Why do you dumb DYEL faggots make your own routines with only 3-6 months of lifting without actually having read any literature on the subject and having absolutely no idea what you're doing? You do way more volume than you need and do tons of things that are simply a waste of time. If you think you're intermediate (you probably aren't) there's legit dozens of programs made by people with much more experience and knowledge than you that will work way better than anything you can concoct.
DYELs making their own programming
t. Nigger who lacks the brain capacity to make his own program
You're just jealous
>implying making a program is hard
I just do what I like
Deadlift 525x5
Squat 425x5
Bench 295x3
t. Weak projecting faggot with shit lifts
The babby is angry
I'm doing a literal retard program because I got rid of all exercises that made me sad and only kept the ones that made me happy.
When do you become intermediate?
This is probably not a good idea Marie Kondo
when you hit certain numbers proportional to your bodyweight though are are a few to consider
alternatively when linear progression has no effect and you've 'maxed out' on a routine
>make his own programs
>no gains
name a better dueo
post body btw
When you can no longer progress on a week to week basis or faster.
I warm up with your maxes.
>When you can no longer progress on a week to week basis or faster.
What? So if I'm benching literal shitty dyel numbers like the bar, and my diet and sleep is shit, and I can't improve weekly, does that suddenly mean I'm an intermediate?
No that means you need to fucking eat more and sleep right because the best programming in the world won't do shit for you if you don't have those other two taken care of.
I mean, I get what you are saying, but then the term intermediate is very arbitrary if you just say "it's when progress stops weekly".. 1/2/3/4 is a very easy baseline to measure it
If you can progress by fixing your sleep you can progress.
Intermediate kicks in when you need to add mesocycles and periodization and all that bullshit instead of just lifting as hard as you can every time like when you were a happy liftan pepe.
Also you'll never be as happy as those first months, no matter how much you lift.
It's not about how much weight you're moving. With the presumption that your diet and recovery are adequate it's when you can no longer progress at a weekly rate. A rank novice and early beginner progress session to session. A late beginner can progress weekly. An intermediate requires 2-4 weeks for progression. And advanced lifter can go several months between PRs.
>you'll never be as happy as you were those first few months
the best program I've written myself
1. go to the gym 5 days a week
2. lift shit
there. its that simple.
I don't do a routine or follow cooking recipes. I wing it in both cases.
Dumbass lol
When you hit that, it will become 3/4/5/6 and so on. You will never be intermediate. Keep doing beginner routines for 7 months like me, the sub 2 month lifter that talks endless shit on here but never posts body.
intermediate is
1/2/3/4 for 5 reps after 1 year at 200lbs switch to 1x per week increases in big lifts
1/2/3/4/5 is advanced (100lb chin) at 200lbs 2 years
3/4/5/6 is a life time goal for naturals, that most lifters will be unable to get after 5-10 years of training, especially the OHP. most people will never get 315 ohp after 10-20 years of training.
lift time goal for most lifters should be
Its hilarious when they post their progress a year later and cry about no gains lmao
1/2/3/4 for 5 reps is like 155x1/255x1/355x1/455x1
>he needs a fine-tuned routine
just lift shit lmao, you bottom of the gene barrel fags hahaha
>1/2/3/4 is a very easy baseline to measure it
No it's not. Depending on body, age and sex 1234 might be a huge feat or something you can reasonably work to.
Generally intermediate routines are different to beginner ones because they don't have linear progress, hence why linear progress ending is the intermediate point.
thank you for posting this question, now I know just how ignorant Jow Forums is
This, gotta keep it fun. Diet and consistency are significantly more important than which linear progression a beginner or evermediate followsq
I'm too autistic to do more than 3 lifts per gym session so I pick up two lifts for Russian bear program and add either squats or rdl 5x5 on top of it
Currently I'm doing bench presses, barbell rows and squats
It's ok-ish not the best for neither hypertrophy nor strength gains but at least I'm enjoying it and still pushing it forward
My goal is to look like pic related after bulk