Girl that's essentially off limits loves me so much she'll literally panic call me the moment I seem a bit upset with...

>girl that's essentially off limits loves me so much she'll literally panic call me the moment I seem a bit upset with her
Lord, why must you challenge me with such temptation?

Attached: eeeee.jpg (320x180, 15K)

Since you all faithful on us here:
You know how hot and bothered some women get over priests?
Why? Because they are denied to them, and that is SOOO exciting to her on many levels.

Could be love, all is possible. But you might easily confuse her being in love with her being unable to step away from a challenge.

uwu? who are you :3

>off limits
not in other states, OP

I haven't told her directly that she's off limits. There's a chance she may not know, though it's a bit implied.

Who do you think I am?

Age isn't why, she's 18.

How is she off limits?

>Age isn't why, she's 18.
Quit being a vague nigger and tell us what the issue is

Essentially pursuing her at this time would risk my stability in life as well as greatly damage my place in a community I greatly value. She's a participant in something that I am a volunteer in. In a year or so it would be totally fine.

Is she an autist you tutor or what?

>I haven't told her directly that she's off limits
Women are good at perceiving shit like that, and even if she can't put it in words she will feel that as new and odd.
Either way, if you hold on to your reason good for you.
If you end up banging her hard also good perhaps, just saying she might lose that interest pretty quickly then.

No, she's a participant in a student group I volunteer for.

I'm going to do my best to be smart about it.

>No, she's a participant in a student group I volunteer for.
Literally who gives a fuck then.
Anyone bitches about something as inane as that tell them to piss off.

I think you are someone I know :3

It's in my best interest.

Okay, who?

So essentially you're too big of a pussy to pursue some girl that you think is interested in you but still feel it appropriate to brag about it on a discount used rug trading forum? She'll eventually get bored of you then you'll look back in regret and been like "Yea I could've had that just didn't want to."'

quit being a pussy and take a chance for once in your life instead of making exuses for yourself to not make any decision that may be possible perceived as negative. Do what YOU want and stop trying to be a people pleaser

>anonymous guy on the loser board tries to play motivational speaker

Who is this bitch anyways, what do you even like about her?

I'd shit talk you but that's more or less the sum of what's going on.

It just eerily reminds me of situations a younger me would be in where a girl would be clearly interested in me but I'd make up some excuse for myself to not try and pursue it every time and grow older full of regrets.

I just have a lot of strong protective instincts for her. Plus we work together well as well as have complimentary personalities. I know that's not a great explanation but it's the gist of it.

That guy up there is right. At some point you're going to get tired of bragging on this shit board about all the times you "could have had sex."

If I were to actually try anything with her it would be much more about the parts of life that are not sex.

Lmao you must be volunteering for some broken people or downers and any action would be instantly seen as you taking advantage of them. If you aren't and it's a regular volunteer position then take the role of chad, think about what chad would do in your position. He'd go for the girl and everyone would applaud him for it if they knew. There's either something you aren't telling us that's restricting you from getting her or you're just a huge fucking pussy about it. If you don't take the chance now, you'll end up a virgin at 50 and kys because you missed all your opportunities in life. Life only gives you so many opportunities, you don't know if this one will be your last.

Why in a year or so? What changes?

Pretty sure you're leading a psych group or AA program or something, and she's one of your charges.

This, she's probably leaning onto him like a crutch and he's mistaking this for affection. You can probably interchange him with anyone else and she'd be the same way. She's not even a fixer-upper, she's fucked and OP is mistaking it for love.

Like what kind of things????