What jewtuber do you hate the most user?

What jewtuber do you hate the most user?

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all of them, especially political eceleb faggots. if you are subscribed to at least one you should kill yourself

This. I was part of his fanbase, but realized how boring and unoriginal his content is. I don't get why he has so many subscribers.

Any yotuber that falls into any of these category
>"Look at this cool meme I found on 4chanXD"
>"This Show/Book/Game/Meme is SJW/alt-right propaganda"
>Anyone who makes a rant that is over 90 minutes pic related made a two hour video about some cartoon
>Most comps, some cringe comps can be okay

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H3H3 they are literally jews and they turned their back on pretty much everybody who made them popular and they talk shit about the people who gave them their money

And they're always like
"Haha leddit look at how edgy I am I'm not pc at all haha" and then reddit doesn't like that and they make a 20 minute apology video

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the kleingoldbergsteins are definitively the most annoying and insufferable people on the platform. they're the kind of jews that make you hate jews.

There are jews that don't make you hate jews?

I liked them years ago. I don't give a shit about their podcast they're shilling constantly.

The most important thing you can do for yourself is keep your own life in order. You must be hardworking, competent, and not miserable. It turns out that hard work helps with mental health. Do people in your life respect and trust you? What do your family members think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Internet meme nonsense don't have to be a huge factor of your life. And if you can not achieve these basic things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be an activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the lives of many, if you can not even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized and out-funded by powerful interests?

Always remember: we live in first world nations and have opportunities that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is also very important. Nothing on a screen should ever take away from your real life.

>What jewtuber do you hate the most user?
I don't hate people merely because they frequent a website I don't like because I'm not an autistic little shite.

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literally anyone on the trending page on yt

People who got on the ride and just still ride along. You are one of the exceptions, but it's similar to how something made you laugh because your friend said it but if a stranger said it, it wouldn't be as funny.

He is a boring twat in his podcast.
>I only started to listen to him because he and Oney did a podcast together.
Fuck I miss Sleepycast

I like Oney but quality dipped when Julian and Ding dong left.

Boogie2988, the fat faggy slob.

Im a distant relative of his and while he is not a cunt by any stretch of the word he can be obnoxiously cocky and full of himself at times.

Ohhhh please share a story

Yup, those three really knew how to make each other laugh.

Those channels that steal Jow Forums screencaps and read them out with TTS. Honestly I'd be completely fine with it if they would correct the errors that the TTS engine makes internally. Like seriously, they let it butcher some commonly used slang word when they could use their elementary-level understanding of phonics to sound out the word properly and then tweak it slightly in audacity. I know they use it, because they always insert the super Mario brothers 2 medley in every one of their shite videos

Yeah go on, share a story mate, go on (;

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I've been thinking of making one of those. I'll be sure to make sure it properly pronounces slang. I watched one last night it was fucking annoying and sloppy.

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Thanks user, I won't forget it.

>Video is 15 minutes long
>One greentext takes 14:40 to read out because creator literally copy pasted text into TTS and added it back in, not changing the pacing at all.

I cant stand the new kike thats on the show, he's just boring. Pebbles is whatever, but nowhere as good as original trio.

Pebbles makes me laugh hard whenever he opens his mouth.

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>anyone that used to actually create content, got a following, and now exclusively does lets plays
>any reaction channel that just leaches off others' content
>any channel that just takes tumblr/Jow Forums/reddit screencaps and puts them in TTS for exactly 10:03

Add to that:
>Any channel that grew over years, got big and now posts once every 4 months with no other side content at all.

>and now posts once every 4 months with no other side content at all.
To make it worse, that one video is an ad

Those faggots who just read Jow Forums greentexts or reddit post
god they seriously need to be euthanized

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why did ding dong and julian BOTH leave??

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