What is this body type?
What is this body type?
Tryhard douche with rich daddy
GTL mode
>trying hard irl is bad
hahaha fucking losers
Steal white boys bitch mode
looks dominican. the most annoying people in the world. they're like niggers, but dumber. never knew it to be possible until i met them.
Stealing girls from the whites and blacks mode.
Gym tan laundry. From jersey shore
Cuck whitey mode
Hey hey hey, depends on where you meet em. The ones on the island are based, some of the happiest and funniest people you'll ever hang out with.
gay mode
S E X core
Goal mode.
Everyone ITT is mad because this type of guy gets mad pussy.
those abs and pecs are photoshopped though, shoulders are enhanced too
Guido mode
n-no homo
small rib cage mode
manlet mode
i dont think thats what that guy is after...
Do you think he can read the clock on the table?
vanity mode
Trying hard is not bad, except in the way one dresses.
this, dude is clearly 5'4"
Meaningless tattoos and unfitted nouveau riche watch mode.
> Stop trying to hit me and hit me
> There is no try, only do
Fucking retard, try hard is pretending. The opposite of trying in real life
gypsy mode
Cool with the n word
Hey do u work ou...
>Somebody taller than 5'5 comes along
Refugee mode
Gypsy mode
Idk but he cares a bit too much about his looks while lacking any real fashion. Makes him come off as simple minded or one dimensional
The red colour of the rose tattoo makes him look like his arm is swollen instead of muscly
While Xerxes and Ken are at the club, their adopted son is trying on their shoes and jewels.
Curvy gay twink mode
Fair point user
>Wearing shoes in the house
Tacky gypsy mode
he literally has a fucking tshirt and jeans on that fit well
you know who the real "try hards" are? those little faggy hipsters that I'm sure you admire because you're a god damn nerd
fucking cringe, kys
can't reach the squat rack/10
Why are brown people always so tacky, cringy, and gaudy?