And fuck you to you can go back to whatever board you came from if you don't like it I'm here to talk with the people who appreciate me in life. Get out of here and never come back.
No one here appreciates a terrorist go back to jihadchan and talk about fucking goats and marrying children
Grayson Young
misogyny confirmed from muslim posters
Owen Davis
Meh this board has no rules against me go back to whatever board you came from you cunt no one here likes a dickhead and I've had people here appreciate my splendid brain so suck dick fag.
It's a Japanese image board, it has been created for White men, Asian men and Hapas. GTFO nigger. There's not "whatever board you come from". We don't want you here. Go create your own Internet. All countries can live with their own people except us White people, even on the Internet you leech on us, and also talk shit about it. You can't even be courteous. Fuck you.
Elijah Cooper
hope you enjoy the end of 2018 even if you dont celebrate any of the holidays op. take care bro