>work 5 days a week
>can't afford apartment yet
>car breaks down so I miss work
>can't afford motel this week
>Have to sleep in car
>low on gas so can't really turn on the heat much
>sitting in my car in 13 f weather
>no money for food
>can't even fap
>it's so cold
What's the point anons? I'm already a depressed fuck and this is just shit on the shit pile. Why is life suffering? appreciate being comfy guys.
It's so cold
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Ice to meet you.
All we can do is endure, friendo. And hope that one day it'll get just a little better. We exist just to exist; there is no purpose or reason.
Because creation is fallen since the garden. Life is suffering punctuated with bits of happiness. Apart from Jesus the future is bleak.
What's your PayPal user? I will send you some love.
hey fag. look up Airbnb sublets. you can buy a room for any price cheaper than weekly motels. anywhere from 2 weeks to a month and theres regular Airbnb for days and a week
Should've studied maths.
Been there, done that. It is rough and now, but once it'll pass, some of that roughness and badness will rub onto you, making you stronger than those normalniggers around.
For immediate solution, check this:
Also most of the waiting lounges for buses, trains etc have warmth. Same applies to gyms, where you can take a hot shower too. Also homeless shelters and churches, food there as well. Then you can check fastfood lounges in shopping centers (go there for warmth too, you can have a short nap in toilets) where people trash their food on their own - take leftovers and their cups to refill.
Good luck fren, you'll make it.
Made me chuckle thanks friend
There may or may not be purpose but why does there have to be all this suffering?
Issadais191996@gmail.com if ya want friend.
I actually haven't thought of that. Thanks user
One of my biggest regrets is not doing better in school. I went off of Adderall because of pride and it just fucked me in long run. I was just tired of being called mental by everyone.
Thanks for the advice user. I usually Hang out in McDonald's and get a soda if I have the change so I'm not loitering. And I have a weird thing with homeless shelters. My dad would drive past the homeless shelter when I was younger and say that's where I'd end up. I don't wanna prove him right. He lives like 1or 2 miles from where I'm parked. His home isn't open to me because of his wife.
Sent. God bless in Jesus' name. Merry Christmas.