Incel is toxic self destructive shit. Need a better, positive movement

I am willing to admit that the studies, surveys and data in general, do in large part agree with the axioms of Redpill/Inceldom, at least while you are in your 20s (Women quickly start to lose any advantages over 35):

All of these are the facts according to the research we currently have:
>Hookups and sex in general is overwhelmingly dominated by what are generally considered the most "attractive" 20% of young men. In fact, the rate of young men having regular sex has dropped to only 20% in down from 50% in 1999.
>Physical attractiveness (Above 5'7, skinny but toned, symmetrical face, good hair) is overwhelmingly what women are most attracted too mostly in a male, not personality. This is the same for men as well.
>In terms of personality women like assertive, aggressive men who are also "benevolently sexist" (Open doors for women, help put on her coat for her etc) this is even true of women who identify as Feminist. Narcissistic personality traits in men is also weirdly considered very attractive by women
>In online dating, even the most attractive men get roughly the same amount of messages and matches as what are considered the most unattractive women.
>White men are overwhelming considered the most attractive by women. Asian men the least attractive. Men are generally attracted to all races of women except Black women.
>The most successful messages on Tinder are those that are short and too the point. The single most successful message from men to women is "Wanna Smash?".

In general this doesn't look great for women (but lets be real men are barely better, everyone is shallow af). But I still find the Incel/RP community completely toxic, extremely misogynistic, self-destructive and unhelpful in general.
So I'm thinking, what are some positive ways we can as largely young men start to approach and discuss these issues without devolving into edgy nihilism and general hatred and self-loathing?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>So I'm thinking, what are some positive ways we can as largely young men start to approach and discuss these issues without devolving into edgy nihilism and general hatred and self-loathing?

We could come up with a bunch of meaningless platitudes and comforting lies.

Online dating I think has largely fucked it for guys. Before men and women went out to nightclubs and bars and basically picked up there, one girl leaves with one guy, they spend the night together, if you have 50 girls and 50 guys in a bar or club, they basically have to filter eachother around a 1:1 ratio.
Tinder that isn't the case, a guy can fuck a girl, have her leave after an hour or two, get another girl over, fuck her, have her leave several times a day. Also women have all the most attractive men right there on an app they can instantly message at any point. It massively fucks over any man not in that 20%. I actually often see even at bars now, that women often have their phones out, on Tinder. They don't need to leave with a guy at the bar. I think it's also largely not coincidence that nightclubbing industry has gone down the toilet with the advent of Online Dating.

Why are you trying to placate us?

Who is paying you to post here?

MGTOW is the only positive one desu.

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>So I'm thinking, what are some positive ways we can as largely young men start to approach and discuss these issues without devolving into edgy nihilism and general hatred and self-loathing?
Isn't that exactly what the red pill community is? You lump RP together with incels, but I don't see why, as they are complete opposites. Incels think the fact mean that they will never ever get laid no matter what and that it is all women's fault.

Red pillers, on the other hand, use the knowledge to better themselves and get an edge in the dating scene. They don't blame anyone but accept how things are and try to take advantage of it.

Literally nothing you wrote is true. It's all made up in your low intellect incel mind.

Post a link to a source for your "facts". You won't be able to. Because you are an evil incel who wants to lie to gullible men to turn them into incels.

I think we should just go monk. I've never thought being a virgin was all that bad, its like a whole world of bullshit you never have to deal with.

You guys need to create a new MGTOW movement, but this time actually go your own way. You can have a pretty good life if you focus on things that don't make you feel like shit.

Also most Incels actually largely suffer from crippling anxiety. This ironically (and funny in a way) means that in the age of MeToo it is actually the incel that is most worried about not offending women and playing by the Feminist rulebook that even self-described feminists don't actually play by IRL, because of their anxiety, they think if one assertive pass they make is taken wrong, they will end up shamed on Twitter and then the media or worse, jail time.

anyone know how to find *good* women?
never tried to get a gf but might in the future and dont want a bad one(s)
>they don't exist
at least a few do, but i have no idea how rare they might be

>at least a few do
Not for men like us.

>I am willing to admit that the studies, surveys and data in general, do in large part agree with the axioms of Redpill/Inceldom
>Hookups and sex in general is overwhelmingly dominated by what are generally considered the most "attractive" 20% of young men. In fact, the rate of young men having regular sex has dropped to only 20% in down from 50% in 1999.
>Physical attractiveness (Above 5'7, skinny but toned, symmetrical face, good hair) is overwhelmingly what women are most attracted too mostly in a male, not personality. This is the same for men as well.
>In terms of personality women like assertive, aggressive men who are also "benevolently sexist" (Open doors for women, help put on her coat for her etc) this is even true of women who identify as Feminist. Narcissistic personality traits in men is also weirdly considered very attractive by women
>In online dating, even the most attractive men get roughly the same amount of messages and matches as what are considered the most unattractive women.
Source? And even if partially true it is irrelevant, what matters is how many end up meeting, which obviously ends up the same amount for both.
>White men are overwhelming considered the most attractive by women. Asian men the least attractive. Men are generally attracted to all races of women except Black women.
Yes, and?
>The most successful messages on Tinder are those that are short and too the point. The single most successful message from men to women is "Wanna Smash?".
>So I'm thinking, what are some positive ways we can as largely young men start to approach and discuss these issues without devolving into edgy nihilism and general hatred and self-loathing?
By admitting that everything you wrote is pure horseshit. None of the incel memes have any facts to back them up. Teach incels scientific literacy, that is the best way to get them to stop believing the toxic incel bile.

But that's not true? Have you ever been to a bar or are you just parroting incel memes?

From my experience, solution to inceldom is just to aim for 35> women, then switch to someone younger once you get more experience. But why would you if older women are better at fucking and don't start dramas as often? The whole used goods thing is a meme, you think a young woman who fucked her past boyfriend's everyday is tight lol? I'm not sure if sex even affects tightness at all, it's more like age.
Also online dating is shit.

maybe for you, beta-bitch
not with that attitude
part of my feeling toward a criteria toward a good woman would be a sort of wholesomeness that would lend itself well to choosing a partner on grounds other than height and such, such that if i desired to have one of them i could take actions towards having one

I think sometimes theres no other way than to go through, hit rock bottom, and come out the other side. I kind of started as a nice guy, went through the bitter incel stage, and now I am just completely burnt out on being angry and sad. Its hard to accept that I just dont mesh well with people, and it gets to me sometimes, but I feel better than I did before. I just want to find stuff that makes me laugh and go about my day.

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I would post links but every time I try to post them all I keep tripping the fucking spam filter FUCK.

Okay first few links... lets hope this posts.

It has nothing to do with tightness, young people simply look much better. 35+ year women are starting to sag and wrinkle up. The wall is real.

I get fewer matches for 30+ on Tinder than I do for 18 - 30, and I'm 28. What's the secret?

Weeded out some of the links that were causing spam filter tripping, not sure how to post them.

This is really strange. It should be blindingly obvious to anyone that has done any research at all, that the core facts like that women have it far easier to get sex and partners than men, and that this difference has increased in the recent years, are true. You can question the conclusion but not the premise. Even climate change deniers have started to shift from the "global warming isn't happening" to the "global warming isn't caused by humans" narrative, because they simply can't argue with the clear evidence.

You think that posting a wall of links with unrelated content validates your point. You have literally not read a single one of those links or know their contents. Let's start with

>the rate of young men having regular sex has dropped to only 20% in down from 50%
Post a link, and not a wall of "hurr it's in one of these 10 find it yourself". Specify the link and exact location that backs this one up.

Not a single shred of evidence supports this. "it's obvious" only to basement-dwelling virgin NEETs like you who never see the real outside world and instead builds his worldview from his echo chamber of other bitter basement-dwelling virgin NEETs.

>hurr you can't question the premise
Incels, everyone.

Your children will suffer from your denial.

Basically the only solution is to really work out and get Jow Forums and start going out to places where drunk easy women are.

Zyzz showed that a 10 times a day jerking to hentai weeb that looked like shit can become king chad.

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Might as well spend all that roid money on hookers

What did zyzz look like at the start? For some reason I haven't seen his before pics.

Skinny ass weeb.

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why care so much about body? It's all gross meat to me. We are talking about incels here, if you listen to them anything will do.
Besides you could always do it in half dark or while clothed.
I think with help of older women an incel can transorm into someone capable of impressing young girls, even pretty ones date older guys all the time, so why won't incels date older women?
IDK I'm repulsed by shit like tinder(not like I'd stand a chance theee), I'm all for casual sex, but friends with benefits kind of thing, not meet, fuck and split.

Incels won't date older women because they are not virgins.

6/10, 6'2 here who has never got a single score on Tinder.
For those here that are successful on Tinder, what should I put in my profile? What should of pictures should I have? How should I message girls I match with?
I seem to match on OKcupid pretty fine, but that is far more a dating app. Tinder is just for hookups and I'm sucking shit at it.

Just ask "wanna smash?" at as many girls as you can

So is whoever an incel is fawning over at the moment. Virgins are shit anyway, because they are inexperienced, not just in sex but relations too, so expect stupid drama.

>IDK I'm repulsed by shit like tinder(not like I'd stand a chance theee), I'm all for casual sex, but friends with benefits kind of thing, not meet, fuck and split.
yeah, i never talk to anyone on it, i just use it as a barometer for what i look like to different demographics and in different photos

i can only help with matches (see above), but try all the normie shit like a photo with a dog, a photo outdoors, etc. and after that, move on to changing the way you dress, haircut, and facial hair. also, i got more matches when my bmi was underweight than when it was normal or overweight, for some weird reason.

your goal should be to first make any obvious improvements, second to A/B test different things about yourself.

Tell that to incels.

>boohoo why can't I get a pure virgin who loves me unconditionally
>I am so totally involuntarily celibate

What you are talking about are pick up artists.

They are lower on the pyrmid, lower than incels.

Real redpillers, who was redpilled before the redpill-meme and after, never try to do anything that cant be evaluated as to having a comfortable sucessrate.

Experience is something that she'll gain with time, so that's a non-issue.

I'd rather have an inexperienced virgin than a whore you cannot expect to stay long term.

Why do you think the inexperienced virgin would stay with you long term? Or that a nonvirgin won't stay long term?

>tell that to incels
I'm doing it, maybe someone will listen. I'm losing my virginity tonight, so kinda silly to already give advice, but I was so stupid for ignoring older women for so long, focusing all my thoughts on young and attractive, to the point I gave up and then deluded myself into thinking it's voluntary.

Divorce rates increase with the amount of sexual partners a woman has had.
Virgins are the best for stable relationships.

Okay, lets assume you are right(which I doubt), but why not gain some experience first? You can get a virgin later.

Where did you hear that from? There is some correlation in the first, but your second claim is bullshit. In fact getting into a relationship with a virgin girl is risky because the odds of you breaking up are extremely high, something like 95%.

Because women don't want me, I've already been rejected for being a virgin multiple times.

You haven't been rejected for being a virgin, but for other reasons. Why don't you tell us the truth. How many girls did you ask out, why did they reject you, and how did they know you are a virgin?

>no your reason is wrong what's the real reason
Fuck off, not even that user but Fuck off.

>Girl literally tells me "I'd fuck you if you weren't a virgin"
>Didn't get rejected for being a virgin, apparently

There's gotta be a name for this tactic where you make a claim, the derailer demands a source, and you then proceed to waste time to give them the source, and they deny your source because they're just trying to get your goat and waste your time. TFM has this happen to him a lot and I've noticed this has become a common tactic here.

Then stop being one? Find someone older, much older if you have to(I'm 25 and about to lose virginity to 50yo), befriend them, then tell them your situation, I think they'll help. Worked for me anyway.

Been there, done that
>be me in 2015
>one night sitting on a couch with a chubby (most of it in her tits so not really fat) that was a literal nympho
>TV plays energy music videos in the background so we're basically only talking and sometimes cuddling a little bit
>asks me if I'm virgin
>say yes
>asks me if I ever kissed a girl
Look two lines above for the answer
>OMG user, you neither fucked nor even kissed a girl? I'm sure you'd like to know it
Win moment
>well I like sex and crazy stuff but if that's the case I don't think we should do it as I'd disturb you
fuckin' what?
>a friend of mine also wants to lose her virginity
This goes one without a happy end as I didn't knew about cuckery back then. Remembering it now I really think she wanted me to fuck another girl and then her and the fagot I am thought about not being able to do so as I only had feelings for her.
End me now

95% lmao, citation needed

How did they know you are a virgin? This sounds like bullshit. A girl wouldn't say such a thing.

It is a common incel tactic to spam links, say that "it's there go look it up", and when pointed out the link does not contain anything to back up their claim, they say "nuh uh it's there but I'm not gonna tell you where". The guy who spammed his links left when he realized he couldn't actually provide any proofs.

What do we call this incel tactic of "spam links and hope they go away"?

>being an incel with a victim complex
>not being a chad agent of revenge making victims

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Thank you for showing that you are baiting.

Some statistics say that about 5% of people are virgins at marriage. Which means 95% of people lost their virginity to someone else. You seem to forget everyone was a virgin once. And very few people are still together with the person they lost their virginity to.

Answer the question. How did they know you are a virgin?

Women can fucking tell, any sign of insecurity is a huge red flag for virginity, which itself is a red flag for a dysfunctional man.

You can't tell if a girl is a virgin or not. What makes you think you can tell with a guy? Unless he is one of those sperglord obvious virgins, in which case he is not getting rejected for being a virgin but for being an autistic sperglord.

holy fuck how did he gain so much weight?

Lol, you're so extremely blue-pilled.
Women can usually tell I'm a virgin even if they enjoy my company.

It's innate. Women have evolved to do this as it filters out low value men.

Nobody could tell I was a virgin even when I was one for a long time. It's just you. You must be doing the virgin walk.

just be nice to women it works

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here's the proof for you, roastie

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Women cant tell you are a Virgin but there is something called a "virgin nerd aura" i've been told and it's just a bunch of signals a super awkward nerd will give off.
>bad posture, head forward, slouched sholders
>avoid eye contact
>crossed arms
>talks extremely fast, puts way too much information into fast bursts of speech. Speech is closer to an online post than actual natural conversation.
>cant control volume of voice well. Speaks extremely loud.
>mispronounces a lot of words
>nasally voice.
>f-fronting (f instead of th) and mumbling because too lazy to enunciate words.

I've been told by Girls this is how they suspect someone is a nerdlord virgin.

The tactic of "spam lots of unrelated links with no proofs and hope they give up".

Works for me. The reason incels can't get girls is because they are angry violent assholes.

not my fault you can't read

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>just wait til you're 35 and you can get all the old bitches you want
I'm definitely investing in sexdolls

>So I'm thinking, what are some positive ways we can as largely young men start to approach and discuss these issues without devolving into edgy nihilism and general hatred and self-loathing?
Read But seriously? We need a society shakeup, and I'm not talking about small movements, I'm saying a huge change.

So republics are fairly modern in general, but let's look at the only two in the past that were able to last long enough to experience a true internal decline, not caused by outside invaders. These were Rome and Venice. At the end of the Roman republic, many writers were noting the general public decline and growing moral decay. Things like taking multiple wives seemed to be more common for example. The same occurred in Venice towards the end of its lifespan in the 1700s, where it was noted as a great city of prostitutes and Casanovas.

Why do I say this? Because this is happening to our societies too. It is my belief that it's simply a symptom of being a decaying republic.

>all these virgins who won't just be themselves

What is that graph supposed to prove?

Women actively rating men on a dating site (a data-set that can generalize to the general population with no problems) rate men on a more lopsided scale. This is when compared to the way men actively rating women on a dating site (another data-set that can generalize to the general population with no problems) do so on a fairly normally divided bell-curve.

This obviously means that women are scum and the only solution is to be with a virgin.

>Hookups and sex in general is overwhelmingly dominated by what are generally considered the most "attractive" 20% of young men. In fact, the rate of young men having regular sex has dropped to only 20% in down from 50% in 1999.

80/20 rule

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WTF is going on at the 40th percentile?

literally just put "6'3" and nothing else it's that easy

The graph you posted says one thing, your claim says another, and the 80/20 rule is a third thing. You are not making sense.

>an unknown sample size of Finish men
>All men

I mean, the problems with the conclusions drawn from the evidence are legion, but this one just jumps out immediately.

Who do you think you are trying to fool? The graphs do not show "sexually active men". They show "2 or more sexual partners in the past one year". And the text says those are the "not sexually active" ones. Whoever made this text is trying to troll low IQ incels like you.

All you have so far is lies.

The far bigger one is that he said men who have less than 2 partners in a year are not sexually active. So men who have only been with their gf in the last year are not having sex according to him.

and what do you have other than your words?

That huge drop in the percentage of men but not women is also suspicious.

You were caught lying. Trying to backpedal?

>A study that does not in any way support my claims is still somehow better than logic and opinion

just read the conclusion
80/20 doesn't literally mean that only 20% of all men are having 100% of the sex, even robots know that's fucking absurd. It means 20% of men are having the lion's share of the sex with 80% of the women on a regular basis (multiple times a week), and the other 80% of men get thrown a few scraps now and then (a few times a year or in their entire lives).
it means a small % of men have access to casual sex with no investment required on their end
meanwhile sub 8 men have to court, waste time, and pay for a roastie to gain access to

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The steroids that he is famous for dieing from.

The conclusion is literally false for reasons just explained. How dumb are you? That graph in no way concludes that fewer men are having sex.

How about some proofs of that 80/20? In no history of incels has a single poster been able to prove it. All that gets posted is meme graphs completely unrelated to it. You probably think that okcupid graph is proof.

>posts "evidence"
>more than one (1) user assesses valid reasons why the data does not in any way support the conclusion
>"just read the conclusion"

Low IQ; the post

This, Im tired of dumb fucks spamming buzzwords.
Going your own way is more practical and seems more rational

ratio of childlessness between men and women have skyrocted recently, due to hypergamy.

>What actually happens often is that men who are already fathers get recycled.

Attached: childless men norway.jpg (300x314, 10K)

You believe every man has the same amount of sexual partners throughout their life? There is a diffference between amount of sex and amount of sexual partners
>You probably think that okcupid graph is proof
no better proof than free market at work, female hypergamy is a scientific fact

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This describes me absolutely perfectly. So how long does this aura talk to detect minutes, seconds or is it instant?

In no way related to 80/20. Try again.

You keep posting graphs which are completely unrelated or made up memes. Do you not know what "proof" is?

are you clinically retarded? It literally proves, the fewer men are having children because, women are increasingly choosing to marry men from previous relationships.


I second this opinion. I'm sexually active, but I'm still MGTOW. There's really no point in this sexual market place anymore. Love was scam sold by Disney and fairy tales. And man that still falls for that shit basically fucks himself and its like they have a giant red target painted on their back to females and guys like me who know the signs.
Problem with MGTOW is a lot of bitter angry people understandably consider themselves that and women have sex as their only leverage so it becomes incel-MGTOW. Or MGTOWCEL.
Incels greatest flaw is the longing for love, and seeking it as well as validation through women. Once they free themselves selves of that thinking error and accept the fact that women just aren't good for that. Or really anything anymore. Their free to truly be free and live life to the fullest.
Once you no longer need females and no longer rely on them to determine self worth or happiness, you immediately become more attractive to them ironically and they will start coming. All but the most unattractive men could find someone in this fashion but if they forget the reality they have learned. You shall be hurting in the long run far more than if they just stayed incel.

Night clubs are a meme.
Most girls don't go there, men do, there's usually a 1/3 girls 2/3 boys, girls are only there to fuck chad in the alley and grind on betas to buy them watered drinks.
Women only go looking for men if it's chad, do you think that they need night clubs to smash?
Most couples are made in social circles formed by shared activities, including schools.
I have the misfortune of being a potential chad if I didn't have gran autismo plus being fat, i know this since the few friends i had were kinda chaddy and i can guarantee that they are the only guys who smash in night clubs, more than half of penis having people are there to foot the bill as girls get in for free, these guys then hop in a real bar with real alcohol and jerk themselves off to sleep or go fuck the 2/10 smelly hambeast they settled for.
Some clubs round here are only available to girls or heterosexual couples, lone guys are bounced back.
If you now know how bad things really are.
The few times i went to clubs this was my experience, i learn fast and observe more than i do.
Don't do any of that except eye contact and sometimes crossing arms for balance, i call bullshit on women can tell dawg, then again no girls ever asked me if i was virgin.
Chicks can be tricked like anyone, i doubt they are that smart.
Guess I don't look like a virgin but i am yet they can't detect it, so much for muh women can tell this from that.