>be me, started lifting 3 months ago
>just got my first proper gains, feelsgoodman
>doing my squats like a good boy
>out of the corner of my eye I see this 8/10 qt doing some meme thigh exercise
>try to ignore her, focus on lifting
>look at her again, notice that she's staring right at me
>autism kicks in
>oh god oh fuck
>I see her looking at me after every set she does, pretty much constant staring inbetween her sets
>I start to wonder if this is this what making is feels like
>she's still looking my way
>autism really kicks in, I look at her and smile
>she suddenly looks freaked out
>I awkwardly carry on, trying to look anywhere else except at the girl
>see clock right next to me
>she was looking at the fucking clock to time her rests
Post mires here to lift my spirits.
>be fatass in high school
>decide to lose weight
>get Jow Forums lose 30 pounds
>go to college
>get gf
>classes super stressful
>it’s okay if I skip the gym just this once...
>gain 40 pounds
haven’t been mired in months
You're being challenged to learn how to balance your life as an adult. You can make it if you want it bad enough. You know you can do the work just make your schedule and work on your discipline in all areas of your life. Academically and physically you can become a god.
Sorry to hear bro. Were all gonna make it.
That's too bad man. You need to remember. The time to lift won't come to you, you need to make it. I had a super stressful semester last year and I had to cut back on something. Stupidly chose to cut the gym instead of vidya. Gained a bunch of weight, felt like shit the whole time.
Now, I'm not saying you're wasting your time, but you should plan things better. Of all else fails, you can do 30-60 minutes of bodyweight and cardio. I doubt you can't fit that in your schedule.
ITT:No mires
It's all so tiresome
i got hundreds of mirin stories, when you actually lift hard and use roids and eat right it becomes your normal
before you go off like a spaz, i did lift hard and eat well for a decade naturally too, but natural is just not cutting it when you want to really be impressive and not just some basedboy natty geek
let me know if you want more info, or just be mad like you probably will
My sister always hugs me randomly from behind and rubs her hand over my back muscles.
I'm mirin your spirit to keep trying even with no mires. I don't get mired either user, not yet.
is 18 too early to juice
pic related
What compounds were you running/are you running ?
Been lifting for 5 years + solid diet and thinking of going all out greek god
In theory no but usually in reality yes. Get your life in order first is my advice
Is he natty?
Clearly not
Next 3 months and I should get at least one decent mire in the bag.
>be me after workout, arms feeling juicy
>head to salsa classes last night
>this chick cant get her eyes off me
>she chats me up after the class
>I converse out of politeness and then leave
I'm getting mires every week boys but its never from the proper attractive ones
Tell us about more of her mires.
>never gotten mired
>come to terms with the fact that I'm inherently repulsive
>give up lifting for aesthetics
>start lifting to quell the mental anguish
>progress like never before
Mires are for fags that can't motivate themselves.
shut the fuck up uggo
>Mires are for fags that can't motivate themselves.
Said from a mireless faggot, fuck off ugly cunt
A mire is a mire. If a 5/10 says it, then an 8/10 thinks it. Change my mind.
There are so many mires. You dont catch. Unless you're a NEET basement dweller who never leaves the house.
Bullshit an 8/10 has completely different standards
>Mires are for fags that can't motivate themselves.
Id like to agree but
is right
Thing is I had some really attractive women in the past and now my standards are quite high
Bro are salsa classes good? would love to take this up. Such a masculine dance when you pull it off right and just direct the woman around
Yeah man give it a shot, its good fun. I have nothing better to do on Friday nights desu
Angry soiboys crying about a lack of a hugbox. Keep projecting your insecurities.
Same. Doesn't help that THEIR personal standards have dropped and many are fat.
If some of you fuckers would go to parties or other social events and actually talk to people, you will get mires pretty much every time.
>sit next to door in gym studio
>hold door open for all the hard workers
>receive many smiles and thanks from all types of members, (manlet, chad, stacy, boomer, etc.)
>place my fedora in gym locker, begin workout session
>wheyfu pt rubs her sweaty and moist pussy on my leg while I'm on rowing machine
Women can be so weird sometimes, im just being nice.
>seething uggo
Ill post some
>Be at jacuzzi with bros
>Very homoerotic situation, just a bunch of bros drinking in jacuzzi
>Suddenly some chick joins us
>After a while talking we tell her to guess the age of each one of us
>She starts staring at me
>Jokingly tell her im 17
>She immediately blurts out "user with a body like THAT theres NO WAY youre 17, you must be at least 22"
>Im fucking 20 kek
>Making out with gf
>Things start to get heated
>Begs me to take my shirt off, starts aggressively feeling up chest, abs and tris
>Shes said that she doesnt really care for muscles before lmao
>Getting my dick sucked
>Low, overhead lighting
>Mfw upper body looks godly
>Mfw in turned on more by my godly upperbody than by chick sucking on my dick like a lolypop
>Come in her mouth accidentally
>Mfw she swallows
Keep being told im handsome so idk lads
That first story is legit cringe and spoken like a true child, I wish I had never read it
proverbs, plato, 250 mg test?
>dad parachutes me into C-suite job
>drive a flash car
Every day they mirin.
Nah. Berlin, Gygngell, 500.
Here's one from a couple days back:
>be at uni gym
>deadlift pr the day before spring break
>warming up
>rep before my max a qt3.14 chocolate cardiobunny walks up to the platform next to me
>didn’t care, was focused on hitting new pr
>load on 420 lbs
>pull it for new pr
>gym buddy later tells me she put 1pl8 on the bar and was about to start deadlifting
>saw me pull the pr and her jaw dropped
>proceeded to immediately reracked the weights and walked away
Caught her looking at me thru the mirror later through the mirror in the free weights. Not sure what felt better, the pr or the interracial mire.
Same bro but I don't agree. Idk how to stop thinking that I'm uggers when people say I'm good looking.
>Idk how to stop thinking that I'm uggers when people say I'm good looking.
It never goes away.
Idgf about what you think faggot. It was a fine mire
I must lift the weight of these feels
We've all got crosses to bear.
This is pasta
>go to dermatologist
>you are really handsome you know
>mfw he's a 70 year old dude
>mfw he put me on my third round of accutane
>Picking up buddy and his mom from airport
>Buddies mom says "wow user you've really filled out"
>Feels good
Another time I was seeing family in Australia and my uncle said I had the width to match my height now which was nice
>Girl tells me post sex I'm handsome, etc.
>Have become so used to being gross pre-Jow Forums I don't believe her
Is this a curse?
mirin the bleek motivation user
anyone that isnt family you uggo retard
Getting mires quite regularly but always from guys.
>bro youre biceps is tearing your shirt apart
>youre fucking huge
>sick traps
Mires from women: zero
it's dead, user
>be me today
>working out as per usual
>gym has a large window with a sidewalk outside
>been getting a sick pump, in a tank top looking sikkunt
>stretching with a wooden stick, got it behind my neck so my arms and lats are popping
>asian fucking tourists walk by outside
>2 old men and an old asian lady
>literally looks like the menopause meme, same jacket and curly short hair
>mfw they point at me (gym window is wide enough for me to know they weren't just pointing at the building or gym in general)
>mfw the old lady takes out a tourist camera and takes at least one picture of me before they keep walking
I-Isu thissu making itu?
>being considered attractive is a hugbox
How do you tell of a girl is intimidated? I worked with this cheerleader in college who was very much the sociable cheerleader type, but as soon as I come around she like froze up and got kinda stiff and avoided eye contact. I thought she just didnt like me. I saw her leaving the gym as I was going in once with her friends and she did her usual freeze up. Passed her and she said a weird little "hi user", and after a few steps her friends repeated "hiii anooonn" and she told them to shut up. Was she mirin the whole time and just got intimidated? I know I tend to freeze up like a deer in headlights in some situations so its not farfetched. This was the same job I got asked to be a model for a campus organization while I was on shift
They're probably worried you're going to shoot up the school you fucking sperg.
>its like 1 in the morning
>thirsty so i get up to retrieve some water
>i sleep with my shirt off and in shorts
>be grabbing a cup out of the cabinet
>sister walks in behind me, and I turn around
>*giggles* wow! you look like henry Cavill, Your thighs are huge!
>im just getting some snacks, do you want to watch the notebook with me?
no (You)
sperg as I might, still had 3some with a qt stoner and a 6'1" softball amazon. 'tism is no excuse
>women seem to be afraid of me
>is this because they think i'm sexy?
>New co-worker
>She's fat...but in good spots too. Like big tits, big ass, and a pretty nice belly for a fat chick.
>Probably weighs 250lb
>I'm really attracted to chubbies with big asses/tits.
>I know she's mirin, but I promised myself I wouldn't get involved with co-workers after a bad experience where she basically said I just about raped her (which was complete bullshit, I didn't even have sex with her, she was making advances on me while we were in bed together at a small house party I had, and she kept teasing and then pulling back and teasing and pulling back till I eventually simply got bored and fell asleep)
>I want to fuck her soooo fucking bad
Also I don't want everyone at work to judge me for banging a fatty. I know I shouldn't care, but I do.
I go to bed at 9pm. Where do I meet women who are interested in a 10am gym date or post gym lunch?
you smash?
Based internal cultivation poster
Posted this late in the last thread so sorry in advance if you already read this shit.
>be me
>college football frat guy
>we’re having a date party at the house, themed after the Catalina wine mixer
>me and my date have a bottle each
>she actually finishes hers before me but I chug the rest of mine down
>after some more socialising and pictures, we take some whiskey shots (she had ranted that she hated some other frat for giving her a shitty experience with whiskey, said she trusted me)
>she even openly told me she wanted me more drunk
>don’t have to tell me twice
>at points during the mixer, she would latch onto my arms and biceps like a Metroid sucking the life out of its victim
>we go back to my room and she chills on one of my couches
>obviously very drunk, she starts ranting how she still has her virginity, that I’m a “super hot guy” whose buff, how I don’t play fortnite (I’m better at smash), and that I should just focus on having fun with my bros and get more drunk, let her be
>I’m confused but feel good at the same time due to the mire
>I’m drunk but still somewhat cognisant so I get her to lay down, mother hen mode activated
>after a bit I sit next to her and check if she’s ok
>she gets up then lays back down just so she can lay against me
>I’m literally being used as a pillow
>chill and play smash ultimate while she rests
>after a bit the mixer ends and I recognise she’s still shit faced drunk
>carry her ass back to her room
>next day she apologises for giving a bad impression and that she didn’t eat before, said she still had a great time
It was a weird night. We’re still talking though and I’ll try to hang out with her after spring break.
>lifting at gym
>Girl comes up and asks how many sets i have left
Feels good when you make it bros
Based dead inside poster
Wtf? Are all frat boys and sorority chicks this prudish? I knew it was all an act. Ya’all are too young and awkward to get laid. Honestly though that’s pretty wholesome. Good for you.
Had a couple mires from jailbait.
>Be working out and doing some meme shit cause I was bored
>There's this woman that comes in with her daughter regularly, the daughter looks almost identical to my ex
>Pretty cute and petite but god damn I'm almost certain she's a teen
>Glance over cause I'm autistic and notice her looking at me
>Quickly look away cause beta but okay she's mirin
>Do my set, finish again, and look into the mirror
>I look in the mirror and I see her staring at me in the reflection, makes me smile a bit but also wtf so I glance away like a tard
>Whenever she finishes her set I notice she glances over in my general direction
>Finish my set and move on
>cry internally.
next one
>Later in the day I go to target to get some earbuds
>Wearing fucking Rexkwondo flag pants and a tight shirt cause idgaf
>Walk in and immediately get glanced by all the jailbait that are in there,
>god damn it fbi not today
>Make my way to the electronics and on the way there walk in the same path as some qt latina who immediately starts making eye contact from down the isle
>This goes on for a bit, long enough to be more than a glance, and I look into her eyes and stare her down like a creep while she does the same to me
>wtf internally cause I didn't understand why she's staring at me like meat
>Look her up and down before I walk straight ahead and stop staring
>As I walk past her I catch her turn her head and hear her say "oh my god" under her breath
>Smile like a retard and go to pay
Also had some friendly gym mires from guys after a while after I broke DYEL mode. Feels more wholesome desu. Makes me know I'm doing something right.
based Quasimodo
Getting my dick sucked
>Low, overhead lighting
>Mfw upper body looks godly
>Mfw in turned on more by my godly upperbody than by chick sucking on my dick like a lolypop
>Come in her mouth accidentally
>Mfw she swallows
or you are ugly with pimples.
>>obviously very drunk, she starts ranting how she still has her virginity, that I’m a “super hot guy” whose buff, how I don’t play fortnite (I’m better at smash), and that I should just focus on having fun with my bros and get more drunk, let her be
Are you gay or retarded? She was fishing for a compliment, she clearly wanted you to fuck her.
these things didnt happen if they happen so often why dont you buy an indistinguishable camera on your chest hidden and show us neets how these alteracations go down, on how a women could possibly ever see you as a
piece of meat I want to understand this from your point of view
She was rambling and I was drunk. My mind was drawing blanks at that moment. Plus she was way too drunk to fug, thus why she crashed.
I got fit and confident(boxing ftw) and now im getting a lot of mires from girls at work and parties, and some of the guys seem intimidated by me, same while walking down the streets, the looks people give me have changed. Sounds cool, but i grew up as an incredibly obese incel nerd, developed most of my social skills in my twenties, and everytime i get mires i kinda deep down dont believe them, and feel like qt is lying because she wants something from me. I know its stupid but that were my mind goes right away, trying to find a reason why would she try to manipulate me and i feel outright dirty. Same goes with intimidamires, when people seem scared of me i feel like a total douchebag chad, like the ones that i despised during my incel years, naturally ive always been a sweet person. Jow Forums you have helped me become the wrecking ball i am today, but now i really need your help: how do i enjoy my gains? Am i too broken already?
Good man. Don't put yourself in a position for someone to call rape.
could be one of my proudest ones that just happened today
>college gym
>curling 40lb dumbells
>strict slow form going till fail
>only part of arm moving is the forearm
>veins poppin pump goin
>look in mirror
>see jack skellington freshman looking at me
>he is mirroring my movements with no weights in his hands
>my exact speed movement distance everything
>this went on till fail
>felt proud that i was able to coach him without talking
i managed to get a couple more reps than i usually do
She's cute, but those eyebrows are in desperate need of a skilled threader.
>>it’s okay if I skip the gym just this once...
kek, famous last words for any type of self improvement
It died desu. Kys.
Yes. See
Wouldn't it be funny if you fucked one of them haha
Gym or bodybuilding shows/expos or some events that have to do with sports
>So often
When did I say that?
Must be 18 or older to post here bud. Once you get out of being an incel and stop looking like a 4/10 you'll understand women are whores and it gets awkward to be stared at after a while.
Teach me your tricks
Not a mire but i wanna share anyway
>sitting in bus with thick qt next to me
>phone is low battery so i plug charger cable to usb port
>doesn't work so i put it back to my pocket
>as i do this i notice the qt immediately starts fumbling her backpack
>takes out a charger cable
>looks at my direction and says "need it?"
>"h-haha sure thanks"
>doesn't even fit my phone so i iust give it back
>"t-thanks anyway"
Was she just being nice or should i made a move, just talk to her or something idk.
Im too autistic for these things.
if you whipped your dick out there and then on the bus guarantee she would have played with it
I'm pretty ottermode and have alot of tattoos but when i'm dressed for work i look very average have no visible tattoos but whenever i reveal my body useually by accident when taking a jacket off or something every bitch says the same thing something like 'omg i never knew you looked like that under there' and they're generally alot more friendly and flirty after.
Once had someone call over their friend too after seeing like 'chloe come here, did you know user looked like this, show her user', and started pulling my top up.
The look of supprise on peoples faces never fails to make me think it's all worth it
Not but can confirm Salsa is the way to go.Took salsa in college with some of my bros. Dated one girl, got invited to a salsa festival, danced and ended up making out with a Latina 8/10 MILF, felt her up, after danced with some other girl I ended up smashing 2 days later. Girls love dudes who dance. I just cant explain it.
... does this actually happen to people?
>not mirin her high test genes expressed thru her
thick eyebrows
its as if you want your offspring to never make it user
Same bro, after losing bodyfat ppl tell me im handsome a lot i wasnt ready for this. I literally went out by myself last week and picked up some girl and fucked her (2nd girl ive had sex with im 22). She kept telling me i have a handsome face and body feelsgoodman. Id wanna chat her up and fuck her again but since I now realize im actually pretty good looking imma hunt for some 8/10+s.