Tfw literally preparing my room for a ritual to try and contact succubi

>tfw literally preparing my room for a ritual to try and contact succubi

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You should do some more research on succubi user they aren't as pleasant as they seem.

>they aren't as pleasant as they seem
Elaborate pls

they're demons you stupid cunt. you'd die for a bj?

Not same user, but it is pretty hit-and-miss. Can be a pleasant experience or a bad one. What kind of ritual are you planning and doing? Actual occultist user here.

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thats dope hope you dont get sent to hell or have your soul stolen tho

t.pussy ass atheist

They terrorize you dumbass

>finally manage to summon succubus
>She leaves because she can't suck the life out of someone if they have no life

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babby's first summoning/contact. i'm a dumb skeptic who doesn't know what the fuck he's doing
i really shouldn't be doing this but i've just had the sudden urge to do so for the last two days
i've also mentally snapped hard over the last month

You say that as if "summoning" in itself tells me just what you are doing. Sorry to hear yourself mentally snapping, it would be better to find a method to seek balance than to try and land a succ gf. Quick fucks are randomly good or bad, but the vast majority who stick around you afterwards will only bring you down, only an exceptional few are good who stay around.

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>You say that as if "summoning" in itself tells me just what you are doing
as you can tell, i don't really have any real knowledge or experience of the occult and might do something stupid or desperate

>it would be better to find a method to seek balance than to try and land a succ gf.
such as what?
my actions over the last few months and my reactions to the circumstances i'm in are making me seriously reconsider my life
keep in mind i'm a skeptic who still thinks i'm just becoming a lunatic and i don't really believe in the occult

Give us the summoning guide then user
I already want to die I might as well do it from hot demon pussy
>Not op

More likely to get an incubus butt fucking ya if you're that desperate. Serious.

The succ gf warning is in case it works. I mean, you said you are preparing for a ritual, I can tell you real quick any chances of successes or caveats and such by just knowing what it is.

Depends what you are seeking. Seeking a quick fuck, seeking a simple encounter, seeking a succ gf? There are multiple ways to go about this. Also you aren't going to die lol, in the old days they equated ejaculation with dying, called "the mini death" because they were a bunch of no fappers who believed in superhuman semen retention.

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Not that guy, but I want a quick fuck summoning. What do I do?

Now I'm intrigued.
Just the first one.
What is there like a book or something on "How to summon demons"?
Arent they all about rigged deals and shit? How2notlosesoul?

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Might not need the succubus anymore cause those back to back gets just made me cum

>I mean, you said you are preparing for a ritual
as embarrassing and retarded as it sounds, i literally have no fucking idea
i was just cleaning my room tonight because it smells like horseshit and i got an inexplicable urge to do this
i was gonna ask /x/ or some shit after i was done, so i guess now is as good of a time as ever to ask how do i get succ gf

Easiest way to get a succ gf is through the Lilith letter burning ritual. Can provide details or link to something if need be, the downside is it can take a while sometimes to receive an answer but it has a high success rate for those who stick with it. I cannot guarantee the succ gf will be moreso caring than just a parasite draining your energy and eventually making you more degenerate/depressed, but it is a risk.

Of course you people would just want a quick fuck lol. Spoiler alert, even though you can get a ghost to hop on your dick it isn't like a real person, though you will get arousal inside and throughout your body rather than just your penis as you are milked so that is a plus. Anyways, since I can't find this one sigil I want to post you got to settle for the next-best thing which is Lilith's sigil. It is important to be pent up, i.e you are horny and haven't came in a while. Make a triangle on the ground facing you and place the sigil in it, light a candle behind the triangle, sit in front of the triangle and do so at a time comfortably between 12 a.m. and 3 a.m. You must then meditate until you feel a presence/energy that feels kind of sluggish in you. This isn't the succ yet. Say "Lilith, Queen of the Night, I welcome you in the name Jehovah Tzabaoth. My purpose here is to seek one of your daughters, bring one forth before me in the name of God and in turn she shall drink from the wellspring of life. I am here under the authority of thou which hast created the heavens and the earth, and offer fair exchange in that you be binded by pact as all living things are to now enact hastily, truthfully, and without falsity. I thank you Night Mother, now I submit to the task laid at hand. So mote it be." Then blow out the candle, do w/e you want with the ritual setup, and either wait or go to bed or w/e. Shit works best with some magical practice, but if things get spooky enough truck on still.

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okay, now suppose that for some reason, someone out there would want to BE the succ
how the fuck do they do this?

What's your source for all this?
Tell us more please?
I desire greater knowledge.

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Also yes, this entire setup would have been different if I could find the damn sigil for the succubus collective, but w/e. And to you just kind of pick up on what needs to be done after a while. The truth is that the deals and pacts need not be nearly so rigged, far less is necessary than advertised. Demons are demons, so if you are ignorant of course they will take advantage of you. If you don't know better, they will tell you you need to exchange your soul for a deal that only requires literally 1 drop of your blood. Even if they are binded perfectly in control, they will tell you they are not if you are ignorant until you believe they are on the loose and thus you unknowingly let go of their restraints. It is not so much that working with demons will fuck you over, but rather working with demons while not knowing what you are doing can fuck you over.

I have heard of people claiming they can become a succ astrally, but I do not believe it per say. If you can reach a development where a deal flops on your table, well done. Now if you are asking if you can project as a cute girl and drain people of cum or energy, you can do that. After a lot of shaping your astral form and practice to have strong presence/project and knowing how to energetically drain people in general.

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Is this real? I've seen comments that are dead serious and detailing paragraphs of rituals, so I'm curious.

>tfw you think the succ is happening but you only have a vague recollection of weird dream shit

>that cannot die which eternally is dead, >two in the place of a one severed head

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It is an application of acquired occult knowledge, I didn't rip that ritual from anywhere but made it. A circle around you is superfluous if you are a mage, though perhaps for others here maybe you should make a 6 foot circle, but anyways, a triangle pointing downwards acts as a containment field. Any presence evoked cannot leave it unless you think or allow it to leave it. Hence we put Lilith's sigil here because fuck letting that loose, not that you can even evoke her in entirety anyways. Candle is candles, too long to explain why it helps just go with it. Time is best time for spirit work. Lilith is quick to respond generally, you do not need to evoke her from the get-go for her vibrations to begin permeating the air in the right atmosphere so we wait to actually bring her presence and authority out until you can feel the air change and are ready. You properly address the spirit, Lilith, you introduce yourself (you can add "I, user's name, welcome you.." instead desu if you want) and then immediately open the atmosphere with the god name for the god of hosts. you are hosting something, doesn't need explanation. succubi are said to spring from Lilith hence they are her daughters and she has authority over them. Everyone and everything is linked to God and can use God's power, so you borrow his authority to help compel the demon to act. yes it has its authority too, but w/e is more physical wins in authority with God so you win here. You offer that which Lilith seeks to destroy, vav, the wellspring of life, in the form of...your semen. You are laying out the pact, you seal authority unto the pact, and then some legal magic mumbo jumbo to ensure you don't get jipped, then you swiftly dismiss. It isn't complicated when you break it down.

Yea. Least I am serious.

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Suppose I should add "intend for all of this to happen" and "intend to call Lilith out" while meditating or idle or saying things. I sometimes don't know how basic I need to be or not, obvious stuff like that is still crucial and can ruin things if not there.

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There any good sites or books to read to learn more?
Besides /x/?

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Be sure to keep good notes and share them with your bros!

i'm still skeptical tbdesu. as a staunch materialist i don't understand how people commit to things that don't have tangible or reproducible effects
although i am one of those fags who believes mathematics is the only thing that is provably real and all other things can be taken away in an instant, but i'm just a dumb kid who doesn't see any winning move in life anymore, and i'm starting to care less about this world
sorry for blogpost

I'm the same way. But occultism and the like has always intrigued me a great deal, even if the people that talk about it always seem kinda like larpers.
I'm gonna start taking notes and dabble some more once I get my own place.
I mean, as men of science, who would we be not to experiment? At the worst, we might just feel a little dumb afterwards.

>I don't understand how people commit to things that don't have tangible or reproducible effects
>Summoning spirits or making events happen aren't tangible effects nor reproducible.

As implied, you can science the fuck out of magic. Though it requires a lot of philosophy/theory to work with and make hypotheses to test.

Cute cute cute image! I am going to be honest though, I don't even know where to direct people to learn more complicated stuff or simpler stuff or theory or practice since I been into things too long and picked up way too many things from other practitioners. Can always check fringe libraries, check out occult youtubers (immediately bear heart comes to mind for kabbalah autism), or just try to find practitioners and ask wtf they do or look into specific traditions/fields and dive from there, such as grimoires, kabbalah, buddhist or taoist magic, Enochian, etc. Just avoid anything along the lines of "satanism," "draconian," or other really edgy sounding names, not out of "oh no, evil!" but because it screams larp. I wish suggesting just talking to other people was as good as it used to be though, there are so many larpers or delusionals now that it is sad when newbies get wrapped up in people who don't know wtf they are doing.

In general, the biggest and most helpful tip if you have interest in actually doing magic is to first and foremost actually do magic. Doing shit genuinely and often goes much further than armchair masturbation.

I got to go for now guys, good luck with everything.

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i firmly believe there is more to reality than this universe, but my own personal theories of the nature of reality are all plain autistic

perhaps, i'm just a skeptic and my heart's really not in it. maybe if i get over my personal hangups i may take it more seriously since it seems that i'm getting more open to the idea

Thanks for the chat user. Have a good one!

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Here, use this to summon a succubi to form a union with.

To use this info, you must scry the circle with charcoal on to stone or into dirt/mud using a goats horn.

Within the circle you must scry the left most image using whatever you like.

To activate the circle you will either need to slice your hand and drip it on to the ground or kill a virgin mammal (usually a goat as they are cheap from ranches.) on top of it.

Then you simply ask for a succubi to come and form a union.

Succubi won't outright kill you or anything, and depending on the type of personality it / you has, you can become great friends. Just note having sex with it too much will degrade your mental health and make you pretty much a drooling idiot, then it's going to wear your body out, possibly to death.

Sex with a succubus isn't even that great. They have much more chilled vaginas than humans, and they'll squirt piss in your mouth if you eat them out.

If you can resist fucking them and they can tolerate you, they'll help you do cool shit like win poker games, get extra swole, or get promoted at work.

If you live in a first world country the succubus will just be a random animal that's nearby when you're out in public. If you're in a third world or country with a lack of electricity / technology it'll be an actual person that will interact with other humans.

Succubus prefer virgin or inexperienced men over alpha Chads.

If you have any more demon related questions let me know.

Source: Sold soul for gainz / Chad-dom.

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What makes you think this is real?

Reminder to come to Jesus instead of summoning demons and going to hell