm 20 and I applied to a different job every day since December 2017. I have no experience, so that's why I was never hired.
so good luck. I heard volunteering is good for experience.

You should lie

just say you got some informal jobs, and this is your first formal one...

I haven't gotten my permit until I was 23 and they'll ridicule me for not having a license

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Does HR or whoever hires people call to see if you're telling the truth? That's what I'm worried about.

Yes I am and it fucking blows. No girl wants to fuck a loser that couldn't even get his license before 19

I'm not worried about landing the job. I'm just worried about the stigma of being a slow piece of shit

I said lie. How would they find out?
No one would care. Just say you didn't need one because everything was close to you.
And maybe you should stop taking this board seriously.

We're the leftovers of society. Getting your first job passed 19 is a death sentence

Just give to me straight doc. I'm fucked aren't I? A slow bum that couldn't get a job and license at 16
doomed to walk the earth forever with the mark of mediocrity

I know people who havent worked till they were in their late 20s and just lied about having experience. And girls dont give a fuck about that, just tell them you were fine without a license and didnt need one.

I was close to 23 before I got my first real job and it was a real eye opener. I made it 8 months before I got canned but most people walked off before the end of their first day.

Are sure about the girl part? Do you have any female friends or a gf?
pls I'd like to know. cause I thought all girls rode in their mans old Toyota. They see guys that don't drive as untouchables

We all have to start somewhere. Good luck, champ.

My friend didn't get his license until he was almost 24 and he is in a phd program.

That's an exception. I don't have a PhD!

I'm 27 without a license and it was never an issue. No one cares as long as you live in a place where you can get anywhere with public transport. Just dont say something like you are a fucking loser because you couldnt get one for years and you will be fine, no girl wants to hear that shit.

Yeah. you right. Only problem I have to deal with now is my small penis

23? holy fucking shit. how can one not find a job before then?
like nigga it's easy af and takes no effort

Ah to be young and to have so many opportunities. Sounds like things are looking up for you OP!

I am 33 years old, no gf. no job, no life really.

My advice is to enjoy it while your young!

24 isn't young. It's over me. I'm done. It's over
This is how it all ends

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>taking shit from people younger than you
man user, you're pathetic.

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I'm getting my certificates for a bull shit trade profession I fucking hate. Everything sucks now
Death ain't looking too bad

I'd rather work flipping burgers or work retail than trades!!!! fucking hell
It'll all be over soon anyway.

you haven't even started fucking working yet and you're bitching, who knows user, maybe you'll get a qt 3.14 gf from the job, or at the very least, make a couple friends. stop looking at it from one perspective. if it doesn't work out just fucking quit and do something else, it's better than wasting your life doing something you hate.

>teenagers that will mock me and laugh at me
Dude, you're on r9k, you're already the scum of the earth. Everyone is already laughing at you.
You can either cry about it, or push through and work so that in 2 or so years you won't be that guy anymore.

>maybe you'll get a qt 3.14 gf from the job
I'll ignore her
>or at the very least, make a couple friends
I'll ghost them
>it's better than wasting your life doing something you hate
what life famm? It's over for me. I'm done

are you trying to make your life as miserable as possible?

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What do you mean? there ain't gone be 2 years left famm

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Nah, life is miserable naturally. I just duck my head before the final blow

I was 26 when got my first job. It was hard but eventually someone hired me.

Neither does he. Just do it, faggot. This was just an example of people who are also not complete fuck ups who did it later for whatever reason.

nah bro i got my first wage cuck job when i was 24 also. it helps to know somebody. basically having a good resume helps and a job history. but if you have a friend who can recommend you to their managers then you have a pretty good shot. just keep trying

I always keep trying but I'm like ten steps behind. But you're right
anyways, what age did you get your license? as late your first job? I need some motivation so I can finish mine

how old were you when you got your license tho mate?

it might be a little difficult to land your first job but it could definitely be worse. on the other hand it might actually be better learning to drive at your age than a teenager who is reckless as fuck and bad at driving.

better late than never, OP

Not fucked but it's a bit of a setback. You'll be ok.

Wow, late bloomer. I recommend overnight stocker as your first job. Places like Lowes should pay more than say, Krogers or Meijers for example. But you'll get to listen to podcast while you work; it's quite nice.

Remember to set aside some of your money for things such as bullion - I specifically like silver, and high quality, vacuum sealed ammuntion. If you're ever in a pinch, and need some money immediately without getting abso-fucking-lutely ripped off by pawn shops, go to a gun auction website and sell your high quality ammunition at a slight discount. It'll sell, quite fast.

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This is the book for you. This book is fucking awesome. Read it.

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No it's a pretty easy thing and I didn't complete both at the ages required
It's over me

m8 those kids do not give a shit about how old you are. If anything they'll try and buddy up with you in the hopes of you buying them beer or something. My first job was bagging groceries with high schoolers when I was 20. Better now than when you're 40.

You're right. They'd probably look up to me and think I'm some cool old guy
It's just hard for me to see the positive aspect of my position

24 is better than 25 (which is better than 26 etc).

A job is a job. More than many of these basement-dwelling NEETs commenting above have.


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Im in the same boat OP. Turning 24 next month with 0 employment history. I want to try to apply to be a porter at the local grocery story but doubt theyll hire me. I honestly think its best to just lie on applications and make something up before you get interviewed. Just have something ready for when they ask you what youve been doing with your life. Maybe throw in a family death or two so they feel bad for you and want to help you. And just toss in the name of a local college and say youve been taking classes in a certain subject trying to earn your degree. They wont be able to fact check any of this bullshit. It feels awful lieing but it really is the only option to get hired when you have no employment history and no references at this age.

Aren't you required to put referees on your resumes? What if you lie and they call them up? Asking because I'm also in the same boat.

stop giving him false hopes. He needs the hard cold lifeless truth

i got that shit late too when i was like 23 and failed the test like four times cause nobody really showed me how to properly park. eventually one of my friends kind of like an older brother to me just told me to drive his car and instead of being babied by my mom i finally learned to do it myself. i still barely use the shit however and im a piss poor driver cause i dont have or need my own car right now. dont feel like shit over not having it but also take ownership that this is shit you should do to further your own life anyway. just take responsibllity because thats what i had to do to move forwards. even if its only one small step at a time.

And I thought I was old lol I'm 19

Dont worry, i started my first job at 24 after failing uni

Nah don't hold yourself back
Better now than at 28

do it you silly fuck

you're behind now, but you're self-aware enough to know that if this keeps up you're fucked, so just go and get a fucking job and get ready to fight

life won't wait for you. start sending applications, tonight.

Got my license at 23, you'll be fine. Prepare for some odd glances about your work """history""" and be honest about trying to better yourself, and you'll get yourself out of NEETdom

I know taking responsibility is what I should do but it ain't easy

that's at the cutoff for being too old for your first job
are you going back? or did you find a career that's sustaining?
this is what everyone has been saying. but there is always a "than at"
thanks user. I'll member you when I'm sending them in
I'd just like to work and get home without socializing too much. I don't want to reminisce cause of what I missed

No you fucking retard, imagine if your 20s was too old for anything, God damn you kids say the dumbest shit sometimes

I'm just like you and I started my first ever job this month, three weeks ago.
I've never been a NEET though. I always tried to fill in the gap between HS and my career life with higher education. I was "working hard" on my bachelors for four years and then I got a masters for no reason other than the fact didn't want to work. I passed my final exams in October and immediately (like, in the same day) signed up for a second masters program. This one is super easy humanities shit though and I can't fool anyone that I'm studying hard to become an academic anymore.
So I applied for jobs at random and I found one and they liked me and hired me. Didn't lie about anything. I even got a few interviews before the one that got me a job. One of those I completely bombed and spilled my spaghetti all over the place, one I declined because the job sucked and was part time and on another one they barely even interviewed me - the guy was some numale dork and he was so impressed by how "disciplined" I appeared that he approved me on the spot but I declined him over the phone because my current job sounded better.
Anyway, for this job I applied to be a courier, since I have a license (which I got earlier this year btw and I'm not an experienced driver at all, obviously) but they hired me to be something of an assistant sysadmin, since I told them I'm good with computers (which is true).
Honestly I think I lucked out with this offer but really I was ready to lower my standards quite a bit if I didn't find a job by NY. Bootstraps and handshakes, user, we're all gonna make it.
Thanks for reading my diary. 24 y.o. boomer signing out.

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