Friendly reminder that androgen receptor density is far more important than free test for natty gains. If you have low androgen receptor density, all the free test in the world won't help you not look like a skinny fat DYEL.
Friendly reminder that androgen receptor density is far more important than free test for natty gains...
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How does one get androgen receptor gains, frens?
Also this is now a wholesome thot thread, none of those tatted types pls.
and all the androgen receptor density won't help you if you have low test. The difference is, you can do something about having low serum levels, so fuck off
You can't do anything about androgen receptors? Asking for a friend.
>not tatted
Choose 1 and only 1
I suggest you read things carefully before trying to respond like a douchcunt
I’m not him but you’re a stupidhead
Yes you can, simply lifting triggers them. Ive read that sprinting is one of the exercises that trigger them the most. Apparently working traps is also among the strongest trigger and in my experience, working legs in general.
If simple muscle contraction triggers them, then it is probably optimal to do some sets all throughout the day. Right when you wake up and before going to bed at least.
>In all of the hair loss patients, the mean serum zinc was 84.33±22.88, significantly lower than the control group (97.94±21.05 µg/dl) (p=0.002)
> includes male pattern hair loss