Imagine working on Christmas

Imagine working on Christmas.
Imagine working.

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I didnnt choose the NEET life, the NEET life chose me.

> Sorry wageslave several people called out and I'm need you to close today then open on Christmas.
> Your time off for New Year's was also denied.

I went to work today, but I identify as a NEET because I just browse the Internet at work, also, I don't talk to my coworkers, even though it's an open office. I only care about reading and about my hobbies. I can only respect people who have nerdy hobbies but also, if you don't share exactly the same hobbies as me, I don't want to talk to you, which means that I don't want to talk to anybody.

All I know is I want my burgers today and on the 25th and on New Years!

No, stop it, I can't imagine a worse thing.

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Is Christmas even different than the usual day to a NEET?

i did nothing all day except smoke

>imagine having expandable income
>imagine leaving your room
>imagine not being a total parasite on society

I can flex on you neet niggas all day.


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Seething. Imagine being THIS cucked for your dead end McDonalds job. I will flex on you minimum wage cuck niggas all day while I have no job and NEETbux to buy more shit from yeezysupply.

>tfw going to restaurant on christmas and not tipping the wagecuck waitress

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I wish I was working. I want to buy things

Buddy boy, you don't even know what you are talking about.
Implying I work at such a shitty place
Sure kid, wagecucking is rough. It is.
But sitting on your ass ALL day, living on welfare? Yikes indeed.
What are you even saying when someone asks about your job?
>yeah i sit at home all the time shitposting on the internet, but its cool because I get money for my disability

Hahahahahaha. Now that's a funny scenario to imagine.

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Oh hi NEETcuck!

Why yes, I am getting paid my big salary for taking off this whole Christmas week. It must suck to only make $700 a month in welfare.

I'm working now, and would be working tomorrow if Tuesday wasn't a regular day off for me.

Fucking hate this corporate call center job bullshit, what's left of my soul is being drained away

it is not worth it user. Normies would bully you and you wouldnt last long

I hope you wagies are having a good Christmas Eve slaving away. What did I do today you ask?

Well, I went to Subway and the sandwich artist made a sandwich, just for me! I hope someone cares for you, the way that Subway cares for me.

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>tfw home with family that I resent instead of shittalking with other wagie's pretending I actually care about holidays

>I identify as a NEET because I just browse the Internet at work
Coping THIS HARD, so this is how much wagies look up to the NEET.

I may not have a job now, but I did have one for a few weeks. Going back to school on the 7th. So glad that I am only a NEET in a technicality. Appli d for another job and prospects are looking up.

Imagine imagining

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They aren't called wagecucks for nothing. "Wagemonkey" might be a good descriptive term as well though.

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Wagecucks really don't have any dignity; they sold it for a couple bucks. It's sad, yet hilarious.

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