Rate my transformation
Test e 1g
Mast 600 mg
Anavar 100 mg ED
Rate my transformation
Test e 1g
Mast 600 mg
Anavar 100 mg ED
Pretty good considering you took the highway when you were supposed to walk to the destination.
not seeing much gains wise, mostly bf% is probably
Went from good to anime character
St... steroidz r cheating!
looked way better before you are so retarded lol
Hes bigger and less bodyfat = not Much gains?
plus that's obviously not the same person. look at the ab symmetry and chest gap difference
Rookie thinking he normally looks like the right pick when not flexing/perfect lighting/perfect angle
Stop posting
>roiding for this
plus he's not even facing the same way, door handle's gone and his underwear's different
>implying even the before picture is possible for even a complete genetic elite doing everything absolutely perfectly for decades
Left was on
test p 600 mg
Dbol 30 mg
anavar 50 mg
Then I was cruising on 200 mg I waited 3 months then I did my last cycle but I gained fat I’m sitting at 210 lb around 9 - 10%.
You look great dawg. Post your hairline
Coward/10, maybe i'm old fashioned but I believe you're less of a man and let chemicals mold what a weak will could not. I've busted my ass for 20 years in the gym, can out lift you in several exercises for sure, but wont ever look like that. Mainly annoyed that you easy button fucks arent publicly shamed, but good job taking the gondola to the summit.
Serious question: what is the point of obviously roiding?
On the left, OP looks good and healthy. On the left, he looks like every other turd roider who abuses the fuck out of the stuff. I'm just curious why anyone would want to look like that.
*on the right
Who cares.
you look pretty small for a gear user
step up your game and dont waste gear faggot
Body dismorphia. The only time people talk about or acknowledge it is with anorexia. Body dismorphia comes in many forms and steroid abuse falls under this category.
Actually I'm 240lbs and 10% body fat, wont post measurements because thats gay but I'm usually top 5 in any gym amongst the non-enhanced crew
Left was better
now that you mention it, his abs and chest looks exactly the fucking same you dunce
You are correct. However we live in a society where everybody is a degenerate. We have all kinds of substance abuse , all kinds of drugs and overall degenerate behaviour. Gear abuse isn't that much more degenerate , only problem is that sides are worse and if supply ceases you might end up a sterile eunuch , it makes you dependant on the drugs, dependant on the supply , dependant on the system , pretty much like a sick person , impossible to go off the grid living this lifestyle and if the grid fails, its game over boyo. All of this while in the same juice allows you to be a superhuman. An invalid superhuman , sort of cucked in a sense, it's a very weird relationship
You looked considerably better in the before pic
fucken shredded/10
even though I wouldn't touch them, lmfao at the >roids cope from fags who look like shit
Post pic, legit curious to see what 20 years in the gym looks like.
leave Jow Forums
Nice bro. You run any sort of PCT after the anavar?
I'm doing my first blast on Monday and Jow Forums nerds can suck my 15 to 20 pounds of lean muscle mass in 3 months. Itll take you losers 5 years to accumulate that and then lose half of it on a cut and I'll get it in 3 months. And I'll tell everyone I'm natty and they'll believe me.
>implying this is even remotely possible without roids
It's like you're trying to take a walk through the fucking Pacific, retard-kun.
>can out lift you in several exercises
(X) Doubt
And if you're a 300lbs bloat toad, it doesn't even matter and count at that point, lmao.
>nattyfag coping because a nigger on a stack outperforms him
Boomer mentality.
How do I get a chestpucci like that fit?
Rate my transformation
2 cycles of test
Ugly insecure faggot
Hoping you're not a manlet, brah.
yo, what gear will you use?
And theres me thinking left was natty..
If you care so much, run a cycle. If someone else juices, who cares.
This is achievable with 2 years eating at a surplus while doing a PPL split
Aside from getting shittier skin what was the difference?
Nothing wrong with roids when the user admits to it. I can't stand people that roid and lie about it.
Post timestamped pic
Very good. Miring. What are your stats?
Kek, am actually a nog. Double kek, in the gym right now, and another nog juiced out of his mind kept trying to get friendly with me, not sure if nog link or because he knows that he cheated and I didnt.
how long are those cycles? 6w on/off so 6m total?
In gym now, as stated am nog, having real trouble with lighting lmao. Will post, but timestamp might be hard
See above, I'm 240, 10% bf full natty for my whole damn life, and about to turn 40. Some exercises, as in I can leg press 1080 for 7 reps, I can incline 130 lb dumbbells for reps etc. Other exercises I'm decent but nothing special.
The classic first cycle
I'll admit, at 40ish I'm just an oldschool bust your ass hargainer, kind of annoyed with how the culture of training is going to shit. Listen to Kai Greene (admittedly a roid monster kek) talk about the same, it's getting watered down and the ethos isnt there anymore. I used to train in gyms where at least half of the people, myself included, damn near killed themselves because that's what it took. Some people juiced, but now with the internet, the % of us that are natural AND train like maniacs is WAY down, the cycling and clen kids are way up. Also with social media, the cowards are soaking up glory they didnt earn. It's the equivalent of stolen valor, when non vets dress up like ex soldiers, having never served to get credit they never earned. Does it affect me personally, no. Is it annoying to me considering the above, yes.
*Also see CT Fletcher, not sure if natty or not, but he also see's where it's going
>roiding genelet
who gives a fuck
This. Cheaters get the rope. No respect for you frauds and you know deep inside that you're a cheating faggot OP
Imagine being angry at people because you're too dumb to dose roids.
You looked fine on the left, maintaining right body through a cocktail of steroidz is downright dangerous
You look amazing. Even if you came off, you'd look good. My results were similar when I finished off my cycle with halo. Bigger and leaner.
>1g of test
literally why? You could have gotten the same physique on 500mg/week without the sides down the road.
>240, 10% bf full natty for my whole damn life
post pics of physique or stop larping old man
Cheating at what? Life?
Fuck off with that shit you fucking loser dyel nobody.
Left is better
you look like a weak, chicken shit manlet. sad.
I can understand roiding and lying about it if being honest about it would affect your livelihood. But if you're just getting huge for the sake of it then why not just be up front.
manlet cope
doesn't look bigger, just more defined (from fat loss), he shoulda posted stats as well
Kys you weak willed narcissistic cheater it should be easy for you you're used to taking shortcuts and easy ways out
the op looks roided out on the left too
What’s he cheating at faggot?
Calm down tubby
You're deluded and fat
Seething natty. You're the one afraid of a little pip.
hope you never used creatine
Lmao at all these bitter dyel weebs getting cranky at someone who actually looks good and aesthetic also not even one of those limp noodle arm fags posted a pic
Also lmao at the huge boomer asshole with the stolen valor wtf you are lifting not at war you asshole
Being able to beat faggots in public
No disrespect but in my opinion you looked better before, you've obviously made lots of progress but to me it seems a little extreme, at least at that bf%
post body
seething roiders
test alone?
So are you stupid fuck, roids make you think you are somebody? Lmao
>Implying either picture is possible without roids
>240 10% body fat
>Not on roids
Nice larp
You took something meaningful and threw it away. Why would you do something, if it has no meaning? I hope girls ans mires from strangers on the internet are enough to full your life and everybody else on /fraud/.
Wtf was meaningful about picking heavy shit up and putting it down ?
You fools delude yourself way too much into this holy iron shit just do things cuz they are fun
you're brown, you wouldn't understand the value of hard work
Honestly you are right work smart not hard bro also lol at everyone hating on doing roids at the same time always posting motivational pics of roiders like Arnie frank Zane and cbum
trips died for this
>This thread
All those natty cucks seething so fuking hard the goal that will never be reached yet still trying
t natty
fuck mast and everyone that use his pics to make bait ass threads
mental illness
not to normies
I have double trips what up
So you are saying that hard work has no meaning? The roids you take are available now, because someone put in hard work into it. The phone you use is there, because many people put hard work into each part of it.
People who worked hard are inspiring, because individuals with enough intellect to look around and think about what they see know that everything that we use was done by hard work.
>10% bf
POST BODY OR GTFO, you lying fucking boomer piece of shit.
Kek, no.
Post body and experience faggot.
Post body kiddo.
>natty card
It's only meaningful for your fragile ego, just so you can stroke yourself whenever someone looks better than you or outlifts you and say
>hurmrnurm bet he's juicing, meanwhile I'm ALL NATURAL baby