After years and years of pounding the weights in the gym without any roids or whatever, i basically look exactly like this guy minus so many tattoos (i do have tats but not as many as him)
I tried endless "bulking" cycles and calorie surplus eating over the years, tons of different routines to get "bigger", heavy weights lower reps etc and all it ends up in is just me getting fat and cutting the fat back off again but i don't look any bigger so it's pointless to try to add any more size since i just get fat.
Now i just stay like this guys size and it's easy to stay like this, you can overeat once or twice a week and don't get fat, you feel light enough to feel healthy but built enough to outshine the average normie. not one woman i know has ever complained about it. To women it looks "big" and it's more than enough.
So if this look is enough for women why should i care about you saying it's shit?
>i basically look exactly like this guy post body lol. oh wait, youre just a bored retard whose larping for (you's)
Ryder Sanders
>I'm natty so why do I look natty?!
tl;dr'd it for ya op
Alexander Ward
The fact that you've "sculpted" your body for other peoples' approval is proof to me that you're a spineless bitch.
Levi Hill
>muh post body >What was an example
It's funny because idiots like you think this looks like shit yet you seem to think i would fake looking like this as if it's something to brag about. If this body looks like crap to you then why would you assume i want to larp as looking like this if it's nothing impressive according to Jow Forums? Think before you type.
Logan Perez
didnt read lol. post body or fuck off faggot
Cooper Diaz
Well yeah but i mean the point of me being natty is not the point of the the thread. The point is surely that Jow Forums sees natty bodies like this as looking like shit for years worth of work. My assertion is that women don't agree with you.
Nolan Bailey
You've never had a woman admire your body and show you off to her friends and orbiters on facebook messenger lmao. Stand down lil faggot nigga. The grown men are here now.