What is the best possible diet that helps attain a lower body fat percentage faster than others?
Best diet to attain low bf%?
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idk the answer to ur question but the pic is fuckin hot
have fun having bad days, not knowing what you are doing and not making it through
Snake. No deficit bigger than 100%
According to this:
...there is a rather strict limit of how much fat you can really lose in a given time.
Your daily calorie deficit according to that should be something like bf% / 2 * total mass (in kg), so at 20% bf and 90 kg, you would want a 900 calorie daily deficit (losing about 0.9 kg per week).
According to this:
You want to get 40 g of protein quite often, probably about five times per day. You also want some carbs and fat, but ideally they should be taken at a different time to protein. Carbs should be consumed at breakfast and before exercise, fat probably late at night. Some amino acids can help retain / build muscle while cutting.
I think the ideal way to do this is probably something like:
Big serving of vegetables or oats for breakfast (around 100g of carbs total).
Whey protein shake sometime mid morning.
5g leucine or HMB before lunch.
Whey protein shake or chicken at lunch time.
5g beta alanine or citrulline malate a while before exercise.
Small serving of fruit (like a small apple) immediately before exercise (around 20 g carbs).
Whey protein shake after exercise.
5g leucine or HMB before dinner.
Meat for dinner.
5g leucine or HMB before supper.
Eggs or oily fish for supper.
Also take magnesium malate, zinc, taurine and vitamin D supplements. Work out every day, doing heavy lifting 3-4 days a week and light lifting and cardio the rest.
This should allow you to lose 5% of your fat (not drop 5 percentage points from your body fat percentage) every week with little or no loss of lean mass. Total fat lost will be around (1-(0.95^a))*b where a is the number of weeks you do this for and b is your starting fat (doesn't matter what units you use for this; kg. lbs. or bf%).
Some people claim to lose fat much faster than this with minimal muscle loss using very-low-calorie keto or fasting diets. I doubt it.
Low fat diet.
"Low fat diet" is why the Americanoscums eat candy all day and end up weighing as much as a fucking Rhinoceros.
Incidentally, a perfect cut according to these calculations will allow you to lose half your fat every 13 weeks. A typical fat guy starting at 35% body fat would get to around 22% (fairly average guy) in 13 weeks (note that losing half your fat does not half your bf%, since you will lose weight as well), 12.5% in six months (fairly skinny, but with visible muscle definition). From that point, you probably want to bulk for six to nine months, aiming to stay below 15% body fat and putting on a total of about 15% of your lowest weight, then do another three month cut to get really lean. In theory, someone following this plan could go from a fat slob to a frighteningly lean athletic looking guy in as little as 15 months. That would require insane levels of discipline and antisocially optimising everything around getting exactly the right diet and exercise.
>tfw no qt3.14pureasianschoolgirlgf
higher quality OP pic:
dont eat.
I eat maybe once a day if im lucky because im poor and too poor for the metro trip to the foodbank.
based and dietpilled
keto and IF works for me pretty well, as long as you don't mind eating the same 10 foods for months
i was vegan for nine months and i'm skinny af, thankfully i didn't have any other negative health effects (that are noticeable) and i have a skinny frame from which to build muscle
I'm getting married in 6 months to the day almost, what should I do to optimize my appearance before then? I'm probably 20-22% BF but I'm 6'7" so I just look like a guy who lifts with a fat stomach. Would like to look a bit leaner.
Follow exactly the diet in that post for three months, then eat very slightly above maintenance while doing a routine focussed on shoulder and chest hypertrophy for the next three. Start at about 1,000 calorie per day deficit, scaling down to 500 per day by the end of the cut, then about 2-300 per day surplus for the bulk.
Fast, although it’s not really a diet, more lack thereof
why are you and everyone like you such a fucking full retard. Do you eat only sugar and refined carbohydrates? is that why you're both fat as fuck and a fucking full retard
you were BORN TO RUN. bipedal movement is your gift over all other conscious animals.
stop being a fucking faggot dildoing your ass to asians, eat MORE, eat clean, red meat eggs fish and vegetables ONLY. Eat way more
and then run. First a quarter of a mile and go home and cry into a pillow like the fucking retarded nigger you are, then again the next day, and the next day until you're running 3 miles a day
waa laa, you're actually a fit human being who can eat whatever the fuck you want because you're actually strong and healthy and have built the mass and the workout habits to lose or gain weight basically at will through your cardio.
i wish i could punch you in the face for asking this stupid fucking girl diet bullshit. you want me to tell you to eat 1200 calories so you look like shit? you always will look like shit and you'll be fucking nothing for your entire life so it doesnt even matter what i tell you, but if you run and actually train cardio the most important musculature system for overall health in your body then your 20 lbs of chub will be off in a span of 3 months tops and your problem will be actually eating more to build muscle and put on mass.
The don't be a faggot and have some discipline diet, just stop fucking eating so much dude. Eat some protein and veggies and call it a day if you're a fatass. Literally just stop eating, why are people such pussies about it.
Something to keep in mind is that the Dutch athletes, some of which are olympic athletes, would almost CERTAINLY be on some form of anabolics. In such cases, 200+ g of protein per day is easily recommended, especially with how often and hard they workout compared to your average gym bro who lifts 5 days a week, hell, maybe even 7 days a week. It doesn't make a difference.
Are you some fucking supplement shill or something? Beta alanine? Citrulline malate? Literally taking an individual amino acid in supplemental form unironically?