If you require help, im here, senpai.
Annual Thread Where I Save Some of You
>I save some of you
From what, a lack of gay sex?
It must burn
owo original spaget
Aight senpai
Save me
What the fuck should i do?
What is your problem, little one?
What isn't our problem on this board? (not him sorry)
>no gf
>no motivation to change much anything
>got laid off last week
>no friends
>too autistic/socially inept to know how to go about making friends in the real world
>picking up my dads alcoholism
>high school dropout
>rapidly losing interest in the few hobbies i have that keep me occupied
Heal me plz cute imouto
I require Nyan's tender boipussy.
Clean your room everyday. Go to the gym. Stop drinking. Make it a habit to talk to people. It could be anyone, family, friends people you meet at the gym. Just remember that in order to do this you have to actually want to do it. You can't force yourself to want something. Merry christmas user
It is done but you must promise to go on walks every day and or to the gym You require a bible.
I understand. Self pity is an addictive drug, try not to use it. Begin by going on a walk each day. Will yourself to do this, honestly I promise the rest will fall into place.
>clean room everyday
Will start
>go to the gym
Don't have gym money, but I have some weights and a treadmil i'll start using
You've triggered my "there's no gym for your face" trap card
Activated. Can't even fucking meme correctly
Treadmills are good but walks outside are much better!
i think i'm in love with the tik tok girl.
Be sure to use dumbbells too, hammer curls, dumbbell curls, shoulder raises and triceps extensions can all be done with one and in only 30 minutes a day with a few sets!
Hit or miss she aint got no tits
She's pretty fit innit
shame she's probably getting dicked constantly
>I Save Some of You
what a disgustingly righteous attitude you have. it's very bold of you to assume you have any of the necessary qualities to inspire hurt people to get better.
>Clean your room everyday. Go to the gym. Stop drinking.
>I promise the rest will fall into place
people choose when to get better, usually when motivated by somebody who expresses one of some traits. maybe either by somebody they admire or respect, or somebody who possesses particular wisdom. all this advice is recycled and has no basis, none of it will fix any of you. nobody is being blown away by the advice of working out, not doing drugs, and having a clean living space. these remedies are symptomatic.
people who are hurt need unattached, impartial help from somebody who has valid knowledge. this "help" all comes from self important teenagers with poorly hidden messiah complexes who believe they've "beaten" their problems during a low tide of depression, leaving cockiness and spotlight hunger in the sand. if you need help, get help, not from these people. internet communities do not have the knowledge or tools to help you grapple with your problems.
>t. user who used to do this shit
Ive been talking to this girl, my oneitits. She likes me, she tells me she loves me, and I love her too. The problem is I have nothing to talk to her about. Yesterday I didnt text her at all, I was hoping she would start a conversation but she didnt. I know her well, she is my dream girl but there is nothing to talk about. Im pretty funny, but more like funny comments type, not story type.
I just want to have fun with her.
Whats the point of having a relationship, if there is not substance to it.
I have hobbies, I work, I do a lot of stuff, but there is nothing to talk about and Im desperate.
I dont want to lose her for being boring, I love her so much
wrong assumptions user
why overinvest in this girl? If you don't have much in common you don't have much in common. Go places with her and if you don't get along then don't worry about it, stressing about what can't be helped isn't good user.
I jerk off too much, user, I require saving
stop jerking off
i worked for 5 years. it sucked. i quit job. i am now basically NEET (but work very part time)
why should i want to get a job? i live with my parents, which i don't prefer, but if it's a choice between working and living with my parents i'd rather live with my parents
Save me from what though, user?
annihilation desu
find fulfillment user
I need to get out of this maze OP. I've definitely made some progress this year, it might be a lot, but it might also be not enough. I'm not sure. But I need to be going. Don't let me fall back. Keep pushing me forward.
>find fulfillment user
what does that even mean?
Annihilation, hm? What's going to be annihilating me?
My face is ugly and it makes me incapable of loving or accepting myself
I don't need help but I'm missing family Christmas because my car is still fucked up from hitting a deer. Feeling pretty bummed about it.