>be me, fucking random tinder thot
>bite her in the neck
>she moans
>bite her in the ear lobe
>she moans again
>tell her "you like being bit don't you"
>she says "yeah I do, and you, what do you like?"
>tell her I like a tongue in my ear (before you start railing on me for this give it a try, it's surprisingly enjoyable)
>as I tell her this I remember my morning shower, where I put a finger in my ear, pulled out a mass of ear wax, and though to myself "I need to take a q-tip to this"
>mfw I remember I then forgot about it and my ears are still dirty
>she puts her tongue in my ear, leaves it for one second, then removes it without saying a word.
>next morning she leaves without even bothering to do the thing where we pretend we'll see each other again.
Greentext thread
Come on bump it's Christmas eve lemme have my greentexts
But did you finish?
Well yeah duh. She just pretended it didn't happen and I was glafld to let her.
Damn, she tasted that greasy hole of an ear and still wanted that d? Must be a pipe a mile long
Well, yes, but I don't think that's why she stayed. The piping was already in progress, the threshold for pipus interomptus is much higher than for pipus cancelus. If you see what I mean.
Impressive story user. Have any more?
Once a girl told me to say mean things to her while we were fucking and I kind of panicked and told her "if I could kill you without any legal consequences I would do so without hesitation". She just kind of paused and said "nevermind". I've gotten better at this since.
As bad as that sounded. I totally understand you. If its already in motion, it's difficult to stop like the juggernaut. Especially when you're in it.
I have a fragile nose, it bleeds easily, once in the summer it was really hot and my nose just started to bleed, I was fucking this girl missionary and the blood just fell on her forehead, she still let me finish lmao.
I've posted this before but it's been ages and I rarely get a chance to
>meet grill on okcupid
>talk on IM and agree to hang out
>she says I should come over and play wind waker after she finds out I'd never played it
>go over to her parents house and she's sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette wearing a dinosaur kigurumi
>we chat for a bit and don't even start wind waker, just go inside and bang on the couch
>go over there again a few days later
>this time we go into her room
>oh dear god
>her room is covered in garbage
>empty food wrappers/packages everywhere, empty drink cans with cigarette butts in them, crusty panties everywhere
>I've seen worse, this ain't gonna stop me
>sit down on her bottom bunk
>notice that there's a dried out nasty chicken bone shoved between the supporting bars of the top bunk and the mattress on top of them
>okay this might be a bit much
>she boots up the gamecube and start playing some WW
>after a while she says "so I wanna fuck but I might be on my period"
>I say "oh that's fine, we don't have to. We can just play wi-"
>"no no I really do!" she interrupts. "Hang on, let me check..."
>oh god
>she reaches her hand down the front of her pants
>she digs around a bit and then pulls her hand out to reveal blood on the end of her fingers
>"yup!" she exclaims proudly
>I chuckle awkwardly
>she pops the two fingers in her mouth and sucks off the blood like it was cheeto dust
>I just wanted to play zelda
I honestly don't even know what to say, holy shit.
Go wash your dick user.
Damn that's gross. How obese is she?
She was especially nasty after that first time we fucked. She must have just taken a shower before I showed up the first time because she didn't seem that gross, but after that second time she constantly smelled like mildew and sweat. She smelled like the floor of a public pool shower room.
She was definitely chubby but not gigantic. I love fat girls, they're my absolute favorite and I've been with ones that were far bigger than her, but she was hands downs the grossest one. Grooming habits are far more important than body type when it comes to how smelly a girl is.
Trips of truth. Your story reminds us all girls are fucking disgusting.
>Def chubby but not gigantic
I'm going to assume this is just you being American and having no idea how big humans are supposed to be and just picture her morbidly obese. Cool story though.
Damn user, you need me to spoonfeed you? She was about this big but with bigger tits.
I regularly fuck women who are this fat so in thr grand scheme of things, no, she wasnt that big.
Disgusting hahahahaha.
>I regularly fuck women who are this fat
user NO
you can't have done anything bad enough in a previous life to deserve that
user you do you, I'm not judging. I'm just saying, I was right to picture her morbidly obese. You americans have no notion of what a normal human being looks like lmao
Please keep finding fat women unattractive, it just means I get to fuck more of them. I have absolutely zero attraction to thin/fit women and having fucked both fat and thin women I can say with absolute certainty that everything about fucking a fat girl is better.
I was overwhelmed by the stench that I detected when I saw that pig's stinkditch.
I'm glad this works for you, fat chicks need love too or they get up to no good and go to town meetings and meddle or participate in sit-in protests at sex doll brothels or whatever
>Be autist me
>Same hairdresser for ages because I don't like new people
>Same smalltalk
>Let her know I sold my apartment and will be moving soon
>Have to find a new hairdresser
>She says "But you'll be back"
>"Nah it'll be too far"
>She says "Oh, but I'm sure you'll be back"
>"I doubt it"
>Realize a week later why her mood suddenly changed and my haircut sucks
I got one last appointment with her, do I cancel or kill myself?
Ask her out but remember she has a service industry job. She gets paid to be nice to people (and give cuts)
Good God imagine what it would be like to hate yourself this much
this picture literally makes me feel nauseous. And I'm a sick fuck
She is fat as fuck by nonamerisharter standards
>greentext thread on the board dedicated to greentexts
Hello WaveTitan subscriber
The fuck is wave titan? I've been coming here since before boxxy was queen you candy ass roody poo
>be me
>friend sends link of to a visual novel
>now thats what im talking about.dantefromthedevilmaycryseriespullinghispantsup
>install it
>its called Wolf Tails
>cute wolf girls fuck yeah
>playing normally
>characters couldnt look more generic
>meh whatever
>1 hour later
>this game has caught my attention
>getting really interesting
>at some point shit gets REALLY interesting
>one of the girls starts cuddling with MC
>but i didnt feel....lustful
>i felt...satisfied,happy
>as if there was a void on my heart this whole time and a VN just filled it
>nothing explicit happens,and i am not disappointed,as if i wanted it to stay like that
>3 hours later,it is 4 am here
>one route finished
>feels good man.jpg
>feels too good man man.PDF
>what the fuck.exe
>i am feeling....happy,human
>i am doing the second route...full of eagerness and ecstasy
>mfw i no longer crave the death sweet and peaceful embrace
>mfw i am happy
am happy for u user
Quit green texting like a faggot