Small bepis isn't a disability

Why does society think that having a small dick is a disability now? And I mean 4 inches - 5.75 inches not sub 3 inch microdicks. I mean wtf is this??!
>'just eat her out dude'
>'you gotta go down on her for like 20 minutes, till she cums'
>'It's alright user. You can eat her pussy and never use your penis ever again'
Fuck this shit. I'm going to Asia where real men still have power. And there are millions of guys with dicks under 6 inches that all get laid!

Attached: 9b4u7cj34.jpg (259x195, 9K)

asia has good food as well

It's not about getting laid, but small bepis will not feel as good for women if it's not girthy.

Don't listen to them lad. The dicklet shit is a psyop. Be proud of what you got, own it. I got a 7.5x6 inch bepis, I got cucked by a manlet stim-addict who admitted he has a dick shorter than an iphone 5 erect because he was "more exciting". Sex is all mental for women, thats what they mean by the confidence meme. Be proud of who you are, shatter your insecurities.

Isn't the sex a two way thing? Shouldn't she be dicked down by my bepis for 20 minutes and suck my dick if she wants to be eaten out?
>The dicklet shit is a psyop
true. I bet it's for those penis enlarging companies and porn companies working together

Sure, it's a two-way thing, but you'll probably have to do more than to small-dick her for 5 minutes to get her off. But that's true for even bigger dick bros too because there aren't that many women that get off from just in-and-out. It's still more pleasurable with a average-to-slightly above average penis though.

I don't have a problem with the pussy eating. I only had a problem with the balance of sexual favors
If I'm going to eat out a bitch for 10 minutes, I expect my dick sucked, balls licked and to dick her down for at least 15 minutes
And 4-5.75 inch dicks aren't micro

>My penis is small, and it makes me miserable and depressed. I dont feel as though Ill ever experience real sexual satisfaction and society makes me feel like less of a man and less of a human.



but it really be like that thoh

My point was having a small penis really makes you realize how useless, shitty, and unsympathetic women really are in sex/relationships.

Small penis is the ultimate red pill on how sex with women is a job/performance. There's a reason Dead Fish is a female meme. Women really expect you to do all the work, and if it's not all up to HER standards, then she judges you negatively then leaves/cheats.

Modern women are a self-inflcted scam no matter where you go. In Asia it's even more plain as day. Not a money maker? Then you're not a man. There are no cute anime girls/relationships waiting for you, just more disappointing depressing 3D

Not only that. If you are a short male with a small penis and do not make six figures you better kill yourself
>"you disgusting error in the code of the world. I only date real men"

>tfw 6.25"
Discovered this after measuring it a few months ago. That's supposed to be the size most girls want but I'm still massively insecure about it. I already had zero self esteem and porn made me think I had a baby penis. No girl will ever see it so it doesn't matter.
>inb4 everyone has a magnum dong

Attached: 1544605850464.png (1600x900, 232K)

Well, yeah, you need to get close to a woman for it to even matter. But I'm sure it's a nice penis.

bruh that is the ideal size. big enough to fill a vag up but not too big so you can still grind on her clit with your pelvis

t. vagina-haver

I don't understand the question, but I wuv my kyoot femmy dicc and give it a good night's kiss every day! ^o^ :3

Only if you're also a boring person. I know a short dude with a fucking lazy eye and goofy face and he still has girlfriends all the time, personality is not a meme.

What about a 5.11" girth? I'm about the same size as the guy you're talking to but what I'm insecure about is the girth.

I've been considered fun by my guy friends but not by any females I've encountered. Does that mean I have a boring personality?
If so, then why do my guy friends think I'm fun to be around?

that's fine. as long as it's not a literal pencil dick, it won't be an issue.

I think you just need to meet girls that share you sense of humor. I was in the same boat for years until I stumbled on a girl who was down with my brand of fun.

In addition to that, every time I post it I get told it's little. Dick rate threads make me want to stick a shotgun in my mouth. Still, thanks for the kind words.

That's going to be hard then. I'm only into dark humor and bro humor. I'd have to dial it back a ton for a girl to not run off

Are you fat? Do you have your dick posted on some /soc/ thread right now?

Believe me they're out there, you just have to look hard enough. Godspeed user.

Yeah. 6'0 and 216lbs. And no, I don't have it posted anywhere at the moment. I only ever participated in them on /b/.

Well a fat pubic area and thighs are unfavorable framing for a penis, it'd make even a big penis seem small.

Do girls care if you're a grower? My flaccid cock is like maybe two and a half, three inches on its best day.

Focus on sex organs is very unhealthy.

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No, flaccid penis doesn't matter.

Isn't it better if you're a grower because you don't get hurt as much and don't get toilet water on your dick? Never understood why guys would think this matters.

Half the value of a penis is presentation. You want it to be as impressive as possible. When I look down at my soft dick on a cold day, I'm like, damn, if a girl saw this right now she'd laugh her ass off.

Girls don't find any kind of flaccid penis impressive, it's just funny looking. As long as your erect penis looks kind of nice, you're set.

Nah its only gross if its hairy

I think it might be? It usually points upward and is very slightly curved, and there's a big vein going up the middle. Am circumcised unfortunately.
How hairy is gross? I trim it down to make masturbating more convenient, but I've never shaved it clean, that's too damn much trouble if nobody's gonna see it.

>Isn't the sex a two way thing?

Here's what you have to remember:

Guys get to cum every time they have sex. Unless there's something horrifically wrong with them physically or mentally, guy having sex = guy cumming.

Women don't get that. Women cum a fraction of the total times they have sex. (I'm talking in the aggregate here; "my gf cums every time" isn't a counter to this, even if it's true, which it likely isn't.) That means that it makes a certain amount of sense that women are going to evaluate you based on whether or not you make them cum, and whether or not you have the *equipment* or *performance ability* to give them a reasonable chance at cumming a reasonable percentage of the time.

If there was some group of women out there with whom you were never going to cum when you fucked them, or with whom you were only going to cum once in a while, you know what? You wouldn't date them. You'd try to make sure you selected them out of your dating pool.

Not the other user, but I thought sex was supposed to be more emotional for women. Or is that a meme as well? Can you really not cum unless the guy's dick is a certain length? Mine isn't small but that's still really hurtful to read.

It is. The g-spot on most women is 2-3 inches from the vaginal opening so even the smallest ofrobots can give their girl an orgasm. Also clitoral stimulation is very important. Clitoral and emotional stimulation are the biggest hurdles. Generally for female orgasms penetration is just the last 5 yards in the race.

>Not the other user, but I thought sex was supposed to be more emotional for women.

Hey, it may be.

All I'm trying to point out is that for a guy, getting a gf means:

>AWESOME, I'm in a relationship I get to cum now!

Where for a girl it's:

>OK, now I'm in a relationship, so now I get to FIND OUT if I'm going to get to cum or not!

Because of that element of doubt, women have to try to maximize their chances that the guy they get into a relationship with will be able to send her to Poundtown. If you seem inexperienced, that lowers that chance. If you have a small dick, that lowers that chance. If you screw up the first couple of times you fuck them, that lowers that chance. A girl who starts dating you and discovers that you're slightly below average and kinda nervous and clumsy has to think:

>OK, if I stick with this guy is this going to work out, or am I just never going to cum again?

That's kind of a big bet to make.

>I thought sex was supposed to be more emotional for women. Or is that a meme as well?
Emotions can spike up arousal and the orgasm for both sexes. I'd say that good "emotional foreplay" can lower the requirements to achieve an orgasm by a lot, but if you know how to get off that girl you don't need emotional buildup or whatever you even mean.

Reminder that the Statue of David, often considered the perfect man, has a small dick

Attached: david.jpg (683x866, 80K)

>Just above 6 inches. "Average" "Prefered size with painless sex for women"
... but I'm 6'2, with broad shoulders and that small town bouncer type of figure. It looks fucking ridiculous. The fupa from my fat makes it even smaller, tough I'm not even that fat. I can hide it in my hand when erect. Like how is this fair? I'm fucking huge. I was nicknamed Hagrid in my metal phase. Chicks at festivals used to cuddle with me saying I'm their big bear, that I feel nice, feeling my biceps and shit, but I went 100% insecure and just shrugged a threesome. And there were more situations like this. That damn "average" looks like total babydick on me. It's so out of proportion it looks ridiculous.
I'd OD on meds if I had enough for lethal dose, but that would get three perscriptions with my size and metabolism.

Because having a big dick was supposedly an affront to Zeus.

better kys I guess

Unironically yes. You'd know if you saw it from my point. You'd expect my body type to have a fucking horsedick, but all I got is perfectly average pissstick. It looks like 4inch microdick when I try to take a dickpic lmao. Size doesn't matter. Proportion does.

lmao you fucking cuck
imagine being insecure about 5 inches of girth
i have 4 inches flat for girth
i feel things you gayniggers wouldnt believe

That's true. I'm a manlet but my dick is proportional to my size. Whenever I look at it in the mirror it looks average and even big