I am willing to admit that the studies, surveys and data in general, do in large part agree with the axioms of Redpill/Inceldom, at least while you are in your 20s (Women quickly start to lose any advantages over 35):
All of these are the facts according to the research we currently have: >Hookups and sex in general is overwhelmingly dominated by what are generally considered the most "attractive" 20% of young men. In fact, the rate of young men having regular sex has dropped to only 20% in down from 50% in 1999. >Physical attractiveness (Above 5'7, skinny but toned, symmetrical face, good hair) is overwhelmingly what women are most attracted too mostly in a male, not personality. This is the same for men as well. >In terms of personality women like assertive, aggressive men who are also "benevolently sexist" (Open doors for women, help put on her coat for her etc) this is even true of women who identify as Feminist. Narcissistic personality traits in men is also weirdly considered very attractive by women >In online dating, even the most attractive men get roughly the same amount of messages and matches as what are considered the most unattractive women. >White men are overwhelming considered the most attractive by women. Asian men the least attractive. Men are generally attracted to all races of women except Black women. >The most successful messages on Tinder are those that are short and too the point. The single most successful message from men to women is "Wanna Smash?".
In general this doesn't look great for women (but lets be real men are barely better, everyone is shallow af). But I still find the Incel/RP community completely toxic, extremely misogynistic, self-destructive and unhelpful in general. So I'm thinking, what are some positive ways we can as largely young men start to approach and discuss these issues without devolving into edgy nihilism and general hatred and self-loathing?
>So I'm thinking, what are some positive ways we can as largely young men start to approach and discuss these issues without devolving into edgy nihilism and general hatred and self-loathing?
We could come up with a bunch of meaningless platitudes and comforting lies.
Christopher Nelson
Online dating I think has largely fucked it for guys. Before men and women went out to nightclubs and bars and basically picked up there, one girl leaves with one guy, they spend the night together, if you have 50 girls and 50 guys in a bar or club, they basically have to filter eachother around a 1:1 ratio. Tinder that isn't the case, a guy can fuck a girl, have her leave after an hour or two, get another girl over, fuck her, have her leave several times a day. Also women have all the most attractive men right there on an app they can instantly message at any point. It massively fucks over any man not in that 20%. I actually often see even at bars now, that women often have their phones out, on Tinder. They don't need to leave with a guy at the bar. I think it's also largely not coincidence that nightclubbing industry has gone down the toilet with the advent of Online Dating.
>So I'm thinking, what are some positive ways we can as largely young men start to approach and discuss these issues without devolving into edgy nihilism and general hatred and self-loathing? Isn't that exactly what the red pill community is? You lump RP together with incels, but I don't see why, as they are complete opposites. Incels think the fact mean that they will never ever get laid no matter what and that it is all women's fault.
Red pillers, on the other hand, use the knowledge to better themselves and get an edge in the dating scene. They don't blame anyone but accept how things are and try to take advantage of it.
Carter Collins
Literally nothing you wrote is true. It's all made up in your low intellect incel mind.
Post a link to a source for your "facts". You won't be able to. Because you are an evil incel who wants to lie to gullible men to turn them into incels.
Eli Johnson
I think we should just go monk. I've never thought being a virgin was all that bad, its like a whole world of bullshit you never have to deal with.
Jordan Anderson
You guys need to create a new MGTOW movement, but this time actually go your own way. You can have a pretty good life if you focus on things that don't make you feel like shit.
Jacob Moore
This. Also most Incels actually largely suffer from crippling anxiety. This ironically (and funny in a way) means that in the age of MeToo it is actually the incel that is most worried about not offending women and playing by the Feminist rulebook that even self-described feminists don't actually play by IRL, because of their anxiety, they think if one assertive pass they make is taken wrong, they will end up shamed on Twitter and then the media or worse, jail time.