What is giving you anguish right now?
What is giving you anguish right now?
Cant get my drivers license, im in BC canada and they recently made it a mandatory 3 month wait inbetween each of your road tests. My next test isnt until late feburary and they will probably fail me again simply because im male
Fuck icbc
My mom and I both tend to have premonitions on occasion and by putting together something she told me about a dream she had (she wasn't sure if it was a premonition or not) along with something I've seen myself, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to be responsible for her death in a few years. When shit like this appears, it's unavoidable. Any and all actions meant to prevent the predicted outcome actually contribute to its existence. I really wish I could just kill myself before it happens, but that might drive her to suicide as well and I wouldn't even avoid causing her death, it'd just happen in a different way than I originally thought. It feels like I'm in a goddamn Final Destination movie, death always wins no matter what I do. I've had to deal with similar shit before, but the consequences typically aren't anywhere near as bad as this and I can just deal with them.
You can't hold yourself responsible for your mother's death. Even if you believe you are, most other people won't and don't. Society is built on the collective consciousness, not just you. Move past this preemptive guilt now, and you can move on with your life, with no judgement from the rest of the world.
You should get in some practice, man. Go to a strip mall on a Monday night, or something. The driving test isn't that bad. Just make sure to overtly turn your head to check the mirrors every few seconds, make your turns slow and careful, and make your transitions between speeds gradual rather than quick.
Originaly mount and blade.
Holy fucking shit am I getting my shit pushed in until it comes out my mouth.
Im getting cucked again and again and again and again
this shit wasn't so difficult a couple years ago.
>lose in battle
>taken slave, run away
>lol all good, gonna build back up
>every god damned bandit in the game rapes me, no chance of recovering
Fuck this game.
You sound like me when I'm talking about overwatch. Stop playing, man. Boot up an old favorite that you feel guilty for playing. Enjoy yourself, it's the holidays. Don't subject yourself to playing something that you're not enjoying. Trust me, I know.
The thing is I love that game. But it is impossibly hard.
Think ill go smoke some pot
Happy holidays user
we don't have a holiday in kikeland right now [spoiler/]
Ah, my mistake, thinking of everybody as North American. Pot is good, too. Take it easy, user.
I just want a qt girlfriend that I can cuddle with on Christmas Eve goddammit
Having to celebrate (((Christmas))) tomorrow. Every year, fucking hate it all
>everyone around me at work is getting promoted even though I work twice as hard as they
>hours were short this month, so I am on the edge of my bank account
>can't afford christmas presents
>fridge went out the day after I went grocery shopping, so all my shit went bad and I'm starving
>have no friends so I'm spending the day alone
>too shit at vidya and don't feel like watching anything so I can't even really enjoy the day
>chad brother and stacie sister are coming to town tomorrow for family christmas dinner; I'll be sitting there listening to all their wild stories
>general depression about being fuck ugly
I tried to hang myself again this morning but of course I once again pussied out in the middle of it. One of these days I'll follow through.
It's the anniversary of when I came out as trans and got disowned by my parents.
I'm broke and on the verge of losing housing, and I'm getting food from foodbanks. I really need a job because I fucked up university and they aren't going to renew financial aid anymore. I don't know if I can afford living in the area unless I can get a well-paying job without a college degree. I don't even own a car.
Pretty much feels like this is one of the lowest points in my life so far.
What city do you live in? I've been thinking about getting a room mate.
my anhedonia
The fact that free will doesn't exist and your sense of "who you are" is just a state, which can be changed by simply prodding your brain.
I was able to score my dream job, but I'll have to move to Bulgaria and I'm super anxious about it. It's my first job and it will be also my first time living alone (I have solo travelled for 3 months but that's different) and moreover I don't even know if I'll enjoy the job. Today I felt like shit, wishing multiple times I could just cease existing.
>What is giving you anguish right now?
not being a girl
Starting to hear voices and shit man
I applied for the army and I'll get the results in a few days. This is very important for me so I'm very nervous.
failure to accomplish any task I set myself
I'm in Berkeley, California.
>nu-s4s is all I have, make greeting thread #125
>0 replies
>similar threads get at least 5 replies
>made OC months before when the board was more lively
>thread dies with a meme reply
I'm a bore both in the internet and in real life
this loud fucking white noise that i am constantly hearing 24/7. it's driving me insane
>ex gf moved back to Pennsylvania in March
>fucked 3 women to cope and move on
>exgf is all I ever think about
>sat last night on the lakefront in the full moonlight and listen to songs
>15 year ff and EMT and seen lots of shit that I sometimes think about around holidays
>I wanna cry but I got no tears.
>this goddamn country has burnt up my tears
I lost the perfect opportunity to approach a girl when I was out buying a burger.
I believe I could've pulled it off but I have no idea for how long can I pass for a normal person.
Due to Christmas spending, giving out loans, & bills, I've blown through my paycheck, and it's only Monday (got paid Thursday). I have less than 100 combined and I'm not entirely sure how I'm gonna hold through until the next pay period.
I'll get the money from the loans, but time period until then is a week, which sucks for everyday needs until then. That, and they'll just end up borrowing it back like almost immediately.
If I do something for fun I feel sad because I'm wasting time but if I try to do something productive I can't focus for long enough before my mind wanders and skims through Jow Forums or plays vidya or watches youtube. I don't even do these things because I enjoy them, I just feel like I'm doing them to pass the time, like in waiting for the day to be over as if being awake isn't even the main event anymore.
I'm cold and broken and have lost my will to keep going.