Why do normies act all dramatic when they're alone for one day of the year on Christmas Eve...

Why do normies act all dramatic when they're alone for one day of the year on Christmas Eve? fuckers don't know actual loneliness at all. and they get all the sympathy. I fucking hate them

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They're just surprised how it feels the same time. After the 5th it really doesn't phase you. I even forgot that Christmas happened last year until i saw an ad on the 27th.
Also stop fucking using twitter retarf

They know almost everyone else is celebrating Xmas with their families whereas any other day, people might or might not be alone as well.

>Also stop fucking using twitter retarf

Yeah it's bad for the health at this point but got some friends on there.

they feel lonely when they "only" have 4 friends
what the fuck did you expect?

>fuckers don't know loneliness at all
>got some friends on there

online friends dont count

It's the first time in their life that they have to face reality, that all the good they had was just thanks to chance and not because they deserved it, and now, facing for the first time how those with less luck feel, their little world is breaking down.

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Good read. Thanks user. Totally truthful too. Normies will of course deny it. because that's just what they do.

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Yes they fucking do, there are people who don't even have online friends or merely people to talk to. If you would discard a friend by virtue of not knowing them offline you're a shitty friend.