I will be too poor to buy kingdom hearts 3

i will be too poor to buy kingdom hearts 3

i hate myself, i probably wouldn't be able to enjoy it anyway and i had to sell all my games to buy a phone so i could get a job years ago, i hate life, so i play games i can get for free on computer and that's all i deserve

i am a spoiled worthless bitch who couldn't even buy the games he wanted he was so pathetic

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>Mother pre-ordered it for me this Christmas
Feels good. You should watch me stream it when it comes out.

>buying games
Go outside and get a life

i might end my life before it comes out anyway, it's not like i'm a teenager like when i played kh1 and experienced the magic for the first time.

There's nothing outside kys

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i can go outside but there is no life for me there

happy holidays user

Do some drugs then

Trip on shrooms

Improve yourself and get a better job i guess?

are you asking a question or giving me an order?

tfw no job near me to work at for payment

tfw can't move to another location because too poor

literally fucked

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Video games are drugs you numbskull kys 2x over

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on a positive note i started a journal, it helped me avoid Jow Forums for the past week and is helping me get off the Jow Forums reservation. I avoided a bunch of pointless threads and trolls thanks to the journal and will probably go back to blocking this site and talking to it while i live out my life as a loser.

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sell something then buy KH3

Are you clinically retarded by any chance?

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i will need to buy a ps4 as well and selling things is hard

why do you ask that question? doge is an old dead normie meme

how hard is it to put some things on ebay
are you in BR or sth

since you've decided to play dumb with me then i won't bother with you

okay, you're actually retarded then
have fun with that

judging by your reaction i made the right choice

Just sell drugs user. Order MDMA in big amounts, sell in capsules for 20 bux. You'll be able to buy all the games you want

after you beat it and realize it didn't make you feel any better or do anything for you you think "damn, wish i had my $60 back"
happens to me every time.

i guess you're right, video games are a spook.

Kingdom hearts a big gay.
Watch cut scene, smash triangle.
Watch another cut scene that takes you somewhere else and hit triangle some more.
Fly a stupid looking ship.
Even if #3 is good they don't deserve your money for making the first two shitty games.

>Video games are drugs you numbskull kys 2x over
I suggest you follow your own advice after reading this post.


I waited 10 years for this to come out and now im too dead inside to enjoy it. beautiful.

But Sora, The Darkness, you have to Keyblade the Heartless, LIGHT!

nope not doin it for me

What about Sora's big feet.
Don't you love the beautiful boy with the big feet?

>be me
>the only good gift I've ever gotten was a ps2 on Christmas from dad
>thank you dad
>friend lends me kh1
>in awe
>get obsessed, play all titles available
>i grow up, side games come out, try and find a way to play them
>life sucks
>want an hero by 14
>bbbbbuuuttttt where's kh3 i need it
>let's stick around
>ff after over a decade of kh3 finally coming out
>completely dead inside, I don't live, i survive
>no money for new console and for kh3
Should have an hero a long time ago.
You're not alone op, life sucks but we will be gone one day.
You absolute retard, go spend time with your normalfaggot family instead of bothering us.
Why do you think we end up playing vidya?
We had no life.
Next time someone tells me to get a life, i will.
I will take someone's life ,that is.

There is someone who has been posting doge image macros with all kinds of disturbing stuff in it.