You have finally arrived user! Take a seat we will eat soon...

>You have finally arrived user! Take a seat we will eat soon. Look at you you are so handsome! Why don't you have a girlfriend?

What to do?

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>Ehm where is my plate?

mom, im gaye

i would fuck more than 50% of these people in the ass

So why don't you bring your boyfriend over honey? You know we accept you, we would like to meet him very much. If you love him, we will love him too.

>load up plate quickly
>fuck something up somehow
>awkard silence
>retreat to room

but there are only 3 men?

I'll take the little girl and groom her to be my wife!

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Is this from one of those Hallmark movies?

fuck off pedo

When did I get adopted by some white folk? This is scary.

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this will happen with me tomorrow and I am already so fucking nervous because of it

>normies call me incel or pedo
I cant win either way

im not a pedo. but the third girl is attractive

damn that one bitch second from the right looks like she's made from plastic

>Why don't you have a girlfriend?
>but I do!
>make some shit up
>after a few months "break up"
>repeat as necessary

from the left or the right?

I ask if they think they come on racks or something? kinda gets on my nerves

>Why don't you have a girlfriend?

unironically tell them all women are cheating gold digging sluts and just walk away.

you know why, don't rub it in

from left

did this once during christmas.
mom started to cry, next week she forced me to go and see a therapist

Basically just shrug and make it seem like not a big deal.

>that grandpa who still asks you to sit on his lap in current year

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God I fucking hate eating with people around me. People seriously do this?

because im a zenith of absolute perfection and cant find any other creature worthy to mate with.

Is this what Burgers have at the Christmas table? Looks disgusting.

lmao look at that food.

they cant keep getting away with this

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Say something terribly depressing everytime they ask you a question. They will stop asking.

>Why don't you have a girlfriend?

i am the girlfriend

They are brits

burgers wouldn't have the iq to eat anything else than fast food

Can you be my gf too? pretty please

i wouldnt be a good girlfriend if i did that.

I would kill 20 niggers to have a little sister like that.

why are you white people in my house and where is my family

your mother is a literal retarded manipulative whore
you should kill her

Why do they have sausage on their plates? fuckusa

Probably for the best if you lost it enough to say that out loud.

This would be genius if anyone on the planet could genuinely believe I could get a gf. I couldn't even fake it for 5 seconds.

That's the same face as in the champ-poster threads.

i plan to become a monk
i'll eat with you and then i will return to my prayers

They gonna be gettin party hats worth literal bils out of those sausages

It's easier just to pretend I'm gay at this point.

t. 28 years old

My mother is always telling me this. I am so fucking antisocial I should be a monk

My Niece and I wink at each other.

That is fucking disgusting and you should kys

let's start a monastery

Im feeling sad right now cause my family is broken

Who the fuck are these white people at my house

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my whole family is as dysfunctional and broken apart as me

so thank god I dont have to endure any type of christmas dinners or anything, no one in our family does that stuff lol afaik

>Cause I'm a disgusting excuse for a human being with no personality, social skills, friends or even acquaintances.
They never brought that topic up again

This is some abnormal behavior but badgering incels about something they're already insecure about is pretty fucked up as is so I feel like they deserve it.

haha you're so funny user you know your Brother thad and his wife and her children are here. Besides you never leave that cave of yours anyways! Just get something and go back to your game boy or whatever.

>why don't you have a girlfriend
Well the genes you freaks gave me aren't exactly helping me with my chances

is this mike fucking pence

Fuck all of you ok I live for me and I don't need some XX chromosome holding me down and preventing me from becoming a doom metal rockstar.

Now if you excuse me, I'll be heading back to my room and strum the sixth chord for ten minutes while screaming about how I'm a failure.

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Honey are you using those pokemon names again? haha you are little too old for that aren't you?

women are both manipulating,disloyal and gold diggers by nature. that is the hard truth and I refuse to date such people. you are nothing but a utility for women and nothing more.

>heh! looks who's come out of their cave :D

>at Christmas parties with family
>only me and one other cousin my age are loser khhvs

at least you have someone to realete to.

>at christmas party with my family
>have two sisters, one is there with her husband, the another with her chad
>other three (younger) cousins are there with their partner too

This but only the ones wearing green

I once tried to put my dick in a bowl of peas, but it was meh.

>Why don't you have a girlfriend?
because I'm GAAAYYYYY

So when will you introduce your boyfriend to us?

I don't have one
I can't even narrow down what type I like

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Why dont I have a girlfriend?
Why dont YOU have a girlfriend?