> I don’t want to get muscular or bigger, I just want to tone what I have
Shit normies say
>roids make your dick smaller
> Use mixed grip. It's easier.
>6-8 reps for strength
>8-12 reps for size
>it's not cucking if i bang her too
> Anyone could look like Arnold in year of weight training without drugs
Normies dyel bro said this to me and honestly believed it. Insisted it was true as his uncle was a bodybuilder in the 80s.
>You can get as big and lean as a pro bbers without putting on any fat/not understanding cutting & bulking at all
>Red meat and eggs are bad for you
Normies suck once u go down the fitness rabbit hole, I get so angry at their stupidity I struggle to interact anymore even on social media with anyone who can't lift 1/2/3/4
>just do bodyweight exercises it's just as good as free weights
The fucking cope from people too anti-social to go to a gym
>user you are eating again?
>late lunch user?
Dietary cholesterol raises levels of serum cholesterol. Higher serum cholesterol raises build up of atherosclerosis (plaque build up in arteries). Lowering serum cholesterol leads to less build up to disappearing of atherosclerosis.
Not that hard to understand, why cope with your life on the line. Not saying go vegan, or even cut red meat completely. I still eat some red meats. But eggs are trash. 200 mg chol per egg which is equal to about 1 lb of ground bison. Use your brain. Eggs are shit nutrition, calorie, and macro wise. Literally anything else is better for taste, calories, micros, and macros.
>Anyone could look like Arnold in year of weight training without drugs
it's true, 1 year ss gomad easy
read the sticky
I don't know enough about dietary science to dispute anything else you said, but you shot your goddamn mouth saying eggs don't taste good.
If trained well for a year you could be as big as arnold if not bigger
>girls don't like muscles
>protein damages your kidneys
>lifting is bad for your joints
It seems normies will say any retarded shit as an excuse for been skinnyfat dyels
If you trained well for a year without drugs you could be bigger than the greatest bodybuilder of all time who used drugs? You honestly believe this?
Why is it only in fitness are people this retarded? No one thinks if you had never played gridiron football before and took it up say in your mid 20s you could be as good as Tom Brady in a year, or soccer and be Ronaldo in a year, or boxing and be Maywether in a year. But people genuinely think the human body behaves differently and touching weights suddenly makes you a roided out beast..
>running is bad for your knees
>they go to the gym
>absolutely refuse to touch the barbell and stick to ab rolling and incline dumbell press
Seriously? So you think you can get that look with no onions?
>I don't lift, something something functional strength
>Deadlifts will give you AIDs and cause another 9/11 they're so bad for you
>Every out of shape man over 40 used to bench 315+ in high school
>Muscle built in a gym becomes literally useless outside of the gym
>It's possible to be as big as Arnold with no drugs, but everyone bigger than me is on drugs
>I just read an article online that says [lift you're currently doing] is terrible for your [joints involved in the lift] which is totally why I don't do it
>I knew a guy who said he only did pushups and he's huge so that's all I do
>*does meme routine named after movie character because they think it will magically make their body look like the actor's*
>Carbs and fat are unilaterally bad for you and need to be avoided at all costs
>Extremely expensive and sugary "health drinks" are necessary because they "remove toxins"
Excepts that's true....
Yeah your point #3 pisses me off... Every old guy I talk to talks about how much he could lift back in the day
>"Yeah, I've been doing keto for a few months now"
>"Of course I'm cheating right now because it's a special occasion"
>is morbidly obese
Not to mention that they somehow manage to know zero gym terminology or the names of any lifts other than the one they're currently bragging about.
>"Yeah I used to lift before I hurt my back, I could bench 315 back in high school."
>You benched three plate? What was your deadlift?
Every time.
>I hate going to the gym
>I only do cardio
>I love cardio
>I love cardio
>I only do cardio
>I hate going to the gym
I tried for months to get someone to touch a barbell. They'd rather run in place, get no "tone", and quit.
yea but you can buy 18 eggs for like $2
Well if you spent your whole day in the gym, for a year you would probably look almost as good as him.
Yeah, probably...
It's better to let people decide to go by themselves
I went to the gym for a while like 3 years ago. I was almost dragged by mt flatmates at the time. I ate like shit, got barely any results and eventually quit when exam season started
I recently started going by my own volition. I'm losing weight, actually watching what I eat and getting some results. I know it's tempting to try to make people go, but just nudge them in the right direction, being forceful will just make them quit most of the time
>my wife’s son is already bigger than I am, now I have to give him a $100 allowance instead of $10, don’t want to get any wrong feeling between us hahaha
no its not lol
there is truth to doing 1 rep maxs to get better a 1 rep maxes, but size =strength
who is bigger the guy benching 315 x5 or the guy doing 225x5 or the guy doing 155 x12
stop being retard
> "These chips with 10 grams of saturated fat are healthy because they are vegan and made with coconut oil"
I did the gentle nudges. We both agreed that it was time to get fit, although they didn't want to get Jow Forums. They went to the gym for a good three months. Their routine, for the entire time, was:
>10 minutes walking on a treadmill
>20 minutes on a no-resistance elliptical
>occasionally 15lb leg curls/extensions
I asked them multiple times how they felt, and they said they weren't feeling any difference. I offered to show them free-weight exercises, simple bar work, machines, and anything else I could think of. Nothing.
I did a week of meal planning to show them what eating protein in correct portions was like, which they agreed to and enjoyed. After that week, no change.
Eventually, I stopped asking them, but every time I wanted to go, so did they because they "felt bad" or "needed to go". Same routine, same result.
This was a year ago. They don't go to the gym anymore.
TL;DR: Never take your parents to the gym.
What are you talking about? Sports need fir you to have mental talent for it, while to get huge body you just need good plan to what you want to achieve. And arnold is no longer the best, you can get body like his even if you train moderately for years.
Nice vegan propaganda faggot. Eggs are a superfood
>I went on that website you said you look at memes on. Why was there so much weird porn?
>meat is bad for you in large amounts
I almost said "so is anything, retard"
It fucking is though.
I really hope this is bait.
I hope that this normie tier thinking is bait in this normies thread.
or maybe you're just in the wrong place.
“No carbs”
“I’m juice cleansing/ juicing”
you are a normie if you believe this though.