How do you calm the mind?

how do you calm the mind?

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Have an understanding of mathematics.

is that an attempt at a joke?

If you don't understand mathematics, your mind is more prone to confusion.

12 gauge slug shot

Simply dont give a fuck

Einstein had trouble remembering where he lived so you are wrong. You might as well be pushing nofap at this point.

something some thing jokes and detachment, asmr

what about 12 gauge slug round shell shot?

you think of a word thats not really a word, like voltaline
then you just imagine and think and think about that word like its a real word and your mind starts trying to put meaning on it because thats how our verbal system works but you just reject all meaning to it and sit and breath and think about the word
its called transendental meditation or some shit I heard it's one of the only truly tested and working meditation techniques and I from personal experience I can say it does more than you think

that's actually pretty interesting and goes along with some mental phenomenon i've experienced

thanks user I appreciate the help

>well, this one person...
Fascinating. I actually would also encourage you to do NoFap.

what about buck shot round

cloning your oneitis, see her squirm and grow in a vat, knowing that you two soon will be together and knowing that your hard work and research paid off.

By thinking how nice it would be to get fucked by shinji

I couldnt be with her so i went for the next best thing.

Tramadol works quite nicely.

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b-but you're not supposed to like shinji since he's beta

this if math is God's language, holy FUCK did it get me far in life. The best part is you dont need to be a genius to be good at it.

>holy FUCK did it get me far in life
how so

you're a fucking pseud

t. fap addict who "hates math"

>Simply dont give a fuck
That is not going to work forever kid.

Just punch a wall user

Unironically prayer, reading spiritual books, and meditation in the total dark.

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