Femanons what the fuck are you even doing here?
Femanons what the fuck are you even doing here?
I read the articles.
There are no such thing as femanons OP. Just LARPers pretending girls pay attention to what happens here and deal with the same problems robots deal with.
You fell for the meme, we all know that's bullshit.
I literally having nothing else to do, the same reason why everyone else is here you faggot
You can shut the fuck up and be my gf
No, robots are assholes who eventually ghost. Begone sausage endowed thot.
Bitch you'd ghost me and then project about it here
I would NEVER go out with an user that calls me a "bitch"
nah that maybe true 10 years ago but now they are smelly memestresses everywhere
i won't if you go out with me duh
Then skip the !going out! shit and spread legs, times a running!
I just woke up and was going to lurk in threads until my dad and his skank gf left the house.
be my non-skank gf
No thanks I'm good robot.
be my non-skank f
F? Did someone die?
Friend you dorkus
shitposting while I hunt for a tarantula in animal crossing
Oh sorry I just woke up. Sure robot I'll be your friend until the thread dies.
please have contact and be my friend after ;-;
*cracks open monster* Animal Crossing, now that's a good game. *takes sip*
gib fembot christian gf pls
Not interested robot.
that's the dream other user
but whyyyy nott ;-;
bump for a lonely christmas eve angel