Anyone else so addicted to porn that their sexuality has literally taken almost a complete 180 even though you have...

anyone else so addicted to porn that their sexuality has literally taken almost a complete 180 even though you have never been a fag at all in your life

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I've always liked dicks but never been attracted to guys.

that is me now but that hasnt really been the case until recently. i dont wanna be a fucking faggot but i have so much trouble not watching porn, im so addicted to it it is not even funny. anyone else have this experience trying to get off porn? im seriously considering seeking therapy or going to anonymous meetings over it

Thank me later for this post

y'all are just fucking gay as fuck and don't have the balls to come to terms with it, the fuck is this garbage about liking dick but not being gay wtf

You need to do more research and look into the history of this whole "gay" business
It pains me that everyone has the state and **science** view of homosexuality
why do you think they like using certain definitions over others?

Straight men are turned on by penises but not attracted to the male aesthetic. Confusing, I know, but thats our brains.

what are you even going on about nibba, if you like penis you're fucking gay get over it and be gay there's nothing wrong with it, just stop denying it to yourself fag.

Its not that bad really, gotta control the porn addiction, but you can enjoy fag porn without going full gay. I've been obsessively fapping to dicks for 13 years and still haven't fucked a dude.

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what was considered gay 100 years ago is considered straight now ;)