Does Muay Thai help build strength (bodyweight, lifting, you name it)? Will it damage my bulking? Obviously it doesn’t build muscle but I want to use it as cardio.
Does Muay Thai help build strength (bodyweight, lifting, you name it)? Will it damage my bulking...
does he have klinefelters syndrome?
No, someone with klinefelter would never achieve this level of cardio and this physique.
Muay thai is very hip/torso rotation heavy, so it's rather usual to see for example a 140 pound 6'1" lanklet fighter with massive abs, les and hip flexors.
The guy in the pic is as elite as it gets
damn these manlet chinks are almost scary
don't know, but a few years of committed training will turn you into a wrecking machine. so maybe it's worth to lose a few pounds of muscle for it.
These manlet chinks will kick your ass any day.
It will damage your bulk massively. It works wonders for a cut but don't be a tard and expect to bulk on muay thai.
I had massive tri, back and calf gains since i started mt training 3 times a week on top of lifting.
It builds core and hip strenght massively, a you're constantly drilling that.
DO NOT underestimate the cardio aspect of this sport. You will need to train cardio, otherwise you might aswell not een start. Expect to puke the first couple trainings.
You may think your cardio is pretty decent but dear god man do HIIT for a month or two befor you start or you will suffer, a lot.
This is not cardio like running is. It's more like short sprinting bursts, constantly, spread over 1.5 hours.
Even if you're built you'll get muscle fatigue in your legs and arms. I was very in shape when i started and got cought off guard by it.
What you can probably expect for a starter training:
- start with 30 min cardio: ropeskipping, sprints, the more intense shadowoxing drills, etc
- 45 minutes of drills (hell): kicks, push kicks, punches, knees, clinch and throws. You're paired with someone and go at it, switching sides wen the bell goes or your trainer beats you with a foam stick. When you've both done the drill, you do 10 tri push ups and 10-20 sit ups. It's not unusual to have done 200+ of both by the end of drills. In beween drills there are often short 2 minute rounds of sparring, each time different rules and limitation to test you.
- 15 minutes of sparring: you can go as hard as you want here. The dill spars are usually only 2 min rounds and for example kicking only or pure english boxing rules, etc. This ending spar is 3x5 min rounds. As a started you'll probably as in round 1 or 2, so try to conserve yourself. Dont feed your ego, your partner will hit as hard as you do. Thats the unspoken rule here. You go soft so do they, you go hard so do they. Don't underestimate woman, small or skinny or young people. As an untrained person you will need to tough this one out. You'll get the hang of it after a couple weeks. And for the love of god, dont try to 'prove yourself', don't drop your hands at any point and DO NOT LEAN ON THE RING
Dont mind my english, dont use it often anymore
They'd kill you with their bare hands no matter your size
goddamn i need to find a muy Thai club like this